[% WRAPPER header.tt pagetitle = "Stemmaweb - Text tradition tools" applicationjs = c.uri_for( 'js/componentload.js' ) %] [% END %]

Stemmaweb - a collection of tools for analysis of collated texts

[% IF c.user_exists %]Hello! [% c.user.get_object.email %] Sign out | [% ELSE %]Login | Register | [% END %]About

Text directory

Loading texts, please wait...

[% IF c.user_exists -%]
Add a new text tradition
[% END %]
Loading tradition info...


Left & right go here
Examine variants against this stemma
Run relationship mapper

Supported file types / extensions:

  • *.txt - spreadsheet collation, tab-separated values
  • *.csv - spreadsheet collation, comma-separated values
  • *.xls - spreadsheet collation, Excel 97-2004 format
  • *.xlsx - spreadsheet collation, Excel 2007 XML format
  • *.xml - TEI XML parallel segmentation format
  • *.xml - TEI XML export from Classical Text Editor
  • *.xml - GraphML export from the CollateX tool

All spreadsheet collations should be arranged with the witness sigla in the first row, and the words aligned by row each in its correct witness column.

[% PROCESS footer.tt %]