=head1 NAME perltoc - perl documentation table of contents =head1 DESCRIPTION This page provides a brief table of contents for the rest of the Perl documentation set. It is meant to be be quickly scanned or grepped through to locate the proper section you're looking for. =head1 BASIC DOCUMENTATION =head2 perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION Many usability enhancements, Simplified grammar, Lexical scoping, Arbitrarily nested data structures, Modularity and reusability, Object-oriented programming, Embeddible and Extensible, POSIX compliant, Package constructors and destructors, Multiple simultaneous DBM implementations, Subroutine definitions may now be autoloaded, Regular expression enhancements =item ENVIRONMENT HOME, LOGDIR, PATH, PERL5LIB, PERL5DB, PERLLIB =item AUTHOR =item FILES =item SEE ALSO =item DIAGNOSTICS =item BUGS =item NOTES =head2 perldata - Perl data types =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Variable names =item Context =item Scalar values =item Scalar value constructors =item List value constructors =item Typeglobs and FileHandles =back =head2 perlsyn - Perl syntax =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Declarations =item Simple statements =item Compound statements =item Loop Control =item For Loops =item Foreach Loops =item Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements =item Goto =item PODs: Embedded Documentation =back =head2 perlop - Perl operators and precedence =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Terms and List Operators (Leftward) =item The Arrow Operator =item Autoincrement and Autodecrement =item Exponentiation =item Symbolic Unary Operators =item Binding Operators =item Multiplicative Operators =item Additive Operators =item Shift Operators =item Named Unary Operators =item Relational Operators =item Equality Operators =item Bitwise And =item Bitwise Or and Exclusive Or =item C-style Logical And =item C-style Logical Or =item Range Operator =item Conditional Operator =item Assignment Operators =item Comma Operator =item List Operators (Rightward) =item Logical Not =item Logical And =item Logical or and Exclusive Or =item C Operators Missing From Perl unary &, unary *, (TYPE) =item Quote and Quotelike Operators =item Regexp Quotelike Operators ?PATTERN?, m/PATTERN/gimosx, /PATTERN/gimosx, q/STRING/, C<'STRING'>, qq/STRING/, "STRING", qx/STRING/, `STRING`, qw/STRING/, s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/egimosx, tr/SEARCHLIST/REPLACEMENTLIST/cds, y/SEARCHLIST/REPLACEMENTLIST/cds =item I/O Operators =item Constant Folding =item Integer arithmetic =back =head2 perlre - Perl regular expressions =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Regular Expressions (?#text), (?:regexp), (?=regexp), (?!regexp), (?imsx) =item Version 8 Regular Expressions =item WARNING on \1 vs $1 =back =head2 perlrun - how to execute the Perl interpreter =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Switches B<-0>I, B<-a>, B<-c>, B<-d>, B<-D>I, B<-D>I, B<-e> I, B<-F>I, B<-i>I, B<-I>I, B<-l>I, B<-n>, B<-p>, B<-P>, B<-s>, B<-S>, B<-T>, B<-u>, B<-U>, B<-v>, B<-w>, B<-x> I =back =head2 perlfunc - Perl builtin functions =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Perl Functions by Category Functions for SCALARs or strings, Regular expressions and pattern matching, Numeric functions, Functions for real @ARRAYs, Functions for list data, Functions for real %HASHes, Input and output functions, Functions for fixed length data or records, Functions for filehandles, files, or directories, Keywords related to the control flow of your perl program, Keywords related to scoping, Miscellaneous functions, Functions for processes and process groups, Keywords related to perl modules, Keywords related to classes and object-orientedness, Low-level socket functions, System V interprocess communication functions, Fetching user and group info, Fetching network info, Time-related functions =item Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions -X FILEHANDLE, -X EXPR, -X, abs VALUE, accept