package [% appprefix %]::Script::Server; use Catalyst::Engine::HTTP; use [% appprefix %]; use Moose; with 'MooseX::GetOpt'; has argv => ( isa => 'ArrayRef', is => 'ro', required => 1 ); has [qw/ fork background keepalive /] => ( isa => 'Bool', is => 'ro', required => 1, default => 0 ); has pidfile => ( isa => 'Str', required => 0, is => 'ro' ); sub run { my $self = shift; [% appprefix %]->run( $port, $host, { argv => $self->argv, 'fork' => $self->fork, keepalive => $self->keepalive, background => $self->background, pidfile => $self->pidfile, } ); } __PACKAGE__->new_with_options->run; pod2usage(1) if $help; if ( $debug ) { $ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG} = 1; } # If we load this here, then in the case of a restarter, it does not # need to be reloaded for each restart. require Catalyst; # If this isn't done, then the Catalyst::Devel tests for the restarter # fail. $| = 1 if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}; my $runner = sub { # This is require instead of use so that the above environment # variables can be set at runtime. require [% name %]; [% name %]->run( $port, $host, { argv => \@argv, 'fork' => $fork, keepalive => $keepalive, background => $background, pidfile => $pidfile, } ); }; if ( $restart ) { die "Cannot run in the background and also watch for changed files.\n" if $background; require Catalyst::Restarter; my $subclass = Catalyst::Restarter->pick_subclass; my %args; $args{follow_symlinks} = 1 if $follow_symlinks; $args{directories} = $watch_directory if defined $watch_directory; $args{sleep_interval} = $check_interval if defined $check_interval; $args{filter} = qr/$file_regex/ if defined $file_regex; my $restarter = $subclass->new( %args, start_sub => $runner, ); $restarter->run_and_watch; } else { $runner->(); } 1; =head1 NAME [% appprefix %] - Catalyst Testserver =head1 SYNOPSIS [% appprefix %] [options] Options: -d -debug force debug mode -f -fork handle each request in a new process (defaults to false) -? -help display this help and exits -host host (defaults to all) -p -port port (defaults to 3000) -k -keepalive enable keep-alive connections -r -restart restart when files get modified (defaults to false) -rd -restartdelay delay between file checks (ignored if you have Linux::Inotify2 installed) -rr -restartregex regex match files that trigger a restart when modified (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.conf|\.pm$') -restartdirectory the directory to search for modified files, can be set mulitple times (defaults to '[SCRIPT_DIR]/..') -follow_symlinks follow symlinks in search directories (defaults to false. this is a no-op on Win32) -background run the process in the background -pidfile specify filename for pid file See also: perldoc Catalyst::Manual perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro =head1 DESCRIPTION Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application. =head1 AUTHORS Catalyst Contributors, see =head1 COPYRIGHT This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut