=head1 NAME perlthrtut - tutorial on threads in Perl =head1 DESCRIPTION B: this tutorial describes the new Perl threading flavour introduced in Perl 5.6.0 called interpreter threads, or ithreads for short. There is another older perl threading flavour called the 5.005 model, unsurprisingly for 5.005 versions of Perl. You can see which (or neither) threading flavour you have by running C and look at the C section. If you have C you have ithreads, if you have C you have 5.005 threads. If you have neither, you don't have any thread support built in. If you have both, you are in trouble. This document is unfortunately rather sparse as of 2001-Sep-17. In the meanwhile, you can read up on threading basics (while keeping in mind the above caveat about the changing threading flavours) in L =over 4 =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back When C reaches L is when you should slow down and remember to mentally read C when C says C. The C was the old 5.005-style threading module, the C is the new ithreads style threading module. For more information please see L and L.