NEWSOCKET,GENERICSOCKET, alarm SECONDS, atan2 Y,X, bind SOCKET,NAME, binmode FILEHANDLE, bless REF,CLASSNAME, bless REF, caller EXPR, caller, chdir EXPR, chmod LIST, chomp VARIABLE, chomp LIST, chomp, chop VARIABLE, chop LIST, chop, chown LIST, chr NUMBER, chroot FILENAME, close FILEHANDLE, closedir DIRHANDLE, connect SOCKET,NAME, continue BLOCK, cos EXPR, crypt PLAINTEXT,SALT, dbmclose ASSOC_ARRAY, dbmopen ASSOC,DBNAME,MODE, defined EXPR, delete EXPR, die LIST, do BLOCK, do SUBROUTINE(LIST), do EXPR, dump LABEL, each ASSOC_ARRAY, eof FILEHANDLE, eof (), eof, eval EXPR, eval BLOCK, exec LIST, exists EXPR, exit EXPR, exp EXPR, fcntl FILEHANDLE,FUNCTION,SCALAR, fileno FILEHANDLE, flock FILEHANDLE,OPERATION, fork, format, formline PICTURE, LIST, getc FILEHANDLE, getc, getlogin, getpeername SOCKET, getpgrp PID, getppid, getpriority WHICH,WHO, getpwnam NAME, getgrnam NAME, gethostbyname NAME, getnetbyname NAME, getprotobyname NAME, getpwuid UID, getgrgid GID, getservb =back =head2 perlvar - Perl predefined variables =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Predefined Names $ARG, $_, $>, $MATCH, $&, $PREMATCH, $`, $POSTMATCH, $', $LAST_PAREN_MATCH, $+, $MULTILINE_MATCHING, $*, input_line_number HANDLE EXPR, $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, $NR, $, input_record_separator HANDLE EXPR, $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, $RS, $/, autoflush HANDLE EXPR, $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH, $|, output_field_separator HANDLE EXPR, $OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR, $OFS, $,, output_record_separator HANDLE EXPR, $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, $ORS, $\, $LIST_SEPARATOR, $", $SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR, $SUBSEP, $;, $OFMT, $#, format_page_number HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER, $%, format_lines_per_page HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE, $=, format_lines_left HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_LINES_LEFT, $-, format_name HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_NAME, $~, format_top_name HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_TOP_NAME, $^, format_line_break_characters HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS, $:, format_formfeed HANDLE EXPR, $FORMAT_FORMFEED, $^L, $ACCUMULATOR, $^A, $CHILD_ERROR, $?, $OS_ERROR, $ERRNO, $!, $EVAL_ERROR, $@, $PROCESS_ID, $PID, $$, $REAL_USER_ID, $UID, $<, =back =head2 perlsub - Perl subroutines =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Private Variables via my() =item Temporary Values via local() =item Passing Symbol Table Entries (typeglobs) =item Pass by Reference =item Prototypes =item Overriding Builtin Functions =item Autoloading =back =item SEE ALSO =head2 perlmod - Perl modules (packages) =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Packages =item Symbol Tables =item Package Constructors and Destructors =item Perl Classes =item Perl Modules =back =item NOTE =item THE PERL MODULE LIBRARY =over =item Pragmatic Modules diagnostics, integer, less, overload, sigtrap, strict, subs =item Standard Modules AnyDBM_File, AutoLoader, AutoSplit, Benchmark, Carp, Config, Cwd, DB_File, Devel::SelfStubber, DynaLoader, English, Env, Exporter, ExtUtils::Liblist, ExtUtils::MakeMaker, ExtUtils::Manifest, ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap, ExtUtils::Miniperl, Fcntl, File::Basename, File::CheckTree, File::Find, FileHandle, File::Path, Getopt::Long, Getopt::Std, I18N::Collate, IPC::Open2, IPC::Open3, Net::Ping, POSIX, SelfLoader, Safe, Socket, Test::Harness, Text::Abbrev =item Extension Modules =back =item CPAN Language Extensions and Documentation Tools, Development Support, Operating System Interfaces, Networking, Device Control (modems) and InterProcess Communication, Data Types and Data Type Utilities, Database Interfaces, User Interfaces, Interfaces to / Emulations of Other Programming Languages, File Names, File Systems and File Locking (see also File Handles), String Processing, Language Text Processing, Parsing