#!/usr/local/bin/perl use Config; use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname); # List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to # generate. Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you # have to mention them as if they were shell variables, not # %Config entries. Thus you write # $startperl # to ensure Configure will look for $Config{startperl}. # This forces PL files to create target in same directory as PL file. # This is so that make depend always knows where to find PL derivatives. chdir(dirname($0)); ($file = basename($0)) =~ s/\.PL$//; $file =~ s/\.pl$// if ($^O eq 'VMS' or $^O eq 'os2'); # "case-forgiving" open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!"; print "Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n"; # In this section, perl variables will be expanded during extraction. # You can use $Config{...} to use Configure variables. print OUT <<"!GROK!THIS!"; $Config{startperl} eval 'exec $Config{perlpath} -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}' if \$running_under_some_shell; !GROK!THIS! # In the following, perl variables are not expanded during extraction. print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!'; # # pod2html - convert pod format to html # Version 1.15 # usage: pod2html [podfiles] # Will read the cwd and parse all files with .pod extension # if no arguments are given on the command line. # # Many helps, suggestions, and fixes from the perl5 porters, and all over. # Bill Middleton - wjm@metronet.com # # Please send patches/fixes/features to me # # # *RS = */; *ERRNO = *!; ################################################################################ # Invoke with various levels of debugging possible ################################################################################ while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-d(.*)/) { shift; $Debug{ lc($1 || shift) }++; } # ck for podnames on command line while ($ARGV[0]) { push(@Pods,shift); } ################################################################################ # CONFIGURE # # The beginning of the url for the anchors to the other sections. # Edit $type to suit. It's configured for relative url's now. # Other possibilities are: # $type = '; close($podfh); $RS = "\n"; $all[0] =~ s/^=//; for (@all) { s/=$// } $Podnames{$pod} = 1; $in_list = 0; $html = $pod.".html"; if ($count) { # give us a html and rcs header open(HTML,">$html") || die "can't create $html: $ERRNO"; print HTML '',"\n",'',"\n"; print HTML "
" unless $NO_NS; print HTML "$pod"; print HTML "
" unless $NO_NS; print HTML "\n\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $#all; $i++) { # decide what to do with each chunk $all[$i] =~ /^(\w+)\s*(.*)\n?([^\0]*)$/ ; ($cmd, $title, $rest) = ($1,$2,$3); if ($cmd eq "item") { if ($count ) { # producing html do_list("over",$all[$i],\$in_list,\$depth) unless $depth; do_item($title,$rest,$in_list); } else { # scan item scan_thing("item",$title,$pod); } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^head([12])/) { $num = $1; if ($count) { # producing html do_hdr($num,$title,$rest,$depth); } else { # header scan scan_thing($cmd,$title,$pod); # skip head1 } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^over/) { $count and $depth and do_list("over",$all[$i+1],\$in_list,\$depth); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^back/) { if ($count) { # producing html ($depth) or next; # just skip it do_list("back",$all[$i+1],\$in_list,\$depth); do_rest($title.$rest); } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^cut/) { next; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^for/) { # experimental pragma html if ($count) { # producing html if ($title =~ s/^html//) { $in_html =1; do_rest($title.$rest); } } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^begin/) { # experimental pragma html if ($count) { # producing html if ($title =~ s/^html//) { print HTML $title,"\n",$rest; } elsif ($title =~ /^end/) { next; } } } elsif ($Debug{"misc"}) { warn("unrecognized header: $cmd"); } } # close open lists without '=back' stmts if ($count) { # producing html while ($depth) { do_list("back",$all[$i+1],\$in_list,\$depth); } print HTML "\n\n\n"; } } } sub do_list{ # setup a list type, depending on some grok logic my($which,$next_one,$list_type,$depth) = @_; my($key); if ($which eq "over") { unless ($next_one =~ /^item\s+(.*)/) { warn "Bad list, $1\n" if $Debug{"misc"}; } $key = $1; if ($key =~ /^1\.?/) { $$list_type = "OL"; } elsif ($key =~ /\*\s*$/) { $$list_type = "UL"; } elsif ($key =~ /\*?\s*\w/) { $$list_type = "DL"; } else { warn "unknown list type for item $key" if $Debug{"misc"}; } print HTML qq{\n}; print HTML $$list_type eq 'DL' ? qq{
