=head1 NAME perlebcdic - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms =head1 DESCRIPTION An exploration of some of the issues facing Perl programmers on EBCDIC based computers. We do not cover localization, internationalization, or multi byte character set issues other than some discussion of UTF-8 and UTF-EBCDIC. Portions that are still incomplete are marked with XXX. =head1 COMMON CHARACTER CODE SETS =head2 ASCII The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII or US-ASCII) is a set of integers running from 0 to 127 (decimal) that imply character interpretation by the display and other systems of computers. The range 0..127 can be covered by setting the bits in a 7-bit binary digit, hence the set is sometimes referred to as a "7-bit ASCII". ASCII was described by the American National Standards Institute document ANSI X3.4-1986. It was also described by ISO 646:1991 (with localization for currency symbols). The full ASCII set is given in the table below as the first 128 elements. Languages that can be written adequately with the characters in ASCII include English, Hawaiian, Indonesian, Swahili and some Native American languages. There are many character sets that extend the range of integers from 0..2**7-1 up to 2**8-1, or 8 bit bytes (octets if you prefer). One common one is the ISO 8859-1 character set. =head2 ISO 8859 The ISO 8859-$n are a collection of character code sets from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) each of which adds characters to the ASCII set that are typically found in European languages many of which are based on the Roman, or Latin, alphabet. =head2 Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1) A particular 8-bit extension to ASCII that includes grave and acute accented Latin characters. Languages that can employ ISO 8859-1 include all the languages covered by ASCII as well as Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Faroese, Finnish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Dutch is covered albeit without the ij ligature. French is covered too but without the oe ligature. German can use ISO 8859-1 but must do so without German-style quotation marks. This set is based on Western European extensions to ASCII and is commonly encountered in world wide web work. In IBM character code set identification terminology ISO 8859-1 is also known as CCSID 819 (or sometimes 0819 or even 00819). =head2 EBCDIC The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code refers to a large collection of slightly different single and multi byte coded character sets that are different from ASCII or ISO 8859-1 and typically run on host computers. The EBCDIC encodings derive from 8 bit byte extensions of Hollerith punched card encodings. The layout on the cards was such that high bits were set for the upper and lower case alphabet characters [a-z] and [A-Z], but there were gaps within each latin alphabet range. Some IBM EBCDIC character sets may be known by character code set identification numbers (CCSID numbers) or code page numbers. Leading zero digits in CCSID numbers within this document are insignificant. E.g. CCSID 0037 may be referred to as 37 in places. Perl can be compiled on platforms that run any of three commonly used EBCDIC character sets, listed below. =head2 The 13 variant characters Among IBM EBCDIC character code sets there are 13 characters that are often mapped to different integer values. Those characters are known as the 13 "variant" characters and are: \ [ ] { } ^ ~ ! # | $ @ ` When Perl is compiled for a platform, it looks at some of these characters to guess which EBCDIC character set the platform uses, and adapts itself accordingly to that platform. If the platform uses a character set that is not one of the three Perl knows about, Perl will either fail to compile, or mistakenly and silently choose one of the three. They are: =head2 0037 Character code set ID 0037 is a mapping of the ASCII plus Latin-1 characters (i.e. ISO 8859-1) to an EBCDIC set. 0037 is used in North American English locales on the OS/400 operating system that runs on AS/400 computers. CCSID 37 differs from ISO 8859-1 in 237 places, in other words they agree on only 19 code point values. =head2 1047 Character code set ID 1047 is also a mapping of the ASCII plus Latin-1 characters (i.e. ISO 8859-1) to an EBCDIC set. 1047 is used under Unix System Services for OS/390 or z/OS, and OpenEdition for VM/ESA. CCSID 1047 differs from CCSID 0037 in eight places. =head2 POSIX-BC The EBCDIC code page in use on Siemens' BS2000 system is distinct from 1047 and 0037. It is identified below as the POSIX-BC set. =head2 Unicode code points versus EBCDIC code points In Unicode terminology a I is the number assigned to a character: for example, in EBCDIC the character "A" is usually assigned the number 193. In Unicode the character "A" is assigned the number 65. This causes a problem with the semantics of the pack/unpack "U", which are supposed to pack Unicode code points to characters and back to numbers. The problem is: which code points to use for code points less than 256? (for 256 and over there's no problem: Unicode code points are used) In EBCDIC, for the low 256 the EBCDIC code points are used. This means that the equivalences pack("U", ord($character)) eq $character unpack("U", $character) == ord $character will hold. (If Unicode code points were applied consistently over all the possible code points, pack("U",ord("A")) would in EBCDIC equal I or chr(101), and unpack("U", "A") would equal 65, or I, not 193, or ord "A".) =head2 Remaining Perl Unicode problems in EBCDIC =over 4 =item * Many of the remaining problems seem to be related to case-insensitive matching =item * The extensions Unicode::Collate and Unicode::Normalized