case $CONFIG in '') if test -f; then TOP=.; elif test -f ../; then TOP=..; elif test -f ../../; then TOP=../..; elif test -f ../../../; then TOP=../../..; elif test -f ../../../../; then TOP=../../../..; else echo "Can't find"; exit 1 fi . $TOP/ ;; esac case "$0" in */*) cd `expr X$0 : 'X\(.*\)/'` ;; esac echo "Extracting pod/pod2latex (with variable substitutions)" rm -f pod2latex $spitshell >pod2latex <>pod2latex <<'!NO!SUBS!' # # pod2latex, version 1.1 # by Taro Kawagish (, Jan 11, 1995. # # pod2latex filters Perl pod documents to LaTeX documents. # # What pod2latex does: # 1. Pod file 'perl_doc_entry.pod' is filtered to 'perl_doc_entry.tex'. # 2. Indented paragraphs are translated into # '\begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim}'. # 3. '=head1 heading' command is translated into '\section{heading}' # 4. '=head2 heading' command is translated into '\subsection*{heading}' # 5. '=over N' command is translated into # '\begin{itemize}' if following =item starts with *, # '\begin{enumerate}' if following =item starts with 1., # '\begin{description}' if else. # (indentation level N is ignored.) # 6. '=item * heading' command is translated into '\item heading', # '=item 1. heading' command is translated into '\item heading', # '=item heading' command(other) is translated into '\item[heading]'. # 7. '=back' command is translated into # '\end{itemize}' if started with '\begin{itemize}', # '\end{enumerate}' if started with '\begin{enumerate}', # '\end{description}' if started with '\begin{description}'. # 8. other paragraphs are translated into strings with TeX special characters # escaped. # 9. In heading text, and other paragraphs, the following translation of pod # quotes are done, and then TeX special characters are escaped after that. # I to {\em text\/}, # B to {\bf text}, # S to text1, # where text1 is a string with blank characters replaced with ~, # C to {\tt text2}, # where text2 is a string with TeX special characters escaped to # obtain a literal printout, # E (HTML escape) to TeX escaped string, # L to referencing string as is done by pod2man, # F to {\em file\/}, # Z<> to a null string, # 10. those headings are indexed: # '=head1 heading' => \section{heading}\index{heading} # '=head2 heading' => \subsection*{heading}\index{heading} # only when heading does not match frequent patterns such as # DESCRIPTION, DIAGNOSTICS,... # '=item heading' => \item{heading}\index{heading} # # Usage: # pod2latex perl_doc_entry.pod # this will write to a file 'perl_doc_entry.tex'. # # To LaTeX: # The following commands need to be defined in the preamble of the LaTeX # document: # \def\C++{{\rm C\kern-.05em\raise.3ex\hbox{\footnotesize ++}}} # \def\underscore{\leavevmode\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width 0.4em height 0.3pt}} # and \parindent should be set zero: # \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} # # Note: # This script was written modifing pod2man. # # Bug: # If HTML escapes E other than E,E,E,E are used # in C<>, translation will produce wrong character strings. # Translation of HTML escapes of various European accents might be wrong. $/ = ""; # record separator is blank lines # TeX special characters. ##$tt_ables = "!@*()-=+|;:'\"`,./?<>"; $backslash_escapables = "#\$%&{}_"; $backslash_escapables2 = "#\$%&{}"; # except _ ##$nonverbables = "^\\~"; ##$bracketesc = "[]"; ##@tex_verb_fences = unpack("aaaaaaaaa","|#@!*+?:;"); @head1_freq_patterns # =head1 patterns which need not be index'ed = ("AUTHOR","Author","BUGS","DATE","DESCRIPTION","DIAGNOSTICS", "ENVIRONMENT","EXAMPLES","FILES","INTRODUCTION","NAME","NOTE", "SEE ALSO","SYNOPSIS","WARNING"); $indent = 0; # parse the pods, produce LaTeX. open(POD,"<$ARGV[0]") || die "cant open $ARGV[0]"; ($pod=$ARGV[0]) =~ s/\.pod$//; open(LATEX,">$pod.tex"); &do_hdr(); $cutting = 1; while () { if ($cutting) { next unless /^=/; $cutting = 0; } chop; length || (print LATEX "\n") && next; # translate indented lines as a verabatim paragraph if (/^\s/) { @lines = split(/\n/); print LATEX "\\begin{verbatim}\n"; for (@lines) { 1 while s {^( [^\t]* ) \t ( \t* ) } { $1 . ' ' x (8 - (length($1)%8) + 8*(length($2))) }ex; print LATEX $_,"\n"; } print LATEX "\\end{verbatim}\n"; next; } # preserve '=item' line with pod quotes as they are. if (/^=item/) { ($bareitem = $_) =~ s/^=item\s*//; } # check for things that'll hosed our noremap scheme; affects $_ &init_noremap(); # expand strings "func()" as pod quotes. if (!/^=item/) { # first hide pod escapes. # escaped strings are mapped into the ones with the MSB's on. s/([A-Z]<[^<>]*>)/noremap($1)/ge; # func() is a reference to a perl function s{\b([:\w]+\(\))}{I<$1>}g; # func(n) is a reference to a man page s{(\w+)(\([^\s,\051]+\))}{I<$1>$2}g; # convert simple variable references # s/([\$\@%][\w:]+)/C<$1>/g; # s/\$[\w:]+\[[0-9]+\]/C<$&>/g; if (m{ ([\-\w]+\([^\051]*?[\@\$,][^\051]*?\)) }x && $` !~ /([LCI]<[^<>]*|-)$/ && !/^=\w/) { warn "``$1'' should be a [LCI]<$1> ref"; } while (/(-[a-zA-Z])\b/g && $` !~ /[\w\-]$/) { warn "``$1'' should be [CB]<$1> ref"; } # put back pod quotes so we get the inside of <> processed; $_ = &clear_noremap($_); } # process TeX special characters # First hide HTML quotes E<> since they can be included in C<>. s/(E<[^<>]+>)/noremap($1)/ge; # Then hide C<> type literal quotes. # String inside of C<> will later be expanded into {\tt ..} strings # with TeX special characters escaped as needed. s/(C<[^<>]*>)/&noremap($1)/ge; # Next escape TeX special characters including other pod quotes B< >,... # # NOTE: s/re/&func($str)/e evaluates $str just once in perl5. # (in perl4 evaluation takes place twice before getting passed to func().) # - hyphen => --- s/(\S+)(\s+)-+(\s+)(\S+)/"$1".&noremap(" --- ")."$4"/ge; # '-', '--', "-" => '{\tt -}', '{\tt --}', "{\tt -}" ## s/("|')(\s*)(-+)(\s*)\1/&noremap("$1$2\{\\tt $3\}$4$1")/ge; ## changed Wed Jan 25 15:26:39 JST 1995 # '-', '--', "-" => '$-$', '$--$', "$-$" s/(\s+)(['"])(-+)([^'"\-]*)\2(\s+|[,.])/"$1$2".&noremap("\$$3\$")."$4$2$5"/ge; s/(\s+)(['"])([^'"\-]*)(-+)(\s*)\2(\s+|[,.])/"$1$2$3".&noremap("\$$4\$")."$5$2$6"/ge; # (--|-) => ($--$|$-$) s/(\s+)\((-+)([=@%\$\+\\\|\w]*)(-*)([=@%\$\+\\\|\w]*)\)(\s+|[,.])/"$1\(".&noremap("\$$2\$")."$3".&noremap("\$$4\$")."$5\)$6"/ge; # numeral - => $-$ s/(\(|[0-9]+|\s+)-(\s*\(?\s*[0-9]+)/&noremap("$1\$-\$$2")/ge; # -- in quotes => two separate - s/B<([^<>]*)--([^<>]*)>/&noremap("B<$1\{\\tt --\}$2>")/ge; # backslash escapable characters except _. s/([$backslash_escapables2])/&noremap("\\$1")/ge; s/_/&noremap("\\underscore{}")/ge; # a litle thicker than \_. # quote TeX special characters |, ^, ~, \. s/\|/&noremap("\$|\$")/ge; s/\^/&noremap("\$\\hat{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge; s/\~/&noremap("\$\\tilde{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge; s/\\/&noremap("\$\\backslash{}\$")/ge; # quote [ and ] to be used in \item[] s/([\[\]])/&noremap("{\\tt $1}")/ge; # characters need to be treated differently in TeX # keep * if an item heading s/^(=item[ \t]+)[*]((.|\n)*)/"$1" . &noremap("*") . "$2"/ge; s/[*]/&noremap("\$\\ast\$")/ge; # other * # hide other pod quotes. s/([ABD-Z]<[^<>]*>)/&noremap($1)/ge; # escape < and > as math strings, # now that we are done with hiding pod <> quotes. s//&noremap("\$>\$")/ge; # put it back so we get the <> processed again; $_ = &clear_noremap($_); # Expand pod quotes recursively: # (1) type face directives [BIFS]<[^<>]*> to appropriate TeX commands, # (2) L<[^<>]*> to reference strings, # (3) C<[^<>]*> to TeX literal quotes, # (4) HTML quotes E<> inside of C<> quotes. # Hide E<> again since they can be included in C<>. s/(E<[^<>]+>)/noremap($1)/ge; $maxnest = 10; while ($maxnest-- && /[A-Z]]*)>/"{\\bf $1}"/eg; s#I<([^<>]*)>#"{\\em $1\\/}"#eg; # files and filelike refs in italics s#F<([^<>]*)>#"{\\em $1\\/}"#eg; # no break quote -- usually we want C<> for this s/S<([^<>]*)>/&nobreak($1)/eg; # LREF: a manpage(3f) s:L<([a-zA-Z][^\s\/]+)(\([^\)]+\))?>:the {\\em $1\\/}$2 manpage:g; # LREF: an =item on another manpage s{ L<([^/]+)/([:\w]+(\(\))?)> } {the C<$2> entry in the I<$1> manpage}gx; # LREF: an =item on this manpage s{ ((?:L (,?\s+(and\s+)?)?)+) } { &internal_lrefs($1) }gex; # LREF: a =head2 (head1?), maybe on a manpage, maybe right here # the "func" can disambiguate s{ L<(?:([a-zA-Z]\S+?) /)?"?(.*?)"?> }{ do { $1 # if no $1, assume it means on this page. ? "the section on I<$2> in the I<$1> manpage" : "the section on I<$2>" } }gex; s/Z<>/\\&/g; # the "don't format me" thing # comes last because not subject to reprocessing s{ C<([^<>]*)> }{ do { ($str = $1) =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; #normalize hidden stuff # expand HTML escapes if any; # WARNING: if HTML escapes other than E,E,E, # E are in C<>, they will not be printed correctly. $str = &expand_HTML_escapes($str); $strverb = &alltt($str); # Tex verbatim escape of a string. &noremap("$strverb"); } }gex; # if ( /C<([^<>]*)/ ) { # $str = $1; # if ($str !~ /\|/) { # if includes | # s/C<([^<>]*)>/&noremap("\\verb|$str|")/eg; # } else { # print STDERR "found \| in C<.*> at paragraph $.\n"; # # find a character not contained in $str to use it as a # # separator of the \verb # ($chars = $str) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # ## ($chars = $str) =~ s/([\$<>,\|"'\-^{}()*+?\\])/\\$1/g; # @fence = grep(!/[ $chars]/,@tex_verb_fences); # s/C<([^<>]*)>/&noremap("\\verb$fence[0]$str$fence[0]")/eg; # } # } } # process each pod command if (s/^=//) { # if a command s/\n/ /g; ($cmd, $rest) = split(' ', $_, 2); $rest =~ s/^\s*//; $rest =~ s/\s*$//; if (defined $rest) { &escapes; } $rest = &clear_noremap($rest); $rest = &expand_HTML_escapes($rest); if ($cmd eq 'cut') { $cutting = 1; $lastcmd = 'cut'; } elsif ($cmd eq 'head1') { # heading type 1 $rest =~ s/^\s*//; $rest =~ s/\s*$//; print LATEX "\n\\subsection*{$rest}"; # put index entry ($index = $rest) =~ s/^(An?\s+|The\s+)//i; # remove 'A' and 'The' # index only those heads not matching the frequent patterns. foreach $pat (@head1_freq_patterns) { if ($index =~ /^$pat/) { goto freqpatt; } } print LATEX "%\n\\index{$index}\n" if ($index); freqpatt: $lastcmd = 'head1'; } elsif ($cmd eq 'head2') { # heading type 2 $rest =~ s/^\s*//; $rest =~ s/\s*$//; print LATEX "\n\\subsubsection*{$rest}"; # put index entry ($index = $rest) =~ s/^(An?\s+|The\s+)//i; # remove 'A' and 'The' $index =~ s/^Example\s*[1-9][0-9]*\s*:\s*//; # remove 'Example :' print LATEX "%\n\\index{$index}\n" if ($index); $lastcmd = 'head2'; } elsif ($cmd eq 'over') { # 1 level within a listing environment push(@indent,$indent); $indent = $rest + 0; $lastcmd = 'over'; } elsif ($cmd eq 'back') { # 1 level out of a listing environment $indent = pop(@indent); warn "Unmatched =back\n" unless defined $indent; $listingcmd = pop(@listingcmd); print LATEX "\n\\end{$listingcmd}\n" if ($listingcmd); $lastcmd = 'back'; } elsif ($cmd eq 'item') { # an item paragraph starts if ($lastcmd eq 'over') { # if we have just entered listing env # see what type of list environment we are in. if ($rest =~ /^[0-9]\.?/) { # if numeral heading $listingcmd = 'enumerate'; } elsif ($rest =~ /^\*\s*/) { # if * heading $listingcmd = 'itemize'; } elsif ($rest =~ /^[^*]/) { # if other headings $listingcmd = 'description'; } else { warn "unknown list type for item $rest"; } print LATEX "\n\\begin{$listingcmd}\n"; push(@listingcmd,$listingcmd); } elsif ($lastcmd ne 'item') { warn "Illegal '=item' command without preceding 'over':"; warn "=item $bareitem"; } if ($listingcmd eq 'enumerate') { $rest =~ s/^[0-9]+\.?\s*//; # remove numeral heading print LATEX "\n\\item"; print LATEX "{\\bf $rest}" if $rest; } elsif ($listingcmd eq 'itemize') { $rest =~ s/^\*\s*//; # remove * heading print LATEX "\n\\item"; print LATEX "{\\bf $rest}" if $rest; } else { # description item print LATEX "\n\\item[$rest]"; } $lastcmd = 'item'; $rightafter_item = 'yes'; # check if the item heading is short or long. ($itemhead = $rest) =~ s/{\\bf (\S*)}/$1/g; if (length($itemhead) < 4) { $itemshort = "yes"; } else { $itemshort = "no"; } # write index entry if ($pod =~ "perldiag") { # skip 'perldiag.pod' goto noindex; } # strip out the item of pod quotes and get a plain text entry $bareitem =~ s/\n/ /g; # remove newlines $bareitem =~ s/\s*$//; # remove trailing space $bareitem =~ s/[A-Z]<([^<>]*)>/$1/g; # remove <> quotes ($index = $bareitem) =~ s/^\*\s+//; # remove leading '*' $index =~ s/^(An?\s+|The\s+)//i; # remove 'A' and 'The' $index =~ s/^\s*[1-9][0-9]*\s*[.]\s*$//; # remove numeral only $index =~ s/^\s*\w\s*$//; # remove 1 char only's # quote ", @ and ! with " to be used in makeindex. $index =~ s/"/""/g; # quote " $index =~ s/@/"@/g; # quote @ $index =~ s/!/"!/g; # quote ! ($rest2=$rest) =~ s/^\*\s+//; # remove * $rest2 =~ s/"/""/g; # quote " $rest2 =~ s/@/"@/g; # quote @ $rest2 =~ s/!/"!/g; # quote ! if ($pod =~ "(perlfunc|perlvar)") { # when doc is perlfunc,perlvar # take only the 1st word of item heading $index =~ s/^([^{}\s]*)({.*})?([^{}\s]*)\s+.*/\1\2\3/; $rest2 =~ s/^([^{}\s]*)({.*})?([^{}\s]*)\s+.*/\1\2\3/; } if ($index =~ /[A-Za-z\$@%]/) { # write \index{plain_text_entry@TeX_string_entry} print LATEX "%\n\\index{$index\@$rest2}%\n"; } noindex: ; } else { warn "Unrecognized directive: $cmd\n"; } } else { # if not command &escapes; $_ = &clear_noremap($_); $_ = &expand_HTML_escapes($_); # if the present paragraphs follows an =item declaration, # put a line break. if ($lastcmd eq 'item' && $rightafter_item eq 'yes' && $itemshort eq "no") { print LATEX "\\hfil\\\\"; $rightafter_item = 'no'; } print LATEX "\n",$_; } } print LATEX "\n"; close(POD); close(LATEX); ######################################################################### sub do_hdr { print LATEX "% LaTeX document produced by pod2latex from \"$pod.pod\".\n"; print LATEX "% The followings need be defined in the preamble of this document:\n"; print LATEX "%\\def\\C++{{\\rm C\\kern-.05em\\raise.3ex\\hbox{\\footnotesize ++}}}\n"; print LATEX "%\\def\\underscore{\\leavevmode\\kern.04em\\vbox{\\hrule width 0.4em height 0.3pt}}\n"; print LATEX "%\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n"; print LATEX "\n"; $podq = &escape_tex_specials("\U$pod\E"); print LATEX "\\section{$podq}%\n"; print LATEX "\\index{$podq}"; print LATEX "\n"; } sub nobreak { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/ +/~/g; # TeX no line break $string; } sub noremap { local($thing_to_hide) = shift; $thing_to_hide =~ tr/\000-\177/\200-\377/; return $thing_to_hide; } sub init_noremap { if ( /[\200-\377]/ ) { warn "hit bit char in input stream"; } } sub clear_noremap { local($tmp) = shift; $tmp =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; return $tmp; } sub expand_HTML_escapes { local($s) = $_[0]; $s =~ s { E<([A-Za-z]+)> } { do { exists $HTML_Escapes{$1} ? do { $HTML_Escapes{$1} } : do { warn "Unknown escape: $& in $_"; "E<$1>"; } } }egx; return $s; } sub escapes { # make C++ into \C++, which is to be defined as # \def\C++{{\rm C\kern-.05em\raise.3ex\hbox{\footnotesize ++}}} s/\bC\+\+/\\C++{}/g; } # Translate a string into a TeX \tt string to obtain a verbatim print out. # TeX special characters are escaped by \. # This can be used inside of LaTeX command arguments. # We don't use LaTeX \verb since it doesn't work inside of command arguments. sub alltt { local($str) = shift; # other chars than #,\,$,%,&,{,},_,\,^,~ ([ and ] included). $str =~ s/([^${backslash_escapables}\\\^\~]+)/&noremap("$&")/eg; # chars #,\,$,%,&,{,} => \# , ... $str =~ s/([$backslash_escapables2])/&noremap("\\$&")/eg; # chars _,\,^,~ => \char`\_ , ... $str =~ s/_/&noremap("\\char`\\_")/eg; $str =~ s/\\/&noremap("\\char`\\\\")/ge; $str =~ s/\^/\\char`\\^/g; $str =~ s/\~/\\char`\\~/g; $str =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; # put back $str = "{\\tt ".$str."}"; # make it a \tt string return $str; } sub escape_tex_specials { local($str) = shift; # other chars than #,\,$,%,&,{,}, _,\,^,~ ([ and ] included). # backslash escapable characters #,\,$,%,&,{,} except _. $str =~ s/([$backslash_escapables2])/&noremap("\\$1")/ge; $str =~ s/_/&noremap("\\underscore{}")/ge; # \_ is too thin. # quote TeX special characters |, ^, ~, \. $str =~ s/\|/&noremap("\$|\$")/ge; $str =~ s/\^/&noremap("\$\\hat{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge; $str =~ s/\~/&noremap("\$\\tilde{\\hspace{0.4em}}\$")/ge; $str =~ s/\\/&noremap("\$\\backslash{}\$")/ge; # characters need to be treated differently in TeX # * $str =~ s/[*]/&noremap("\$\\ast\$")/ge; # escape < and > as math string, $str =~ s//&noremap("\$>\$")/ge; $str =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; # put back return $str; } sub internal_lrefs { local($_) = shift; s{L]+)>}{$1}g; my(@items) = split( /(?:,?\s+(?:and\s+)?)/ ); my $retstr = "the "; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#items; $i++) { $retstr .= "C<$items[$i]>"; $retstr .= ", " if @items > 2 && $i != $#items; $retstr .= " and " if $i+2 == @items; } $retstr .