and Searching, Option, Argument, Parameter and Configuration File Processing, Internationalization and Locale, Authentication, Security and Encryption, World Wide Web, HTML, HTTP, CGI, MIME, Server and Daemon Utilities, Archiving and Compression, Images, Pixmap and Bitmap Manipulation, Drawing and Graphing, Mail and Usenet News, Control Flow Utilities (callbacks and exceptions etc), File Handle and Input/Output Stream Utilities, Miscellaneous Modules =item Modules: Creation, Use and Abuse =over =item Guidelines for Module Creation Do similar modules already exist in some form?, Try to design the new module to be easy to extend and reuse, Some simple style guidelines, Select what to export, Select a name for the module, Have you got it right?, README and other Additional Files, A description of the module/package/extension etc, A copyright notice - see below, Prerequisites - what else you may need to have, How to build it - possible changes to Makefile.PL etc, How to install it, Recent changes in this release, especially incompatibilities, Changes / enhancements you plan to make in the future, Adding a Copyright Notice, Give the module a version/issue/release number, How to release and distribute a module, Take care when changing a released module =item Guidelines for Converting Perl 4 Library Scripts into Modules There is no requirement to convert anything, Consider the implications, Make the most of the opportunity, The pl2pm utility will get you started, Adds the standard Module prologue lines, Converts package specifiers from ' to ::, Converts die(...) to croak(...), Several other minor changes =item Guidelines for Reusing Application Code Complete applications rarely belong in the Perl Module Library, Many applications contain some perl code which could be reused, Break-out the reusable code into one or more separate module files, Take the opportunity to reconsider and redesign the interfaces, In some cases the 'application' can then be reduced to a small =back =head2 perlref - Perl references and nested data structures =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Symbolic references =item Not-so-symbolic references =back =item WARNING =item SEE ALSO =head2 perldsc - Perl Data Structures Cookbook =item DESCRIPTION arrays of arrays, hashes of arrays, arrays of hashes, hashes of hashes, more elaborate constructs, recursive and self-referential data structures, objects =item REFERENCES =item COMMON MISTAKES =item CAVEAT ON PRECEDENCE =item WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS C =item DEBUGGING =item CODE EXAMPLES =item LISTS OF LISTS =over =item Declaration of a LIST OF LISTS =item Generation of a LIST OF LISTS =item Access and Printing of a LIST OF LISTS =back =item HASHES OF LISTS =over =item Declaration of a HASH OF LISTS =item Generation of a HASH OF LISTS =item Access and Printing of a HASH OF LISTS =back =item LISTS OF HASHES =over =item Declaration of a LIST OF HASHES =item Generation of a LIST OF HASHES =item Access and Printing of a LIST OF HASHES =back =item HASHES OF HASHES =over =item Declaration of a HASH OF HASHES =item Generation of a HASH OF HASHES =item Access and Printing of a HASH OF HASHES =back =item MORE ELABORATE RECORDS =over =item Declaration of MORE ELABORATE RECORDS =item Declaration of a HASH OF COMPLEX RECORDS =item Generation of a HASH OF COMPLEX RECORDS =back =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =head2 perllol, perlLoL - Manipulating Lists of Lists in Perl =item DESCRIPTION =item Declaration and Access of Lists of Lists =item Growing Your Own =item Access and Printing =item Slices =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =head2 perlobj - Perl objects =item DESCRIPTION =over =item An Object is Simply a Reference =item A Class is Simply a Package =item A Method is Simply a Subroutine =item Method Invocation =item Destructors =item WARNING =item Summary =item Two-Phased Garbage Collection =back =item SEE ALSO =head2 perltie - how to hide an object class in a simple variable =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Tying