are not supported under EBCDIC, likewise for the encoding pragma. =back =head2 Unicode and UTF UTF stands for C. UTF-8 is an encoding of Unicode into a sequence of 8-bit byte chunks, based on ASCII and Latin-1. The length of a sequence required to represent a Unicode code point depends on the ordinal number of that code point, with larger numbers requiring more bytes. UTF-EBCDIC is like UTF-8, but based on EBCDIC. In UTF-8, the code points corresponding to the lowest 128 ordinal numbers (0 - 127) are the same (or C) in UTF-8 or not. They occupy one byte each. All other Unicode code points require more than one byte to be represented in UTF-8. With UTF-EBCDIC, the term C has a somewhat different meaning. (First, note that this is very different from the L mentioned above.) In UTF-EBCDIC, an C character or code point is one which takes up exactly one byte encoded, regardless of whether or not the encoding changes its value (which it most likely will). (If you care, the EBCDIC invariants are those characters which correspond to the the ASCII characters, plus those that correspond to the C1 controls (80..9f on ASCII platforms).) A string encoded in UTF-EBCDIC may be longer (but never shorter) than one encoded in UTF-8. =head2 Using Encode Starting from Perl 5.8 you can use the standard new module Encode to translate from EBCDIC to Latin-1 code points. Encode knows about more EBCDIC character sets than Perl can currently be compiled to run on. use Encode 'from_to'; my %ebcdic = ( 176 => 'cp37', 95 => 'cp1047', 106 => 'posix-bc' ); # $a is in EBCDIC code points from_to($a, $ebcdic{ord '^'}, 'latin1'); # $a is ISO 8859-1 code points and from Latin-1 code points to EBCDIC code points use Encode 'from_to'; my %ebcdic = ( 176 => 'cp37', 95 => 'cp1047', 106 => 'posix-bc' ); # $a is ISO 8859-1 code points from_to($a, 'latin1', $ebcdic{ord '^'}); # $a is in EBCDIC code points For doing I/O it is suggested that you use the autotranslating features of PerlIO, see L. Since version 5.8 Perl uses the new PerlIO I/O library. This enables you to use different encodings per IO channel. For example you may use use Encode; open($f, ">:encoding(ascii)", "test.ascii"); print $f "Hello World!\n"; open($f, ">:encoding(cp37)", "test.ebcdic"); print $f "Hello World!\n"; open($f, ">:encoding(latin1)", "test.latin1"); print $f "Hello World!\n"; open($f, ">:encoding(utf8)", "test.utf8"); print $f "Hello World!\n"; to get four files containing "Hello World!\n" in ASCII, CP 37 EBCDIC, ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) (in this example identical to ASCII since only ASCII characters were printed), and UTF-EBCDIC (in this example identical to normal EBCDIC since only characters that don't differ between EBCDIC and UTF-EBCDIC were printed). See the documentation of Encode::PerlIO for details. As the PerlIO layer uses raw IO (bytes) internally, all this totally ignores things like the type of your filesystem (ASCII or EBCDIC). =head1 SINGLE OCTET TABLES The following tables list the ASCII and Latin 1 ordered sets including the subsets: C0 controls (0..31), ASCII graphics (32..7e), delete (7f), C1 controls (80..9f), and Latin-1 (a.k.a. ISO 8859-1) (a0..ff). In the table non-printing control character names as well as the Latin 1 extensions to ASCII have been labelled with character names roughly corresponding to I albeit with substitutions such as s/LATIN// and s/VULGAR// in all cases, s/CAPITAL LETTER// in some cases, and s/SMALL LETTER ([A-Z])/\l$1/ in some other cases (the C pragma names unfortunately do not list explicit names for the C0 or C1 control characters). The "names" of the C1 control set (128..159 in ISO 8859-1) listed here are somewhat arbitrary. The differences between the 0037 and 1047 sets are flagged with ***. The differences between the 1047 and POSIX-BC sets are flagged with ###. All ord() numbers listed are decimal. If you would rather see this table listing octal values then run the table (that is, the pod version of this document since this recipe may not work with a pod2_other_format translation) through: =over 4 =item recipe 0 =back perl -ne 'if(/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/)' \ -e '{printf("%s%-9o%-9o%-9o%o\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5)}' perlebcdic.pod If you want to retain the UTF-x code points then in script form you might want to write: =over 4 =item recipe 1 =back open(FH,") { if (/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)/) { if ($7 ne '' && $9 ne '') { printf("%s%-9o%-9o%-9o%-9o%-3o.%-5o%-3o.%o\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9); } elsif ($7 ne '') { printf("%s%-9o%-9o%-9o%-9o%-3o.%-5o%o\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8); } else { printf("%s%-9o%-9o%-9o%-9o%-9o%o\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$8); } } } If you would rather see this table listing hexadecimal values then run the table through: =over 4 =item recipe 2 =back perl -ne 'if(/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/)' \ -e '{printf("%s%-9X%-9X%-9X%X\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5)}' perlebcdic.pod Or, in order to retain the UTF-x code points in hexadecimal: =over 4 =item recipe 3 =back open(FH,") { if (/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)/) { if ($7 ne '' && $9 ne '') { printf("%s%-9X%-9X%-9X%-9X%-2X.%-6X%-2X.%X\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9); } elsif ($7 ne '') { printf("%s%-9X%-9X%-9X%-9X%-2X.%-6X%X\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8); } else { printf("%s%-9X%-9X%-9X%-9X%-9X%X\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$8); } } } incomp- incomp- 8859-1 lete lete chr 0819 0037 1047 POSIX-BC UTF-8 UTF-EBCDIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 55 55 55 4 55 5 45 45 45 5 45 6 46 46 46 6 46 7 47 47 47 7 47 8 22 22 22 8 22 9 5 5 5 9 5 10 37 21 21 10 21 *** 11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 60 60 60 20 60 21 61 61 61 21 61 22 50 50 50 22 50 23 38 38 38 23 38 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 63 63 63 26 63 27 39 39 39 27 39 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 64 64 64 32 64 ! 33 90 90 90 33 90 " 34 127 127 127 34 127 # 35 123 123 123 35 123 $ 36 91 91 91 36 91 % 37 108 108 108 37 108 & 38 80 80 80 38 80 ' 39 125 125 125 39 125 ( 40 77 77 77 40 77 ) 41 93 93 93 41 93 * 42 92 92 92 42 92 + 43 78 78 78 43 78 , 44 107 107 107 44 107 - 45 96 96 96 45 96 . 46 75 75 75 46 75 / 47 97 97 97 47 97 0 48 240 240 240 48 240 1 49 241 241 241 49 241 2 50 242 242 242 50 242 3 51 243 243 243 51 243 4 52 244 244 244 52 244 5 53 245 245 245 53 245 6 54 246 246 246 54 246 7 55 247 247 247 55 247 8 56 248 248 248 56 248 9 57 249 249 249 57 249 : 58 122 122 122 58 122 ; 59 94 94 94 59 94 < 60 76 76 76 60 76 = 61 126 126 126 61 126 > 62 110 110 110 62 110 ? 63 111 111 111 63 111 @ 64 124 124 124 64 124 A 65 193 193 193 65 193 B 66 194 194 194 66 194 C 67 195 195 195 67 195 D 68 196 196 196 68 196 E 69 197 197 197 69 197 F 70 198 198 198 70 198 G 71 199 199 199 71 199 H 72 200 200 200 72 200 I 73 201 201 201 73 201 J 74 209 209 209 74 209 K 75 210 210 210 75 210 L 76 211 211 211 76 211 M 77 212 212 212 77 212 N 78 213 213 213 78 213 O 79 214 214 214 79 214 P 80 215 215 215 80 215 Q 81 216 216 216 81 216 R 82 217 217 217 82 217 S 83 226 226 226 83 226 T 84 227 227 227 84 227 U 85 228 228 228 85 228 V 86 229 229 229 86 229 W 87 230 230 230 87 230 X 88 231 231 231 88 231 Y 89 232 232 232 89 232 Z 90 233 233 233 90 233 [ 91 186 173 187 91 173 *** ### \ 92 224 224 188 92 224 ### ] 93 187 189 189 93 189 *** ^ 94 176 95 106 94 95 *** ### _ 95 109 109 109 95 109 ` 96 121 121 74 96 121 ### a 97 129 129 129 97 129 b 98 130 130 130 98 130 c 99 131 131 131 99 131 d 100 132 132 132 100 132 e 101 133 133 133 101 133 f 102 134 134 134 102 134 g 103 135 135 135 103 135 h 104 136 136 136 104 136 i 105 137 137 137 105 137 j 106 145 145 145 106 145 k 107 146 146 146 107 146 l 108 147 147 147 108 147 m 109 148 148 148 109 148 n 110 149 149 149 110 149 o 111 150 150 150 111 150 p 112 151 151 151 112 151 q 113 152 152 152 113 152 r 114 153 153 153 114 153 s 115 162 162 162 115 162 t 116 163 163 163 116 163 u 117 164 164 164 117 164 v 118 165 165 165 118 165 w 119 166 166 166 119 166 x 120 167 167 167 120 167 y 121 168 168 168 121 168 z 122 169 169 169 122 169 { 123 192 192 251 123 192 ### | 124 79 79 79 124 79 } 125 208 208 253 125 208 ### ~ 126 161 161 255 126 161 ### 127 7 7 7 127 7 128 32 32 32 194.128 32 129 33 33 33 194.129 33 130 34 34 34 194.130 34 131 35 35 35 194.131 35 132 36 36 36 194.132 36 133 21 37 37 194.133 37 *** 134 6 6 6 194.134 6 135 23 23 23 194.135 23 136 40 40 40 194.136 40 137 41 41 41 194.137 41 138 42 42 42 194.138 42 139 43 43 43 194.139 43 140 44 44 44 194.140 44 141 9 9 9 194.141 9 142 10 10 10 194.142 10 143 27 27 27 194.143 27 144 48 48 48 194.144 48 145 49 49 49 194.145 49 146 26 26 26 194.146 26 147 51 51 51 194.147 51 148 52 52 52 194.148 52 149 53 53 53 194.149 53 150 54 54 54 194.150 54 151 8 8 8 194.151 8 152 56 56 56 194.152 56 153 57 57 57 194.153 57 154 58 58 58 194.154 58 155 59 59 59 194.155 59 156 4 4 4 194.156 4 157 20 20 20 194.157 20 158 62 62 62 194.158 62 159 255 255 95 194.159 255 ### 160 65 65 65 194.160 128.65 161 170 170 170 194.161 128.66 162 74 74 176 194.162 128.67 ### 163 177 177 177 194.163 128.68 164 159 159 159 194.164 128.69 165 178 178 178 194.165 128.70 166 106 106 208 194.166 128.71 ###
167 181 181 181 194.167 128.72 168 189 187 121 194.168 128.73 *** ### 169 180 180 180 194.169 128.74 170 154 154 154 194.170 128.81 171 138 138 138 194.171 128.82 172 95 176 186 194.172 128.83 *** ### 173 202 202 202 194.173 128.84 174 175 175 175 194.174 128.85 175 188 188 161 194.175 128.86 ### 176 144 144 144 194.176 128.87 177 143 143 143 194.177 128.88 178 234 234 234 194.178 128.89 179 250 250 250 194.179 128.98 180 190 190 190 194.180 128.99 181 160 160 160 194.181 128.100 182 182 182 182 194.182 128.101 183 179 179 179 194.183 128.102 184 157 157 157 194.184 128.103 185 218 218 218 194.185 128.104 186 155 155 155 194.186 128.105 187 139 139 139 194.187 128.106 188 183 183 183 194.188 128.112 189 184 184 184 194.189 128.113 190 185 185 185 194.190 128.114 191 171 171 171 194.191 128.115 192 100 100 100 195.128 138.65 193 101 101 101 195.129 138.66 194 98 98 98 195.130 138.67 195 102 102 102 195.131 138.68 196 99 99 99 195.132 138.69 197 103 103 103 195.133 138.70 198 158 158 158 195.134 138.71 199 104 104 104 195.135 138.72 200 116 116 116 195.136 138.73 201 113 113 113 195.137 138.74 202 114 114 114 195.138 138.81 203 115 115 115 195.139 138.82 204 120 120 120 195.140 138.83 205 117 117 117 195.141 138.84 206 118 118 118 195.142 138.85 207 119 119 119 195.143 138.86 208 172 172 172 195.144 138.87 209 105 105 105 195.145 138.88 210 237 237 237 195.146 138.89 211 238 238 238 195.147 138.98 212 235 235 235 195.148 138.99 213 239 239 239 195.149 138.100 214 236 236 236 195.150 138.101 215 191 191 191 195.151 138.102 216 128 128 128 195.152 138.103 217 253 253 224 195.153 138.104 ### 218 254 254 254 195.154 138.105 219 251 251 221 195.155 138.106 ### 220 252 252 252 195.156 138.112 221 173 186 173 195.157 138.113 *** ### 222 174 174 174 195.158 138.114 223 89 89 89 195.159 138.115 224 68 68 68 195.160 139.65 225 69 69 69 195.161 139.66 226 66 66 66 195.162 139.67 227 70 70 70 195.163 139.68 228 67 67 67 195.164 139.69 229 71 71 71 195.165 139.70 230 156 156 156 195.166 139.71 231 72 72 72 195.167 139.72 232 84 84 84 195.168 139.73 233 81 81 81 195.169 139.74 234 82 82 82 195.170 139.81 235 83 83 83 195.171 139.82 236 88 88 88 195.172 139.83 237 85 85 85 195.173 139.84 238 86 86 86 195.174 139.85 239 87 87 87 195.175 139.86 240 140 140 140 195.176 139.87 241 73 73 73 195.177 139.88 242 205 205 205 195.178 139.89 243 206 206 206 195.179 139.98 244 203 203 203 195.180 139.99 245 207 207 207 195.181 139.100 246 204 204 204 195.182 139.101 247 225 225 225 195.183 139.102 248 112 112 112 195.184 139.103 249 221 221 192 195.185 139.104 ### 250 222 222 222 195.186 139.105 251 219 219 219 195.187 139.106 252 220 220 220 195.188 139.112 253 141 141 141 195.189 139.113 254 142 142 142 195.190 139.114 255 223 223 223 195.191 139.115 If you would rather see the above table in CCSID 0037 order rather than ASCII + Latin-1 order then run the table through: =over 4 =item recipe 4 =back perl -ne 'if(/.{33}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}/)'\ -e '{push(@l,$_)}' \ -e 'END{print map{$_->[0]}' \ -e ' sort{$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]}' \ -e ' map{[$_,substr($_,42,3)]}@l;}' perlebcdic.pod If you would rather see it in CCSID 1047 order then change the digit 42 in the last line to 51, like this: =over 4 =item recipe 5 =back perl -ne 'if(/.{33}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}/)'\ -e '{push(@l,$_)}' \ -e 'END{print map{$_->[0]}' \ -e ' sort{$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]}' \ -e ' map{[$_,substr($_,51,3)]}@l;}' perlebcdic.pod If you would rather see it in POSIX-BC order then change the digit 51 in the last line to 60, like this: =over 4 =item recipe 6 =back perl -ne 'if(/.{33}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}\s{6,8}\d{1,3}/)'\ -e '{push(@l,$_)}' \ -e 'END{print map{$_->[0]}' \ -e ' sort{$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]}' \ -e ' map{[$_,substr($_,60,3)]}@l;}' perlebcdic.pod =head1 IDENTIFYING CHARACTER CODE SETS To determine the character set you are running under from perl one could use the return value of ord() or chr() to test one or more character values. For example: $is_ascii = "A" eq chr(65); $is_ebcdic = "A" eq chr(193); Also, "\t" is a C character so that: $is_ascii = ord("\t") == 9; $is_ebcdic = ord("\t") == 5; To distinguish EBCDIC code pages try looking at one or more of the characters that differ between them. For example: $is_ebcdic_37 = "\n" eq chr(37); $is_ebcdic_1047 = "\n" eq chr(21); Or better still choose a character that is uniquely encoded in any of the code sets, e.g.: $is_ascii = ord('[') == 91; $is_ebcdic_37 = ord('[') == 186; $is_ebcdic_1047 = ord('[') == 173; $is_ebcdic_POSIX_BC = ord('[') == 187; However, it would be unwise to write tests such as: $is_ascii = "\r" ne chr(13); # WRONG $is_ascii = "\n" ne chr(10); # ILL ADVISED Obviously the first of these will fail to distinguish most ASCII platforms from either a CCSID 0037, a 1047, or a POSIX-BC EBCDIC platform since "\r" eq chr(13) under all of those coded character sets. But note too that because "\n" is chr(13) and "\r" is chr(10) on the MacIntosh (which is an ASCII platform) the second C<$is_ascii> test will lead to trouble there. To determine whether or not perl was built under an EBCDIC code page you can use the Config module like so: use Config; $is_ebcdic = $Config{'ebcdic'} eq 'define'; =head1 CONVERSIONS =head2 tr/// In order to convert a string of characters from one character set to another a simple list of numbers, such as in the right columns in the above table, along with perl's tr/// operator is all that is needed. The data in the table are in ASCII order hence the EBCDIC columns provide easy to use ASCII to EBCDIC operations that are also easily reversed. For example, to convert ASCII to code page 037 take the output of the second column from the output of recipe 0 (modified to add \\ characters) and use it in tr/// like so: $cp_037 = '\000\001\002\003\234\011\206\177\227\215\216\013\014\015\016\017' . '\020\021\022\023\235\205\010\207\030\031\222\217\034\035\036\037' . '\200\201\202\203\204\012\027\033\210\211\212\213\214\005\006\007' . '\220\221\026\223\224\225\226\004\230\231\232\233\024\025\236\032' . '\040\240\342\344\340\341\343\345\347\361\242\056\074\050\053\174' . '\046\351\352\353\350\355\356\357\354\337\041\044\052\051\073\254' . '\055\057\302\304\300\301\303\305\307\321\246\054\045\137\076\077' . '\370\311\312\313\310\315\316\317\314\140\072\043\100\047\075\042' . '\330\141\142\143\144\145\146\147\150\151\253\273\360\375\376\261' . '\260\152\153\154\155\156\157\160\161\162\252\272\346\270\306\244' . '\265\176\163\164\165\166\167\170\171\172\241\277\320\335\336\256' . '\136\243\245\267\251\247\266\274\275\276\133\135\257\250\264\327' . '\173\101\102\103\104\105\106\107\110\111\255\364\366\362\363\365' . '\175\112\113\114\115\116\117\120\121\122\271\373\374\371\372\377' . '\134\367\123\124\125\126\127\130\131\132\262\324\326\322\323\325' . '\060\061\062\063\064\065\066\067\070\071\263\333\334\331\332\237' ; my $ebcdic_string = $ascii_string; eval '$ebcdic_string =~ tr/' . $cp_037 . '/\000-\377/'; To convert from EBCDIC 037 to ASCII just reverse the order of the tr/// arguments like so: my $ascii_string = $ebcdic_string; eval '$ascii_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/'; Similarly one could take the output of the third column from recipe 0 to obtain a C<$cp_1047> table. The fourth column of the output from recipe 0 could provide a C<$cp_posix_bc> table suitable for transcoding as well. =head2 iconv XPG operability often implies the presence of an I utility available from the shell or from the C library. Consult your system's documentation for information on iconv. On OS/390 or z/OS see the iconv(1) manpage. One way to invoke the iconv shell utility from within perl would be to: # OS/390 or z/OS example $ascii_data = `echo '$ebcdic_data'| iconv -f IBM-1047 -t ISO8859-1` or the inverse map: # OS/390 or z/OS example $ebcdic_data = `echo '$ascii_data'| iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t IBM-1047` For other perl based conversion options see the Convert::* modules on CPAN. =head2 C RTL The OS/390 and z/OS C run time libraries provide _atoe() and _etoa() functions. =head1 OPERATOR DIFFERENCES The C<..