} : qq{<$$list_type>}; $$depth++; } elsif ($which eq "back") { print HTML qq{\n\n}; $$depth--; } } sub do_hdr{ # headers my($num,$title,$rest,$depth) = @_; print HTML qq{

\n} if $num == 1; process_thing(\$title,"NAME"); print HTML qq{\n }; print HTML $title; print HTML qq{\n}; do_rest($rest); } sub do_item{ # list items my($title,$rest,$list_type) = @_; my $bullet_only = $title eq '*' and $list_type eq 'UL'; process_thing(\$title,"NAME"); if ($list_type eq "DL") { print HTML qq{\n
\n}; print HTML $title; print HTML qq{\n\n}; print HTML qq{
\n}; } else { print HTML qq{\n
  • }; unless ($bullet_only or $list_type eq "OL") { print HTML $title,"\n"; } } do_rest($rest); } sub do_rest{ # the rest of the chunk handled here my($rest) = @_; my(@lines,$p,$q,$line,,@paras,$inpre); @paras = split(/\n\n\n*/,$rest); for ($p = 0; $p <= $#paras; $p++) { $paras[$p] =~ s/^\n//mg; @lines = split(/\n/,$paras[$p]); if ($in_html) { # handle =for html paragraphs print HTML $paras[0]; $in_html = 0; next; } elsif ($lines[0] =~ /^\s+\w*\t.*/) { # listing or unordered list print HTML qq{
      }; foreach $line (@lines) { ($line =~ /^\s+(\w*)\t(.*)/) && (($key,$rem) = ($1,$2)); print HTML defined($Podnames{$key}) ? "
    • $type$key.html\">$key<\/A>\t$rem
    • \n" : "
    • $line
    • \n"; } print HTML qq{
    \n}; } elsif ($lines[0] =~ /^\s/) { # preformatted code if ($paras[$p] =~/>>|<\n}; $inpre=1; } else { # Still cant beat XMP. Yes, I know print HTML qq{\n\n}; # it's been obsoleted... suggestions? $inpre = 0; } while (defined($paras[$p])) { @lines = split(/\n/,$paras[$p]); foreach $q (@lines) { # mind your p's and q's here :-) if ($paras[$p] =~ />>|<</) { if ($inpre) { process_thing(\$q,"HTML"); } else { print HTML qq{\n\n}; print HTML qq{
    		    1 while $q =~  s/\t+/' 'x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e;
    		    print HTML  $q,"\n";
    		last if $paras[$p+1] !~ /^\s/;
    	    print HTML ($inpre==1) ? (qq{\n
    \n}) : (qq{\n\n}); } else { # other text @lines = split(/\n/,$paras[$p]); foreach $line (@lines) { process_thing(\$line,"HTML"); print HTML qq{$line\n}; } } print HTML qq{

    }; } } sub process_thing{ # process a chunk, order important my($thing,$htype) = @_; pre_escapes($thing); find_refs($thing,$htype); post_escapes($thing); } sub scan_thing{ # scan a chunk for later references my($cmd,$title,$pod) = @_; $_ = $title; s/\n$//; s/E<(\d+)>/&#$1;/g; s/E<(.*?)>/&$1;/g; # remove any formatting information for the headers s/[SFCBI]<(.*?)>/$1/g; # the "don't format me" thing s/Z<>//g; if ($cmd eq "item") { /^\*/ and return; # skip bullets /^\d+\./ and return; # skip numbers s/(-[a-z]).*/$1/i; trim($_); return if defined $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_}; $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_} = gensym($pod, $_); $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{(split(' ',$_))[0]}=$A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_}; Debug("items", "item $_"); if (!/^-\w$/ && /([%\$\@\w]+)/ && $1 ne $_ && !defined($A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_}) && ($_ ne $1)) { $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$1} = $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_}; Debug("items", "item $1 REF TO $_"); } if ( m{^(tr|y|s|m|q[qwx])/.*[^/]} ) { my $pf = $1 . '//'; $pf .= "/" if $1 eq "tr" || $1 eq "y" || $1 eq "s"; if ($pf ne $_) { $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$pf} = $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_}; Debug("items", "item $pf REF TO $_"); } } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^head[12]/) { return if defined($A->{$pod}->{"Headers"}->{$_}); $A->{$pod}->{"Headers"}->{$_} = gensym($pod, $_); Debug("headers", "header $_"); } else { warn "unrecognized header: $cmd" if $Debug; } } sub picrefs { my($char, $bigkey, $lilkey,$htype) = @_; my($key,$ref,$podname); for $podname ($pod,@inclusions) { for $ref ( "Items", "Headers" ) { if (defined $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$bigkey}) { $value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$key = $bigkey}; Debug("subs", "bigkey is $bigkey, value is $value\n"); } elsif (defined $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$lilkey}) { $value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$key = $lilkey}; return "" if $lilkey eq ''; Debug("subs", "lilkey is $lilkey, value is $value\n"); } } if (length($key)) { ($pod2, $num) = $value =~ /^(.