=head1 NAME perlfaq9 - Networking ($Revision: 1.3 $, $Date: 2001/10/16 13:27:22 $) =head1 DESCRIPTION This section deals with questions related to networking, the internet, and a few on the web. =head2 What is the correct form of response from a CGI script? (Alan Flavell answers...) The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) specifies a software interface between a program ("CGI script") and a web server (HTTPD). It is not specific to Perl, and has its own FAQs and tutorials, and usenet group, comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi The original CGI specification is at: http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/ Current best-practice RFC draft at: http://CGI-Spec.Golux.Com/ Other relevant documentation listed in: http://www.perl.org/CGI_MetaFAQ.html These Perl FAQs very selectively cover some CGI issues. However, Perl programmers are strongly advised to use the CGI.pm module, to take care of the details for them. The similarity between CGI response headers (defined in the CGI specification) and HTTP response headers (defined in the HTTP specification, RFC2616) is intentional, but can sometimes be confusing. The CGI specification defines two kinds of script: the "Parsed Header" script, and the "Non Parsed Header" (NPH) script. Check your server documentation to see what it supports. "Parsed Header" scripts are simpler in various respects. The CGI specification allows any of the usual newline representations in the CGI response (it's the server's job to create an accurate HTTP response based on it). So "\n" written in text mode is technically correct, and recommended. NPH scripts are more tricky: they must put out a complete and accurate set of HTTP transaction response headers; the HTTP specification calls for records to be terminated with carriage-return and line-feed, i.e ASCII \015\012 written in binary mode. Using CGI.pm gives excellent platform independence, including EBCDIC systems. CGI.pm selects an appropriate newline representation ($CGI::CRLF) and sets binmode as appropriate. =head2 My CGI script runs from the command line but not the browser. (500 Server Error) If you can demonstrate that you've read the FAQs and that your problem isn't something simple that can be easily answered, you'll probably receive a courteous and useful reply to your question if you post it on comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi (if it's something to do with HTTP or the CGI protocols). Questions that appear to be Perl questions but are really CGI ones that are posted to comp.lang.perl.misc are not so well received. The useful FAQs, related documents, and troubleshooting guides are listed in the CGI Meta FAQ: http://www.perl.org/CGI_MetaFAQ.html =head2 How can I get better error messages from a CGI program? Use the CGI::Carp module. It replaces C and C, plus the normal Carp modules C, C, and C functions with more verbose and safer versions. It still sends them to the normal server error log. use CGI::Carp; warn "This is a complaint"; die "But this one is serious"; The following use of CGI::Carp also redirects errors to a file of your choice, placed in a BEGIN block to catch compile-time warnings as well: BEGIN { use CGI::Carp qw(carpout); open(LOG, ">>/var/local/cgi-logs/mycgi-log") or die "Unable to append to mycgi-log: $!\n"; carpout(*LOG); } You can even arrange for fatal errors to go back to the client browser, which is nice for your own debugging, but might confuse the end user. use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); die "Bad error here"; Even if the error happens before you get the HTTP header out, the module will try to take care of this to avoid the dreaded server 500 errors. Normal warnings still go out to the server error log (or wherever you've sent them with C) with the application name and date stamp prepended. =head2 How do I remove HTML from a string? The most correct way (albeit not the fastest) is to use HTML::Parser from CPAN. Another mostly correct way is to use HTML::FormatText which not only removes HTML but also attempts to do a little simple formatting of the resulting plain text. Many folks attempt a simple-minded regular expression approach, like C<< s/<.*?>//g >>, but that fails in many cases because the tags may continue over line breaks, they may contain quoted angle-brackets, or HTML comment may be present. Plus, folks forget to convert entities--like C<<> for example. Here's one "simple-minded" approach, that works for most files: #!/usr/bin/perl -p0777 s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gs If you want a more complete solution, see the 3-stage striphtml program in http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/Tom_Christiansen/scripts/striphtml.gz . Here are some tricky cases that you should think about when picking a solution: A > B A > B <# Just data #> >>>>>>>>>>> ]]> If HTML comments include other tags, those solutions would also break on text like this: =head2 How do I extract URLs? A quick but imperfect approach is #!/usr/bin/perl -n00 # qxurl - tchrist@perl.com print "$2\n" while m{ < \s* A \s+ HREF \s* = \s* (["']) (.*?) \1 \s* > }gsix; This version does not adjust relative URLs, understand alternate bases, deal with HTML comments, deal with HREF and NAME attributes in the same tag, understand extra qualifiers like TARGET, or accept URLs themselves as arguments. It also runs about 100x faster than a more "complete" solution using the LWP suite of modules, such as the http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/Tom_Christiansen/scripts/xurl.gz program. =head2 How do I download a file from the user's machine? How do I open a file on another machine? In the context of an HTML form, you can use what's known as B encoding. The CGI.pm module (available from CPAN) supports this in the start_multipart_form() method, which isn't the same as the startform() method. =head2 How do I make a pop-up menu in HTML? Use the B<<