> range operator treats certain character ranges with care on EBCDIC platforms. For example the following array will have twenty six elements on either an EBCDIC platform or an ASCII platform: @alphabet = ('A'..'Z'); # $#alphabet == 25 The bitwise operators such as & ^ | may return different results when operating on string or character data in a perl program running on an EBCDIC platform than when run on an ASCII platform. Here is an example adapted from the one in L: # EBCDIC-based examples print "j p \n" ^ " a h"; # prints "JAPH\n" print "JA" | " ph\n"; # prints "japh\n" print "JAPH\nJunk" & "\277\277\277\277\277"; # prints "japh\n"; print 'p N$' ^ " E C<(chr(1) eq "\cA")>, and so on. Perl on EBCDIC platforms has been ported to take "\c@" to chr(0) and "\cA" to chr(1) as well, but the thirty three characters that result depend on which code page you are using. The table below uses the character names from the previous table but with substitutions such as s/START OF/S.O./; s/END OF /E.O./; s/TRANSMISSION/TRANS./; s/TABULATION/TAB./; s/VERTICAL/VERT./; s/HORIZONTAL/HORIZ./; s/DEVICE CONTROL/D.C./; s/SEPARATOR/SEP./; s/NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE/NEG. ACK./;. The POSIX-BC and 1047 sets are identical throughout this range and differ from the 0037 set at only one spot (21 decimal). Note that the C character may be generated by "\cJ" on ASCII platforms but by "\cU" on 1047 or POSIX-BC platforms and cannot be generated as a C<"\c.letter."> control character on 0037 platforms. Note also that "\c\\" maps to two characters not one. chr ord 8859-1 0037 1047 && POSIX-BC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "\c?" 127 " " ***>< "\c@" 0 ***>< "\cA" 1 "\cB" 2 "\cC" 3 "\cD" 4 "\cE" 5 "\cF" 6 "\cG" 7 "\cH" 8 "\cI" 9 "\cJ" 10 "\cK" 11 "\cL" 12 "\cM" 13 "\cN" 14 "\cO" 15 "\cP" 16 "\cQ" 17 "\cR" 18 "\cS" 19 "\cT" 20 "\cU" 21 *** "\cV" 22 "\cW" 23 "\cX" 24 "\cY" 25 "\cZ" 26 "\c[" 27 "\c\\" 28 \ \ \ "\c]" 29 "\c^" 30 ***>< "\c_" 31 ***>< =head1 FUNCTION DIFFERENCES =over 8 =item chr() chr() must be given an EBCDIC code number argument to yield a desired character return value on an EBCDIC platform. For example: $CAPITAL_LETTER_A = chr(193); =item ord() ord() will return EBCDIC code number values on an EBCDIC platform. For example: $the_number_193 = ord("A"); =item pack() The c and C templates for pack() are dependent upon character set encoding. Examples of usage on EBCDIC include: $foo = pack("CCCC",193,194,195,196); # $foo eq "ABCD" $foo = pack("C4",193,194,195,196); # same thing $foo = pack("ccxxcc",193,194,195,196); # $foo eq "AB\0\0CD" =item print() One must be careful with scalars and strings that are passed to print that contain ASCII encodings. One common place for this to occur is in the output of the MIME type header for CGI script writing. For example, many perl programming guides recommend something similar to: print "Content-type:\ttext/html\015\012\015\012"; # this may be wrong on EBCDIC Under the IBM OS/390 USS Web Server or WebSphere on z/OS for example you should instead write that as: print "Content-type:\ttext/html\r\n\r\n"; # OK for DGW et alia That is because the translation from EBCDIC to ASCII is done by the web server in this case (such code will not be appropriate for the Macintosh however). Consult your web server's documentation for further details. =item printf() The formats that can convert characters to numbers and vice versa will be different from their ASCII counterparts when executed on an EBCDIC platform. Examples include: printf("%c%c%c",193,194,195); # prints ABC =item sort() EBCDIC sort results may differ from ASCII sort results especially for mixed case strings. This is discussed in more detail below. =item sprintf() See the discussion of printf() above. An example of the use of sprintf would be: $CAPITAL_LETTER_A = sprintf("%c",193); =item unpack() See the discussion of pack() above. =back =head1 REGULAR EXPRESSION DIFFERENCES As of perl 5.005_03 the letter range regular expression such as [A-Z] and [a-z] have been especially coded to not pick up gap characters. For example, characters such as E C that lie between I and J would not be matched by the regular expression range C. This works in the other direction, too, if either of the range end points is explicitly numeric: C<[\x89-\x91]> will match C<\x8e>, even though C<\x89> is C and C<\x91 > is C, and C<\x8e> is a gap character from the alphabetic viewpoint. If you do want to match the alphabet gap characters in a single octet regular expression try matching the hex or octal code such as C on EBCDIC or C on ASCII platforms to have your regular expression match C. Another construct to be wary of is the inappropriate use of hex or octal constants in regular expressions. Consider the following set of subs: sub is_c0 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char =~ /[\000-\037]/; } sub is_print_ascii { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char =~ /[\040-\176]/; } sub is_delete { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char eq "\177"; } sub is_c1 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char =~ /[\200-\237]/; } sub is_latin_1 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char =~ /[\240-\377]/; } The above would be adequate if the concern was only with numeric code points. However, the concern may be with characters rather than code points and on an EBCDIC platform it may be desirable for constructs such as C to print out the expected message. One way to represent the above collection of character classification subs that is capable of working across the four coded character sets discussed in this document is as follows: sub Is_c0 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); if (ord('^')==94) { # ascii return $char =~ /[\000-\037]/; } if (ord('^')==176) { # 37 return $char =~ /[\000-\003\067\055-\057\026\005\045\013-\023\074\075\062\046\030\031\077\047\034-\037]/; } if (ord('^')==95 || ord('^')==106) { # 1047 || posix-bc return $char =~ /[\000-\003\067\055-\057\026\005\025\013-\023\074\075\062\046\030\031\077\047\034-\037]/; } } sub Is_print_ascii { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char =~ /[ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~]/; } sub Is_delete { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); if (ord('^')==94) { # ascii return $char eq "\177"; } else { # ebcdic return $char eq "\007"; } } sub Is_c1 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); if (ord('^')==94) { # ascii return $char =~ /[\200-\237]/; } if (ord('^')==176) { # 37 return $char =~ /[\040-\044\025\006\027\050-\054\011\012\033\060\061\032\063-\066\010\070-\073\040\024\076\377]/; } if (ord('^')==95) { # 1047 return $char =~ /[\040-\045\006\027\050-\054\011\012\033\060\061\032\063-\066\010\070-\073\040\024\076\377]/; } if (ord('^')==106) { # posix-bc return $char =~ /[\040-\045\006\027\050-\054\011\012\033\060\061\032\063-\066\010\070-\073\040\024\076\137]/; } } sub Is_latin_1 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); if (ord('^')==94) { # ascii return $char =~ /[\240-\377]/; } if (ord('^')==176) { # 37 return $char =~ /[\101\252\112\261\237\262\152\265\275\264\232\212\137\312\257\274\220\217\352\372\276\240\266\263\235\332\233\213\267\270\271\253\144\145\142\146\143\147\236\150\164\161-\163\170\165-\167\254\151\355\356\353\357\354\277\200\375\376\373\374\255\256\131\104\105\102\106\103\107\234\110\124\121-\123\130\125-\127\214\111\315\316\313\317\314\341\160\335\336\333\334\215\216\337]/; } if (ord('^')==95) { # 1047 return $char =~ /[\101\252\112\261\237\262\152\265\273\264\232\212\260\312\257\274\220\217\352\372\276\240\266\263\235\332\233\213\267\270\271\253\144\145\142\146\143\147\236\150\164\161-\163\170\165-\167\254\151\355\356\353\357\354\277\200\375\376\373\374\272\256\131\104\105\102\106\103\107\234\110\124\121-\123\130\125-\127\214\111\315\316\313\317\314\341\160\335\336\333\334\215\216\337]/; } if (ord('^')==106) { # posix-bc return $char =~ /[\101\252\260\261\237\262\320\265\171\264\232\212\272\312\257\241\220\217\352\372\276\240\266\263\235\332\233\213\267\270\271\253\144\145\142\146\143\147\236\150\164\161-\163\170\165-\167\254\151\355\356\353\357\354\277\200\340\376\335\374\255\256\131\104\105\102\106\103\107\234\110\124\121-\123\130\125-\127\214\111\315\316\313\317\314\341\160\300\336\333\334\215\216\337]/; } } Note however that only the C sub is really independent of coded character set. Another way to write C would be to use the characters in the range explicitly: sub Is_latin_1 { my $char = substr(shift,0,1); $char =~ /[ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ]/; } Although that form may run into trouble in network transit (due to the presence of 8 bit characters) or on non ISO-Latin character sets. =head1 SOCKETS Most socket programming assumes ASCII character encodings in network byte order. Exceptions can include CGI script writing under a host web server where the server may take care of translation for you. Most host web servers convert EBCDIC data to ISO-8859-1 or Unicode on output. =head1 SORTING One big difference between ASCII based character sets and EBCDIC ones are the relative positions of upper and lower case letters and the letters compared to the digits. If sorted on an ASCII based platform the two letter abbreviation for a physician comes before the two letter for drive, that is: @sorted = sort(qw(Dr. dr.)); # @sorted holds ('Dr.','dr.') on ASCII, # but ('dr.','Dr.') on EBCDIC The property of lower case before uppercase letters in EBCDIC is even carried to the Latin 1 EBCDIC pages such as 0037 and 1047. An example would be that E C (203) comes before E C (235) on an ASCII platform, but the latter (83) comes before the former (115) on an EBCDIC platform. (Astute readers will note that the upper case version of E C is simply "SS" and that the upper case version of E C is not in the 0..255 range but it is at U+x0178 in Unicode, or C<"\x{178}"> in a Unicode enabled Perl). The sort order will cause differences between results obtained on ASCII platforms versus EBCDIC platforms. What follows are some suggestions on how to deal with these differences. =head2 Ignore ASCII vs. EBCDIC sort differences. This is the least computationally expensive strategy. It may require some user education. =head2 MONO CASE then sort data. In order to minimize the expense of mono casing mixed test try to C towards the character set case most employed within the data. If the data are primarily UPPERCASE non Latin 1 then apply tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/ then sort(). If the data are primarily lowercase non Latin 1 then apply tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/ before sorting. If the data are primarily UPPERCASE and include Latin-1 characters then apply: tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; tr/[àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþ]/[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞ]/; s/ß/SS/g; then sort(). Do note however that such Latin-1 manipulation does not address the E C character that will remain at code point 255 on ASCII platforms, but 223 on most EBCDIC platforms where it will sort to a place less than the EBCDIC numerals. With a Unicode enabled Perl you might try: tr/^?/\x{178}/; The strategy of mono casing data before sorting does not preserve the case of the data and may not be acceptable for that reason. =head2 Convert, sort data, then re convert. This is the most expensive proposition that does not employ a network connection. =head2 Perform sorting on one type of platform only. This strategy can employ a network connection. As such it would be computationally expensive. =head1 TRANSFORMATION FORMATS There are a variety of ways of transforming data with an intra character set mapping that serve a variety of purposes. Sorting was discussed in the previous section and a few of the other more popular mapping techniques are discussed next. =head2 URL decoding and encoding Note that some URLs have hexadecimal ASCII code points in them in an attempt to overcome character or protocol limitation issues. For example the tilde character is not on every keyboard hence a URL of the form: http://www.pvhp.com/~pvhp/ may also be expressed as either of: http://www.pvhp.com/%7Epvhp/ http://www.pvhp.com/%7epvhp/ where 7E is the hexadecimal ASCII code point for '~'. Here is an example of decoding such a URL under CCSID 1047: $url = 'http://www.pvhp.com/%7Epvhp/'; # this array assumes code page 1047 my @a2e_1047 = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 55, 45, 46, 47, 22, 5, 21, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 60, 61, 50, 38, 24, 25, 63, 39, 28, 29, 30, 31, 64, 90,127,123, 91,108, 80,125, 77, 93, 92, 78,107, 96, 75, 97, 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,122, 94, 76,126,110,111, 124,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,209,210,211,212,213,214, 215,216,217,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,173,224,189, 95,109, 121,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,145,146,147,148,149,150, 151,152,153,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,192, 79,208,161, 7, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 6, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 9, 10, 27, 48, 49, 26, 51, 52, 53, 54, 8, 56, 57, 58, 59, 4, 20, 62,255, 65,170, 74,177,159,178,106,181,187,180,154,138,176,202,175,188, 144,143,234,250,190,160,182,179,157,218,155,139,183,184,185,171, 100,101, 98,102, 99,103,158,104,116,113,114,115,120,117,118,119, 172,105,237,238,235,239,236,191,128,253,254,251,252,186,174, 89, 68, 69, 66, 70, 67, 71,156, 72, 84, 81, 82, 83, 88, 85, 86, 87, 140, 73,205,206,203,207,204,225,112,221,222,219,220,141,142,223 ); $url =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",$a2e_1047[hex($1)])/ge; Conversely, here is a partial solution for the task of encoding such a URL under the 1047 code page: $url = 'http://www.pvhp.com/~pvhp/'; # this array assumes code page 1047 my @e2a_1047 = ( 0, 1, 2, 3,156, 9,134,127,151,141,142, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,157, 10, 8,135, 24, 25,146,143, 28, 29, 30, 31, 128,129,130,131,132,133, 23, 27,136,137,138,139,140, 5, 6, 7, 144,145, 22,147,148,149,150, 4,152,153,154,155, 20, 21,158, 26, 32,160,226,228,224,225,227,229,231,241,162, 46, 60, 40, 43,124, 38,233,234,235,232,237,238,239,236,223, 33, 36, 42, 41, 59, 94, 45, 47,194,196,192,193,195,197,199,209,166, 44, 37, 95, 62, 63, 248,201,202,203,200,205,206,207,204, 96, 58, 35, 64, 39, 61, 34, 216, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,104,105,171,187,240,253,254,177, 176,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,170,186,230,184,198,164, 181,126,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,161,191,208, 91,222,174, 172,163,165,183,169,167,182,188,189,190,221,168,175, 93,180,215, 123, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,173,244,246,242,243,245, 125, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,185,251,252,249,250,255, 92,247, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,178,212,214,210,211,213, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,179,219,220,217,218,159 ); # The following regular expression does not address the # mappings for: ('.' => '%2E', '/' => '%2F', ':' => '%3A') $url =~ s/([\t "#%&\(\),;<=>\?\@\[\\\]^`{|}~])/sprintf("%%%02X",$e2a_1047[ord($1)])/ge; where a more complete solution would split the URL into components and apply a full s/// substitution only to the appropriate parts. In the remaining examples a @e2a or @a2e array may be employed but the assignment will not be shown explicitly. For code page 1047 you could use the @a2e_1047 or @e2a_1047 arrays just shown. =head2 uu encoding and decoding The C template to pack() or unpack() will render EBCDIC data in EBCDIC characters equivalent to their ASCII counterparts. For example, the following will print "Yes indeed\n" on either an ASCII or EBCDIC computer: $all_byte_chrs = ''; for (0..255) { $all_byte_chrs .= chr($_); } $uuencode_byte_chrs = pack('u', $all_byte_chrs); ($uu = <<'ENDOFHEREDOC') =~ s/^\s*//gm; M``$"`P0%!@<("0H+#`T.#Q`1$A,4%187&!D:&QP='A\@(2(C)"4F)R@I*BLL M+2XO,#$R,S0U-C'EZ>WQ]?G^`@8*#A(6& MAXB)BHN,C8Z/D)&2DY25EI>8F9J;G)V>GZ"AHJ.DI::GJ*FJJZRMKJ^PL;*S MM+6VM[BYNKN\O;Z_P,'"P\3%QL?(R+CY.7FY^CIZNOL[>[O\/'R\_3U]O?X^?K[_/W^_P`` ENDOFHEREDOC if ($uuencode_byte_chrs eq $uu) { print "Yes "; } $uudecode_byte_chrs = unpack('u', $uuencode_byte_chrs); if ($uudecode_byte_chrs eq $all_byte_chrs) { print "indeed\n"; } Here is a very spartan uudecoder that will work on EBCDIC provided that the @e2a array is filled in appropriately: #!/usr/local/bin/perl @e2a = ( # this must be filled in ); $_ = <> until ($mode,$file) = /^begin\s*(\d*)\s*(\S*)/; open(OUT, "> $file") if $file ne ""; while(<>) { last if /^end/; next if /[a-z]/; next unless int(((($e2a[ord()] - 32 ) & 077) + 2) / 3) == int(length() / 4); print OUT unpack("u", $_); } close(OUT); chmod oct($mode), $file; =head2 Quoted-Printable encoding and decoding On ASCII encoded platforms it is possible to strip characters outside of the printable set using: # This QP encoder works on ASCII only $qp_string =~ s/([=\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF])/sprintf("=%02X",ord($1))/ge; Whereas a QP encoder that works on both ASCII and EBCDIC platforms would look somewhat like the following (where the EBCDIC branch @e2a array is omitted for brevity): if (ord('A') == 65) { # ASCII $delete = "\x7F"; # ASCII @e2a = (0 .. 255) # ASCII to ASCII identity map } else { # EBCDIC $delete = "\x07"; # EBCDIC @e2a = # EBCDIC to ASCII map (as shown above) } $qp_string =~ s/([^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~$delete])/sprintf("=%02X",$e2a[ord($1)])/ge; (although in production code the substitutions might be done in the EBCDIC branch with the @e2a array and separately in the ASCII branch without the expense of the identity map). Such QP strings can be decoded with: # This QP decoder is limited to ASCII only $string =~ s/=([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/chr hex $1/ge; $string =~ s/=[\n\r]+$//; Whereas a QP decoder that works on both ASCII and EBCDIC platforms would look somewhat like the following (where the @a2e array is omitted for brevity): $string =~ s/=([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/chr $a2e[hex $1]/ge; $string =~ s/=[\n\r]+$//; =head2 Caesarian ciphers The practice of shifting an alphabet one or more characters for encipherment dates back thousands of years and was explicitly detailed by Gaius Julius Caesar in his B text. A single alphabet shift is sometimes referred to as a rotation and the shift amount is given as a number $n after the string 'rot' or "rot$n". Rot0 and rot26 would designate identity maps on the 26 letter English version of the Latin alphabet. Rot13 has the interesting property that alternate subsequent invocations are identity maps (thus rot13 is its own non-trivial inverse in the group of 26 alphabet rotations). Hence the following is a rot13 encoder and decoder that will work on ASCII and EBCDIC platforms: #!/usr/local/bin/perl while(<>){ tr/n-za-mN-ZA-M/a-zA-Z/; print; } In one-liner form: perl -ne 'tr/n-za-mN-ZA-M/a-zA-Z/;print' =head1 Hashing order and checksums To the extent that it is possible to write code that depends on hashing order there may be differences between hashes as stored on an ASCII based platform and hashes stored on an EBCDIC based platform. XXX =head1 I18N AND L10N Internationalization(I18N) and localization(L10N) are supported at least in principle even on EBCDIC platforms. The details are system dependent and discussed under the L section below. =head1 MULTI OCTET CHARACTER SETS Perl may work with an internal UTF-EBCDIC encoding form for wide characters on EBCDIC platforms in a manner analogous to the way that it works with the UTF-8 internal encoding form on ASCII based platforms. Legacy multi byte EBCDIC code pages XXX. =head1 OS ISSUES There may be a few system dependent issues of concern to EBCDIC Perl programmers. =head2 OS/400 =over 8 =item PASE The PASE environment is runtime environment for OS/400 that can run executables built for PowerPC AIX in OS/400, see L. PASE is ASCII-based, not EBCDIC-based as the ILE. =item IFS access XXX. =back =head2 OS/390, z/OS Perl runs under Unix Systems Services or USS. =over 8 =item chcp B is supported as a shell utility for displaying and changing one's code page. See also L. =item dataset access For sequential data set access try: my @ds_records = `cat //DSNAME`; or: my @ds_records = `cat //'HLQ.DSNAME'`; See also the OS390::Stdio module on CPAN. =item OS/390, z/OS iconv B is supported as both a shell utility and a C RTL routine. See also the iconv(1) and iconv(3) manual pages. =item locales On OS/390 or z/OS see L for information on locales. The L10N files are in F. $Config{d_setlocale} is 'define' on OS/390 or z/OS. =back =head2 VM/ESA? XXX. =head2 POSIX-BC? XXX. =head1 BUGS This pod document contains literal Latin 1 characters and may encounter translation difficulties. In particular one popular nroff implementation was known to strip accented characters to their unaccented counterparts while attempting to view this document through the B program (for example, you may see a plain C rather than one with a diaeresis as in E). Another nroff truncated the resultant manpage at the first occurrence of 8 bit characters. Not all shells will allow multiple C<-e> string arguments to perl to be concatenated together properly as recipes 0, 2, 4, 5, and 6 might seem to imply. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L. =head1 REFERENCES L L L L B Tom Jennings, September 1999. B The Unicode Consortium, Lisa Moore ed., ISBN 0-201-61633-5, Addison Wesley Developers Press, February 2000. B, IBM SC09-2190-00, December 1996. "Demystifying Character Sets", Andrea Vine, Multilingual Computing & Technology, B<#26 Vol. 10 Issue 4>, August/September 1999; ISSN 1523-0309; Multilingual Computing Inc. Sandpoint ID, USA. B Fred B. Wrixon, ISBN 1-57912-040-7, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 1998. L B Robert Bemer. =head1 HISTORY 15 April 2001: added UTF-8 and UTF-EBCDIC to main table, pvhp. =head1 AUTHOR Peter Prymmer pvhp@best.com wrote this in 1999 and 2000 with CCSID 0819 and 0037 help from Chris Leach and AndrE Pirard A.Pirard@ulg.ac.be as well as POSIX-BC help from Thomas Dorner Thomas.Dorner@start.de. Thanks also to Vickie Cooper, Philip Newton, William Raffloer, and Joe Smith. Trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks and registered service marks used in this document are the property of their respective owners.