#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #ifndef aTHX_ #define aTHX_ #endif #include static Uint16* av_to_uint16 (AV* av) { int len = av_len(av); if( len != -1) { int i; Uint16* table = (Uint16 *)safemalloc(sizeof(Uint16)*(len)); for ( i = 0; i < len+1 ; i++ ){ SV ** temp = av_fetch(av,i,0); if( temp != NULL) { table[i] = (Uint16 *) SvIV( *temp ); } else { table[i] =0; } } return table; } return NULL; } MODULE = SDL::Video PACKAGE = SDL::Video PREFIX = video_ =for documentation The Following are XS bindings to the Video category in the SDL API v2.1.13 Describe on the SDL API site. See: L =cut SDL_Surface * video_get_video_surface() PREINIT: char* CLASS = "SDL::Surface"; CODE: RETVAL = SDL_GetVideoSurface(); OUTPUT: RETVAL SDL_VideoInfo* video_get_video_info() PREINIT: char* CLASS = "SDL::VideoInfo"; CODE: RETVAL = (SDL_VideoInfo *) SDL_GetVideoInfo(); OUTPUT: RETVAL SV * video_video_driver_name( ) CODE: char buffer[1024]; if ( SDL_VideoDriverName(buffer, 1024) != NULL ) { RETVAL = newSVpv(buffer, 0); } else XSRETURN_UNDEF; OUTPUT: RETVAL AV* list_modes ( format, flags ) Uint32 flags SDL_PixelFormat *format CODE: SDL_Rect **mode; RETVAL = newAV(); mode = SDL_ListModes(format,flags); if (mode == (SDL_Rect**)-1 ) { av_push(RETVAL,newSVpv("all",0)); } else if (! mode ) { av_push(RETVAL,newSVpv("none",0)); } else { for (;*mode;mode++) { av_push(RETVAL,newSViv(PTR2IV(*mode))); } } OUTPUT: RETVAL int video_video_mode_ok ( width, height, bpp, flags ) int width int height int bpp Uint32 flags CODE: RETVAL = SDL_VideoModeOK(width,height,bpp,flags); OUTPUT: RETVAL SDL_Surface * video_set_video_mode ( width, height, bpp, flags ) int width int height int bpp Uint32 flags PREINIT: char* CLASS = "SDL::Surface"; CODE: RETVAL = SDL_SetVideoMode(width,height,bpp,flags); OUTPUT: RETVAL void video_update_rect ( surface, x, y, w ,h ) SDL_Surface *surface int x int y int w int h CODE: SDL_UpdateRect(surface,x,y,w,h); void video_update_rects ( surface, ... ) SDL_Surface *surface CODE: SDL_Rect *rects; int num_rects,i; if ( items < 2 ) return; num_rects = items - 1; rects = (SDL_Rect *)safemalloc(sizeof(SDL_Rect)*items); for(i=0;ir; colors[i].g = temp->g; colors[i].b = temp->b; } RETVAL = SDL_SetColors(surface, colors, start, length ); safefree(colors); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int video_set_palette ( surface, flags, start, ... ) SDL_Surface *surface int flags int start CODE: SDL_Color *colors,*temp; int i, length; if ( items < 4 ) { RETVAL = 0; } else { length = items - 3; colors = (SDL_Color *)safemalloc(sizeof(SDL_Color)*(length+1)); for ( i = 0; i < length ; i++ ){ temp = (SDL_Color *)SvIV(ST(i+3)); colors[i].r = temp->r; colors[i].g = temp->g; colors[i].b = temp->b; } RETVAL = SDL_SetPalette(surface, flags, colors, start, length ); safefree(colors); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int video_set_gamma(r, g, b) float r; float g; float b; CODE: RETVAL = SDL_SetGamma(r,g,b); OUTPUT: RETVAL int video_set_gamma_ramp( rt, gt, bt ) AV* rt; AV* gt; AV* bt; CODE: Uint16 *redtable, *greentable, *bluetable; redtable = av_to_uint16(rt); greentable = av_to_uint16(gt); bluetable = av_to_uint16(bt); RETVAL = SDL_SetGammaRamp(redtable, greentable, bluetable); if( redtable != NULL) { safefree(redtable); } if( greentable != NULL) { safefree(greentable); } if( bluetable != NULL) { safefree(bluetable); } OUTPUT: RETVAL Uint32 video_map_RGB ( pixel_format, r, g, b ) SDL_PixelFormat *pixel_format Uint8 r Uint8 g Uint8 b CODE: RETVAL = SDL_MapRGB(pixel_format,r,g,b); OUTPUT: RETVAL Uint32 video_map_RGBA ( pixel_format, r, g, b, a ) SDL_PixelFormat *pixel_format Uint8 r Uint8 g Uint8 b Uint8 a CODE: RETVAL = SDL_MapRGB(pixel_format,r,g,b); OUTPUT: RETVAL