*)_(\S+_\d+)$/; if ($htype eq "NAME") { return "\n\n$bigkey\n" } else { return "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$bigkey<\/A>\n"; } } } if ($char =~ /[IF]/) { return "$bigkey"; } elsif ($char =~ /C/) { return "$bigkey"; } else { return "$bigkey"; } } sub find_refs { my($thing,$htype) = @_; my($orig) = $$thing; # LREF: a manpage(3f) we don't know about for ($$thing) { #s:L<([a-zA-Z][^\s\/]+)(\([^\)]+\))>:the I<$1>$2 manpage:g; s@(\S+?://\S*[^.,;!?\s])@noremap(qq{$1})@ge; s,([a-z0-9_.-]+\@([a-z0-9_-]+\.)+([a-z0-9_-]+)),noremap(qq{$1}),gie; s/L<([^>]*)>/lrefs($1,$htype)/ge; s/([CIBF])<(\W*?(-?\w*).*?)>/picrefs($1, $2, $3, $htype)/ge; s/(S)<([^\/]\W*?(-?\w*).*?)>/picrefs($1, $2, $3, $htype)/ge; s/((\w+)\(\))/picrefs("I", $1, $2,$htype)/ge; s/([\$\@%](?!&[gl]t)([\w:]+|\W\b))/varrefs($1,$htype)/ge; } if ($$thing eq $orig && $htype eq "NAME") { $$thing = picrefs("I", $$thing, "", $htype); } } sub lrefs { my($page, $item) = split(m#/#, $_[0], 2); my($htype) = $_[1]; my($podname); my($section) = $page =~ /\((.*)\)/; my $selfref; if ($page =~ /^[A-Z]/ && $item) { $selfref++; $item = "$page/$item"; $page = $pod; } elsif (!$item && $page =~ /[^a-z\-]/ && $page !~ /^\$.$/) { $selfref++; $item = $page; $page = $pod; } $item =~ s/\(\)$//; if (!$item) { if (!defined $section && defined $Podnames{$page}) { return "\n$type$page.html\">\nthe $page manpage<\/A>\n"; } else { (warn "Bizarre entry $page/$item") if $Debug; return "the $_[0] manpage\n"; } } if ($item =~ s/"(.*)"/$1/ || ($item =~ /[^\w\/\-]/ && $item !~ /^\$.$/)) { $text = "$item"; $ref = "Headers"; } else { $text = "$item"; $ref = "Items"; } for $podname ($pod, @inclusions) { undef $value; if ($ref eq "Items") { if (defined($value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$item})) { ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2); return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME")) ? "\n\n$text\n" : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n"; } } elsif ($ref eq "Headers") { if (defined($value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$item})) { ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2); return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME")) ? "\n\n$text\n" : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n"; } } } warn "No $ref reference for $item (@_)" if $Debug; return $text; } sub varrefs { my ($var,$htype) = @_; for $podname ($pod,@inclusions) { if ($value = $A->{$podname}->{"Items"}->{$var}) { ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2); Debug("vars", "way cool -- var ref on $var"); return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME")) # INHERIT $_, $pod ? "\n\n$var\n" : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$var<\/A>\n"; } } Debug( "vars", "bummer, $var not a var"); return "$var"; } sub gensym { my ($podname, $key) = @_; $key =~ s/\s.*//; ($key = lc($key)) =~ tr/a-z/_/cs; my $name = "${podname}_${key}_0"; $name =~ s/__/_/g; while ($sawsym{$name}++) { $name =~ s/_?(\d+)$/'_' . ($1 + 1)/e; } return $name; } sub pre_escapes { # twiddle these, and stay up late :-) my($thing) = @_; for ($$thing) { s/([\200-\377])/noremap("&".ord($1).";")/ge; s/"(.*?)"/``$1''/gs; s/&/noremap("&")/ge; s/</\&#$1\;/g; # embedded numeric special s/E<([^\/][^<>]*)>/\&$1\;/g; # embedded special } } sub noremap { # adding translator for hibit chars soon my $hide = $_[0]; $hide =~ tr/\000-\177/\200-\377/; $hide; } sub post_escapes { my($thing) = @_; for ($$thing) { s/([^GM])>>/$1\>\;\>\;/g; s/([^D][^"MGA])>/$1\>\;/g; tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; } } sub Debug { my $level = shift; print STDERR @_,"\n" if $Debug{$level}; } sub dumptable { my $t = shift; print STDERR "TABLE DUMP $t\n"; foreach $k (sort keys %$t) { printf STDERR "%-20s <%s>\n", $t->{$k}, $k; } } sub trim { for (@_) { s/^\s+//; s/\s\n?$//; } } !NO!SUBS! close OUT or die "Can't close $file: $!"; chmod 0755, $file or die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n"; exec("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':';