Scalars TIESCALAR classname, LIST, FETCH this, STORE this, value, DESTROY this =item Tying Arrays TIEARRAY classname, LIST, FETCH this, index, STORE this, index, value, DESTROY this =item Tying Hashes USER, HOME, CLOBBER, LIST, TIEHASH classname, LIST, FETCH this, key, STORE this, key, value, DELETE this, key, CLEAR this, EXISTS this, key, FIRSTKEY this, NEXTKEY this, lastkey, DESTROY this =item Tying FileHandles =back =item SEE ALSO =item BUGS =item AUTHOR =head2 perlbot - Bag'o Object Tricks (the BOT) =item DESCRIPTION =item OO SCALING TIPS =item INSTANCE VARIABLES =item SCALAR INSTANCE VARIABLES =item INSTANCE VARIABLE INHERITANCE =item OBJECT RELATIONSHIPS =item OVERRIDING SUPERCLASS METHODS =item USING RELATIONSHIP WITH SDBM =item THINKING OF CODE REUSE =item CLASS CONTEXT AND THE OBJECT =item INHERITING A CONSTRUCTOR =item DELEGATION =head2 perldebug - Perl debugging =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Debugging h, T, s, n, f, c, c line, , l min+incr, l min-max, l line, l, -, w line, l subname, /pattern/, ?pattern?, L, S, t, b line [ condition ], b subname [ condition ], d line, D, a line command, A, < command, > command, V package [symbols], X [symbols], ! number, ! -number, H -number, q or ^D, command, p expr =item Customization =item Other resources =back =item BUGS =head2 perldiag - various Perl diagnostics =item DESCRIPTION =head2 perlform - Perl formats =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Format Variables =back =item NOTES =over =item Footers =item Accessing Formatting Internals =back =item WARNING =head2 perlipc - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocceses, sockets, and semaphores) =item DESCRIPTION =item Signals =item Named Pipes =item Using open() for IPC =over =item Safe Pipe Opens =item Bidirectional Communication =back =item Sockets: Client/Server Communication =over =item Internet TCP Clients and Servers =item Unix-Domain TCP Clients and Servers =item UDP: Message Passing =back =item SysV IPC =item WARNING =item NOTES =item BUGS =item AUTHOR =item SEE ALSO =head2 perlsec - Perl security =item DESCRIPTION =head2 perltrap - Perl traps for the unwary =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Awk Traps =item C Traps =item Sed Traps =item Shell Traps =item Perl Traps =item Perl4 Traps =back =head2 perlstyle - Perl style guide =item DESCRIPTION =head2 perlxs - XS language reference manual =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Introduction =item On The Road =item The Anatomy of an XSUB =item The Argument Stack =item The RETVAL Variable =item The MODULE Keyword =item The PACKAGE Keyword =item The PREFIX Keyword =item The OUTPUT: Keyword =item The CODE: Keyword =item The NO_INIT Keyword =item Initializing Function Parameters =item Default Parameter Values =item Variable-length Parameter Lists =item The PPCODE: Keyword =item Returning Undef And Empty Lists =item The REQUIRE: Keyword =item The CLEANUP: Keyword =item The BOOT: Keyword =item Inserting Comments and C Preprocessor Directives =item Using XS With C++ =item Interface Strategy =item Perl Objects And C Structures =item The Typemap =back =item EXAMPLES =item AUTHOR =head2 perlxstut, perlXStut - Tutorial for XSUB's =item DESCRIPTION =item EXAMPLE 1 =item EXAMPLE 2 =item WHAT HAS GONE ON? =item EXAMPLE 3 =item WHAT'S NEW HERE? =item INPUT AND OUTPUT PARAMETERS =item THE XSUBPP COMPILER =item THE TYPEMAP FILE =item WARNING =item EXAMPLE 4 =item Author =item Last Changed =head2 perlguts - Perl's Internal Functions =item DESCRIPTION =item Datatypes =over =item What is an "IV"? =item Working with SV's =item What's Really Stored in an SV? =item Working with AV's =item Working with HV's =item References =item Blessed References and Class Objects =back =item Creating New Variables =item XSUB's and the Argument Stack =item Mortality =item Stashes =item Magic =over =item Assigning Magic =item Magic Virtual Tables =item Finding Magic =back =item Double-Typed SV's =item Calling Perl Routines from within C Programs =item Memory Allocation =item API LISTING