[% PROCESS header.tt pagetitle = "Stexaminer - $text_title" applicationjs = c.uri_for('/js/stexaminer.js') applicationstyle = c.uri_for('/css/stexaminer.css') %]


[% text_title %]

Analyzed [% total %] variant locations, of which [% genealogical %] entirely followed the stemma. [% conflict %] readings conflicted with the stemma.

[% svg %]
[% FOREACH row IN variants -%] [% INCLUDE variantrow %] [% END -%]
[% PROCESS footer.tt %] [% BLOCK variantrow -%] [% SET rowclass = 'class="genealogical"' IF row.genealogical -%] [% SET rowclass = 'class="coincidental"' UNLESS row.genealogical -%] [% row.id %] [% FOREACH reading IN row.readings -%] [% SET cellclass = 'clickable conflict' IF reading.conflict -%] [% SET cellclass = 'clickable' IF !reading.conflict -%] [% reading.text %] [% END -%] [% FILTER repeat( row.empty ) -%] [% END -%] [% END -%]