#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use JSON::Any qw(JSON); my $json = JSON::Any->new(allow_barekey => 1, allow_singlequote => 1); GetOptions( 'schema=s' => \my $schema_class, 'class=s' => \my $resultset_class, 'connect=s' => \my $connect, 'op=s' => \my $op, 'set=s' => \my $set, 'where=s' => \my $where, 'attrs=s' => \my $attrs, 'format=s' => \my $format, 'force' => \my $force, 'trace' => \my $trace, 'quiet' => \my $quiet, 'help' => \my $help, 'tlibs' => \my $t_libs, ); if ($t_libs) { unshift( @INC, 't/lib', 'lib' ); } pod2usage(1) if ($help); $ENV{DBIX_CLASS_STORAGE_DBI_DEBUG} = 1 if ($trace); die('No op specified') if(!$op); die('Invalid op') if ($op!~/^insert|update|delete|select$/s); my $csv_class; if ($op eq 'select') { $format ||= 'tsv'; die('Invalid format') if ($format!~/^tsv|csv$/s); $csv_class = 'Text::CSV_XS'; eval{ require Text::CSV_XS }; if ($@) { $csv_class = 'Text::CSV_PP'; eval{ require Text::CSV_PP }; die('The select op requires either the Text::CSV_XS or the Text::CSV_PP module') if ($@); } } die('No schema specified') if(!$schema_class); eval("require $schema_class"); die('Unable to load schema') if ($@); $connect = $json->jsonToObj( $connect ) if ($connect); my $schema = $schema_class->connect( ( $connect ? @$connect : () ) ); die('No class specified') if(!$resultset_class); my $resultset = eval{ $schema->resultset($resultset_class) }; die('Unable to load the class with the schema') if ($@); $set = $json->jsonToObj( $set ) if ($set); $where = $json->jsonToObj( $where ) if ($where); $attrs = $json->jsonToObj( $attrs ) if ($attrs); if ($op eq 'insert') { die('Do not use the where option with the insert op') if ($where); die('Do not use the attrs option with the insert op') if ($attrs); my $obj = $resultset->create( $set ); print ''.ref($resultset).' ID: '.join(',',$obj->id())."\n" if (!$quiet); } elsif ($op eq 'update') { $resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}) ); my $count = $resultset->count(); print "This action will modify $count ".ref($resultset)." records.\n" if (!$quiet); if ( $force || confirm() ) { $resultset->update_all( $set ); } } elsif ($op eq 'delete') { die('Do not use the set option with the delete op') if ($set); $resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}), ($attrs||()) ); my $count = $resultset->count(); print "This action will delete $count ".ref($resultset)." records.\n" if (!$quiet); if ( $force || confirm() ) { $resultset->delete_all(); } } elsif ($op eq 'select') { die('Do not use the set option with the select op') if ($set); my $csv = $csv_class->new({ sep_char => ( $format eq 'tsv' ? "\t" : ',' ), }); $resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}), ($attrs||()) ); my @columns = $resultset->result_source->columns(); $csv->combine( @columns ); print $csv->string()."\n"; while (my $row = $resultset->next()) { my @fields; foreach my $column (@columns) { push( @fields, $row->get_column($column) ); } $csv->combine( @fields ); print $csv->string()."\n"; } } sub confirm { print "Are you sure you want to do this? (type YES to confirm) "; my $response = ; return 1 if ($response=~/^YES/); return; } __END__ =head1 NAME dbicadmin - Execute operations upon DBIx::Class objects. =head1 SYNOPSIS dbicadmin --op=insert --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --set=JSON dbicadmin --op=update --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --set=JSON --where=JSON dbicadmin --op=delete --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --where=JSON dbicadmin --op=select --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --where=JSON --format=tsv =head1 DESCRIPTION This utility provides the ability to run INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs, and SELECTs on any DBIx::Class object. =head1 OPTIONS =head2 op The type of operation. Valid values are insert, update, delete, and select. =head2 schema The name of your schema class. =head2 class The name of the class, within your schema, that you want to run the operation on. =head2 connect A JSON array to be passed to your schema class upon connecting. The array will need to be compatible with whatever the DBIC ->connect() method requires. =head2 set This option must be valid JSON data string and is passed in to the DBIC update() method. Use this option with the update and insert ops. =head2 where This option must be valid JSON data string and is passed in as the first argument to the DBIC search() method. Use this option with the update, delete, and select ops. =head2 attrs This option must be valid JSON data string and is passed in as the second argument to the DBIC search() method. Use this option with the update, delete, and select ops. =head2 help Display this help page. =head2 force Suppresses the confirmation dialogues that are usually displayed when someone runs a DELETE or UPDATE action. =head2 quiet Do not display status messages. =head2 trace Turns on tracing on the DBI storage, thus printing SQL as it is executed. =head2 tlibs This option is purely for testing during the DBIC installation. Do not use it. =head1 JSON JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It allows you to express complex data structures for use in the where and set options. This module turns on L's BareKey and QuotApos options so that your data can look a bit more readable. --where={"this":"that"} # generic JSON --where={this:'that'} # with BareKey and QuoteApos Consider wrapping your JSON in outer quotes so that you don't have to escape your inner quotes. --where={this:\"that\"} # no outer quote --where='{this:"that"}' # outer quoted =head1 AUTHOR Aran Deltac =head1 LICENSE You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.