AvFILL, av_clear, av_extend, av_fetch, av_len, av_make, av_pop, av_push, av_shift, av_store, av_undef, av_unshift, CLASS, Copy, croak, CvSTASH, DBsingle, DBsub, dMARK, dORIGMARK, dSP, dXSARGS, ENTER, EXTEND, FREETMPS, G_ARRAY, G_DISCARD, G_EVAL, GIMME, G_NOARGS, G_SCALAR, gv_stashpv, gv_stashsv, GvSV, he_free, hv_clear, hv_delete, hv_exists, hv_fetch, hv_iterinit, hv_iterkey, hv_iternext, hv_iternextsv, hv_iterval, hv_magic, HvNAME, hv_store, hv_undef, isALNUM, isALPHA, isDIGIT, isLOWER, isSPACE, isUPPER, items, LEAVE, MARK, mg_clear, mg_copy, mg_find, mg_free, mg_get, mg_len, mg_magical, mg_set, Move, na, New, Newc, Newz, newAV, newHV, newRV, newSV, newSViv, newSVnv, newSVpv, newSVrv, newSVsv, newXS, newXSproto, Nullav, Nullch, Nullcv, Nullhv, Nullsv, ORIGMARK, perl_alloc, perl_call_argv, perl_call_method, perl_call_pv, perl_call_sv, perl_construct, perl_destruct, perl_eval_sv, perl_free, perl_get_av, perl_get_cv, perl_get_hv, perl_get_sv, perl_parse, perl_require_pv, perl_run, POPi, POPl, POPp, POPn, POPs, =item AUTHOR =item DATE =head2 perlcall - Perl calling conventions from C =item DESCRIPTION An Error Handler, An Event Driven Program =item THE PERL_CALL FUNCTIONS B, B, B, B =item FLAG VALUES =over =item G_SCALAR =item G_ARRAY =item G_DISCARD =item G_NOARGS =item G_EVAL =item Determining the Context =back =item KNOWN PROBLEMS =item EXAMPLES =over =item No Parameters, Nothing returned =item Passing Parameters =item Returning a Scalar =item Returning a list of values =item Returning a list in a scalar context =item Returning Data from Perl via the parameter list =item Using G_EVAL =item Using perl_call_sv =item Using perl_call_argv =item Using perl_call_method =item Using GIMME =item Using Perl to dispose of temporaries =item Strategies for storing Callback Context Information 1. Ignore the problem - Allow only 1 callback, 2. Create a sequence of callbacks - hard wired limit, 3. Use a parameter to map to the Perl callback =item Alternate Stack Manipulation =back =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =item DATE =head2 perlembed - how to embed perl in your C program =item DESCRIPTION =over =item PREAMBLE B, B, B, B, B =item ROADMAP =item Compiling your C program =item Adding a Perl interpreter to your C program =item Calling a Perl subroutine from your C program =item Evaluating a Perl statement from your C program =item Performing Perl pattern matches and substitutions from your C program =back =item MORAL =item AUTHOR =head2 perlpod - plain old documentation =item DESCRIPTION =item Embedding Pods in Perl Modules =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =head2 perlbook - Perl book information =item DESCRIPTION =head1 PRAGMA DOCUMENTATION =head2 diagnostics - Perl compiler pragma to force verbose warning diagnostics =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item The C Pragma =item The I Program =back =item EXAMPLES =item INTERNALS =item BUGS =item AUTHOR =head2 integer - Perl pragma to compute arithmetic in integer instead of double =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 less - perl pragma to request less of something from the compiler =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 lib - manipulate @INC at compile time =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item ADDING DIRECTORIES TO @INC =item DELETING DIRECTORIES FROM @INC =item RESTORING ORIGINAL @INC =back =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =head2 overload - Package for overloading perl operations =item SYNOPSIS =item CAVEAT SCRIPTOR =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Declaration of overloaded functions =item Calling Conventions for Binary Operations FALSE, TRUE, C =item Calling Conventions for Unary Operations =item Overloadable Operations I, I, I, I, I, I, I =back =item SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR C =over =item Last Resort =item Fallback C, TRUE, defined, but FALSE =item Copy Constructor B =back =item MAGIC AUTOGENERATION I, I, I, C, I, I, I, I =item WARNING =item Run-time Overloading =item Public functions overload::StrVal(arg), overload::Overloaded(arg), overload::Method(obj,op) =item IMPLEMENTATION =item AUTHOR =item DIAGNOSTICS =item BUGS =head2 sigtrap - Perl pragma to enable stack backtrace on unexpected signals =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 strict - Perl pragma to restrict unsafe constructs =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION C, C, C =head2 subs - Perl pragma to predeclare sub names =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head1 MODULE DOCUMENTATION =head2 AnyDBM_File - provide framework for multiple DBMs =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item DBM Comparisons [0], [1], [2], [3] =back =item SEE ALSO =head2 AutoLoader - load functions only on demand =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 AutoSplit - split a package for autoloading =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 Benchmark - benchmark running times of code =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Methods new, debug =item Standard Exports timeit(COUNT, CODE), timethis, timethese, timediff, timestr =item Optional Exports =back =item NOTES =item INHERITANCE =item CAVEATS =item AUTHORS =item MODIFICATION HISTORY =head2 Carp, carp - warn of errors (from perspective of caller) =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 Config - access Perl configuration option =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item EXAMPLE =item NOTE =head2 Cwd, getcwd - get pathname of current working directory =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 DB_File - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION DB_HASH, DB_BTREE, DB_RECNO =over =item How does DB_File interface to Berkeley DB? =item Differences with Berkeley DB =item RECNO =item In Memory Databases =item Using the Berkeley DB Interface Directly get, put, del, fd, seq, sync =back =item EXAMPLES =over =item Using HASH =item Using BTREE =item Using RECNO =item Locking Databases =back =item HISTORY =item WARNINGS =item BUGS =item AVAILABILITY =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =head2 Devel::SelfStubber - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 DynaLoader - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION @dl_library_path, @dl_resolve_using, @dl_require_symbols, dl_error(), $dl_debug, dl_findfile(), dl_expandspec(), dl_load_file(), dl_find_symbol(), dl_undef_symbols(), dl_install_xsub(), boostrap() =item AUTHOR =head2 English - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 Env - perl module that imports environment variables =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item AUTHOR =head2 Exporter - Implements default import method for modules =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Selecting What To Export =item Specialised Import Lists =item Module Version Checking =item Managing Unknown Symbols =item Tag Handling Utility Functions =back =head2 ExtUtils::Liblist - determine libraries to use and how to use them =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION For static extensions, For dynamic extensions, For dynamic extensions =over =item EXTRALIBS =item LDLOADLIBS and LD_RUN_PATH =item BSLOADLIBS =back =item PORTABILITY =item SEE ALSO =head2 ExtUtils::MakeMaker - create an extension Makefile =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Hintsfile support =item What's new in version 5 of MakeMaker =item Incompatibilities between MakeMaker 5.00 and 4.23 =item Default Makefile Behaviour =item Special case make install =item PREFIX attribute =item AFS users =item Static Linking of a new Perl Binary =item Determination of Perl Library and Installation Locations =item Useful Default Makefile Macros =item Using Attributes (and Parameters) C, CONFIG, CONFIGURE, DEFINE, DIR, DISTNAME, DL_FUNCS, DL_VARS, EXE_FILES, FIRST_MAKEFILE, FULLPERL, H, INC, INSTALLARCHLIB, INSTALLBIN, INSTALLMAN1DIR, INSTALLMAN3DIR, INSTALLPRIVLIB, INST_ARCHLIB, INST_EXE, INST_LIB, INST_MAN1DIR, INST_MAN3DIR, LDFROM, LIBPERL_A, LIBS, LINKTYPE, MAKEAPERL, MAKEFILE, MAN1PODS, MAN3PODS, MAP_TARGET, MYEXTLIB, NAME, NEEDS_LINKING, NORECURS, OBJECT, PERL, PERLMAINCC, PERL_ARCHLIB, PERL_LIB, PERL_SRC, PL_FILES, PM, PMLIBDIRS, PREFIX, PREREQ, SKIP, TYPEMAPS, VERSION, XS, XSOPT, XSPROTOARG, XS_VERSION =item Additional lowercase attributes clean, dist, dynamic_lib, installpm, linkext, macro, realclean, tool_autosplit =item Overriding MakeMaker Methods =item Distribution Support make distcheck, make skipcheck, make distclean, make manifest, make distdir, make tardist, make dist, make uutardist, make shdist, make ci =back =item AUTHORS =item MODIFICATION HISTORY =item TODO =head2 ExtUtils::Manifest - utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item MANIFEST.SKIP =item EXPORT_OK =item GLOBAL VARIABLES =item DIAGNOSTICS C I, C I, C I<$!>, C I =item SEE ALSO =item AUTHOR =head2 ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 Fcntl - load the C Fcntl.h defines =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item NOTE =head2 File::Basename, Basename - parse file specifications =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION fileparse_set_fstype, fileparse =item EXAMPLES C, C =head2 File::CheckTree, validate - run many filetest checks on a tree =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 File::Find, find - traverse a file tree =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 File::Path - create or remove a series of directories =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item AUTHORS =item REVISION =head2 FileHandle - supply object methods for filehandles =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION $fh->print, $fh->printf, $fh->getline, $fh->getlines =over =item The cacheout() Library =back =item SEE ALSO =item BUGS =head2 Getopt::Long, GetOptions - extended getopt processing =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item EXAMPLES $autoabbrev, $getopt_compat, $option_start, $order, $ignorecase, $debug =item NOTE =head2 Getopt::Std, getopt - Process single-character switches with switch clustering =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 I18N::Collate, Collate - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 IPC::Open2, open2 - open a process for both reading and writing =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item WARNING =item SEE ALSO =head2 IPC::Open3, open3 - open a process for reading, writing, and error handling =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head2 Net::Ping, pingecho - check a host for upness =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item Parameters hostname, timeout =back =item WARNING =head2 POSIX - Perl interface to IEEE Std 1003.1 =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item NOTE =item CAVEATS =item FUNCTIONS _exit, abort, abs, access, acos, alarm, asctime, asin, assert, atan, atan2, atexit, atof, atoi, atol, bsearch, calloc, ceil, chdir, chmod, chown, clearerr, clock, close, closedir, cos, cosh, creat, ctermid, ctime, cuserid, difftime, div, dup, dup2, errno, execl, execle, execlp, execv, execve, execvp, exit, exp, fabs, fclose, fcntl, fdopen, feof, ferror, fflush, fgetc, fgetpos, fgets, fileno, floor, fmod, fopen, fork, fpathconf, fprintf, fputc, fputs, fread, free, freopen, frexp, fscanf, fseek, fsetpos, fstat, ftell, fwrite, getc, getchar, getcwd, getegid, getenv, geteuid, getgid, getgrgid, getgrnam, getgroups, getlogin, getpgrp, getpid, getppid, getpwnam, getpwuid, gets, getuid, gmtime, isalnum, isalpha, isatty, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit, kill, labs, ldexp, ldiv, link, localeconv, localtime, log, log10, longjmp, lseek, malloc, mblen, mbstowcs, mbtowc, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memmove, memset, mkdir, mkfifo, mktime, modf, nice, offsetof, open, opendir, pat =item CLASSES =over =item FileHandle new, clearerr, close, eof, error, fileno, flush, getc, getpos, gets, new_from_fd, new_tmpfile, seek, setbuf, setpos, setvbuf, tell, ungetc =item POSIX::SigAction new =item POSIX::SigSet new, addset, delset, emptyset, fillset, ismember =item POSIX::Termios