= " entr" . ( @items > 1 ? "ies" : "y" ) . " elsewhere in this document"; return $retstr; } # map of HTML escapes to TeX escapes. BEGIN { %HTML_Escapes = ( 'amp' => '&', # ampersand 'lt' => '<', # left chevron, less-than 'gt' => '>', # right chevron, greater-than 'quot' => '"', # double quote "Aacute" => "\\'{A}", # capital A, acute accent "aacute" => "\\'{a}", # small a, acute accent "Acirc" => "\\^{A}", # capital A, circumflex accent "acirc" => "\\^{a}", # small a, circumflex accent "AElig" => '\\AE', # capital AE diphthong (ligature) "aelig" => '\\ae', # small ae diphthong (ligature) "Agrave" => "\\`{A}", # capital A, grave accent "agrave" => "\\`{a}", # small a, grave accent "Aring" => '\\u{A}', # capital A, ring "aring" => '\\u{a}', # small a, ring "Atilde" => '\\~{A}', # capital A, tilde "atilde" => '\\~{a}', # small a, tilde "Auml" => '\\"{A}', # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark "auml" => '\\"{a}', # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark "Ccedil" => '\\c{C}', # capital C, cedilla "ccedil" => '\\c{c}', # small c, cedilla "Eacute" => "\\'{E}", # capital E, acute accent "eacute" => "\\'{e}", # small e, acute accent "Ecirc" => "\\^{E}", # capital E, circumflex accent "ecirc" => "\\^{e}", # small e, circumflex accent "Egrave" => "\\`{E}", # capital E, grave accent "egrave" => "\\`{e}", # small e, grave accent "ETH" => '\\OE', # capital Eth, Icelandic "eth" => '\\oe', # small eth, Icelandic "Euml" => '\\"{E}', # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark "euml" => '\\"{e}', # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark "Iacute" => "\\'{I}", # capital I, acute accent "iacute" => "\\'{i}", # small i, acute accent "Icirc" => "\\^{I}", # capital I, circumflex accent "icirc" => "\\^{i}", # small i, circumflex accent "Igrave" => "\\`{I}", # capital I, grave accent "igrave" => "\\`{i}", # small i, grave accent "Iuml" => '\\"{I}', # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark "iuml" => '\\"{i}', # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark "Ntilde" => '\\~{N}', # capital N, tilde "ntilde" => '\\~{n}', # small n, tilde "Oacute" => "\\'{O}", # capital O, acute accent "oacute" => "\\'{o}", # small o, acute accent "Ocirc" => "\\^{O}", # capital O, circumflex accent "ocirc" => "\\^{o}", # small o, circumflex accent "Ograve" => "\\`{O}", # capital O, grave accent "ograve" => "\\`{o}", # small o, grave accent "Oslash" => "\\O", # capital O, slash "oslash" => "\\o", # small o, slash "Otilde" => "\\~{O}", # capital O, tilde "otilde" => "\\~{o}", # small o, tilde "Ouml" => '\\"{O}', # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark "ouml" => '\\"{o}', # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark "szlig" => '\\ss', # small sharp s, German (sz ligature) "THORN" => '\\L', # capital THORN, Icelandic "thorn" => '\\l',, # small thorn, Icelandic "Uacute" => "\\'{U}", # capital U, acute accent "uacute" => "\\'{u}", # small u, acute accent "Ucirc" => "\\^{U}", # capital U, circumflex accent "ucirc" => "\\^{u}", # small u, circumflex accent "Ugrave" => "\\`{U}", # capital U, grave accent "ugrave" => "\\`{u}", # small u, grave accent "Uuml" => '\\"{U}', # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark "uuml" => '\\"{u}', # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark "Yacute" => "\\'{Y}", # capital Y, acute accent "yacute" => "\\'{y}", # small y, acute accent "yuml" => '\\"{y}', # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark ); } !NO!SUBS! chmod 755 pod2latex $eunicefix pod2latex