=head1 NAME perl571delta - what's new for perl v5.7.1 =head1 DESCRIPTION This document describes differences between the 5.7.0 release and the 5.7.1 release. (To view the differences between the 5.6.0 release and the 5.7.0 release, see L). =head1 Incompatible Changes =over 4 =item * Although "you shouldn't do that", it was possible to write code that depends on Perl's hashed key order (Data::Dumper does this). The new algorithm "One-at-a-Time" produces a different hashed key order. More details are in L. =back =head1 Core Enhancements =over 4 =item * Formats now support zero-padded decimal fields. =item * The printf and sprintf now support parameter reordering using the C<%\d+\$> and C<*\d+\$> syntaxes. =back =head1 Performance Enhancements =over 4 =item * Hashes now use Bob Jenkins "One-at-a-Time" hashing key algorithm (http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html). This algorithm is reasonably fast while producing a much better spread of values. Hash values output from the algorithm on a hash of all 3-char printable ASCII keys comes much closer to passing the DIEHARD random number generation tests. According to perlbench, this change has not affected the overall speed of Perl. =back =head1 Installation and Configuration Improvements =over 4 =item * Configure no longer includes the DBM libraries (dbm, gdbm, db, ndbm) when building the Perl binary. The only exception to this is SunOS 4.x, which needs them. =back =head1 Selected Bug Fixes =over 4 =item * vec() now tries to work with characters <= 255 when possible, but it leaves higher character values in place. In that case, if vec() was used to modify the string, it is no longer considered to be utf8-encoded. =back =head1 Known Problems =head2 sprintf tests 129 and 130 The op/sprintf tests 129 and 130 are known to fail in some platforms. Examples include any platform using sfio, and Tandem's NonStop-UX. The failing platforms do not comply with the ANSI C Standard, line 19ff on page 134 of ANSI X3.159 1989 to be exact. (They produce something else than "1" and "-1" when formatting 0.6 and -0.6 using the printf format "%.0f", most often they produce "0" and "-0".) =head1 Reporting Bugs If you find what you think is a bug, you might check the articles recently posted to the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup and the perl bug database at http://bugs.perl.org. There may also be information at http://www.perl.com/perl/, the Perl Home Page. If you believe you have an unreported bug, please run the B program included with your release. Be sure to trim your bug down to a tiny but sufficient test case. Your bug report, along with the output of C, will be sent off to perlbug@perl.org to be analysed by the Perl porting team. =head1 SEE ALSO The F file for exhaustive details on what changed. The F file for how to build Perl. The F file for general stuff. The F and F files for copyright information. =head1 HISTORY Written by Jarkko Hietaniemi >, with many contributions from The Perl Porters and Perl Users submitting feedback and patches. Send omissions or corrections to >. =cut