new, getattr, getcc, getcflag, getiflag, getispeed, getlflag, getoflag, getospeed, setattr, setcc, setcflag, setiflag, setispeed, setlflag, setoflag, setospeed, Baud rate values, Terminal interface values, c_cc field values, c_cflag field values, c_iflag field values, c_lflag field values, c_oflag field values =back =item PATHNAME CONSTANTS Constants =item POSIX CONSTANTS Constants =item SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Constants =item ERRNO Constants =item FCNTL Constants =item FLOAT Constants =item LIMITS Constants =item LOCALE Constants =item MATH Constants =item SIGNAL Constants =item STAT Constants, Macros =item STDLIB Constants =item STDIO Constants =item TIME Constants =item UNISTD Constants =item WAIT Constants, Macros =item CREATION =head2 Pod::Text - convert POD data to formatted ASCII text =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item AUTHOR =item TODO =head2 Safe - Safe extension module for Perl =item DESCRIPTION a new namespace, an operator mask =over =item Operator masks =item Methods in class Safe NAMESPACE, MASK, root (NAMESPACE), mask (MASK), trap (OP, ...), untrap (OP, ...), share (VARNAME, ...), varglob (VARNAME), reval (STRING), rdo (FILENAME) =item Subroutines in package Safe ops_to_mask (OP, ...), mask_to_ops (MASK), opcode (OP, ...), opname (OP, ...), fullmask, emptymask, MAXO, op_mask =item AUTHOR =back =head2 SelfLoader - load functions only on demand =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =over =item The __DATA__ token =item SelfLoader autoloading =item Autoloading and package lexicals =item SelfLoader and AutoLoader =item __DATA__, __END__, and the FOOBAR::DATA filehandle. =item Classes and inherited methods. =back =item Multiple packages and fully qualified subroutine names =head2 Socket, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_un, inet_aton, inet_ntoa - load the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION inet_aton HOSTNAME, inet_ntoa IP_ADDRESS, INADDR_ANY, INADDR_LOOPBACK, INADDR_NONE, sockaddr_in PORT, ADDRESS, sockaddr_in SOCKADDR_IN, pack_sockaddr_in PORT, IP_ADDRESS, unpack_sockaddr_in SOCKADDR_IN, sockaddr_un PATHNAME, sockaddr_un SOCKADDR_UN, pack_sockaddr_un PATH, unpack_sockaddr_un SOCKADDR_UN =head2 Sys::Hostname - Try every conceivable way to get hostname =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item AUTHOR =head2 Term::Cap - Perl termcap interface =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item EXAMPLES =head2 Term::Complete - Perl word completion module =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION Attempts word completion. Cannot be changed, ^D, ^U, , =item DIAGNOSTICS =item BUGS =item AUTHOR =head2 Test::Harness - run perl standard test scripts with statistics =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item EXPORT =item DIAGNOSTICS C, C, C =item SEE ALSO =item BUGS =head2 Text::Abbrev, abbrev - create an abbreviation table from a list =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item EXAMPLE =head2 Text::Soundex - Implementation of the Soundex Algorithm as Described by Knuth =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item EXAMPLES =item LIMITATIONS =item AUTHOR =head2 Text::Tabs -- expand and unexpand tabs =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item AUTHOR =head2 Text::Wrap -- wrap text into a paragraph =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =item AUTHOR =head2 TieHash, TieHash::Std - base class definitions for tied hashes =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION TIEHASH classname, LIST, STORE this, key, value, FETCH this, key, FIRSTKEY this, NEXTKEY this, lastkey, EXISTS this, key, DELETE this, key, CLEAR this =item CAVEATS =item MORE INFORMATION =head2 Time::Local - efficiently compute tome from local and GMT time =item SYNOPSIS =item DESCRIPTION =head1 AUXILIARY DOCUMENTATION Here should be listed all the extra program's docs, but they don't all have man pages yet: =item a2p =item s2p =item find2perl =item h2ph =item c2ph =item h2xs =item xsubpp =item pod2man =item wrapsuid =head1 AUTHOR Larry Wall EE, with the help of oodles of other folks.