POSIX::_exit POSIX terminate a process POSIX::abort POSIX generate a fault POSIX::abs POSIX integer absolute value POSIX::access POSIX determine accessibility of file POSIX::acos POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::alarm POSIX schedule signal after specified time POSIX::asctime POSIX convert date and time POSIX::asin POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::assert POSIX program verification POSIX::atan2 POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::atan POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::atof POSIX convert string to double-precision number POSIX::atoi POSIX convert string to integer POSIX::atol POSIX convert string to integer POSIX::bsearch POSIX binary search a sorted table POSIX::calloc POSIX memory allocator POSIX::ceil POSIX round to integral value in floating-point or integer format POSIX::chdir POSIX change current working directory POSIX::chmod POSIX change mode of file POSIX::chown POSIX change owner and group of a file POSIX::clearerr POSIX stream status inquiries POSIX::clock POSIX report CPU time used POSIX::close POSIX delete a descriptor POSIX::closedir POSIX directory operations POSIX::cos POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::cosh POSIX hyperbolic functions POSIX::creat POSIX create a new file POSIX::ctermid POSIX generate filename for terminal POSIX::ctime POSIX convert date and time POSIX::cuserid POSIX get character login name of the user POSIX::dup2 POSIX duplicate a descriptor POSIX::dup POSIX duplicate a descriptor POSIX::errno POSIX system error messages POSIX::execl POSIX execute a file POSIX::execle POSIX execute a file POSIX::execlp POSIX execute a file POSIX::execv POSIX execute a file POSIX::execve POSIX execute a file POSIX::execvp POSIX execute a file POSIX::exit POSIX terminate a process after performing cleanup POSIX::exp POSIX exponential, logarithm, power POSIX::fabs POSIX appendix and related miscellaneous functions for IEEE arithmetic POSIX::fclose POSIX close or flush a stream POSIX::fcntl POSIX file control POSIX::fdopen POSIX open a stream POSIX::feof POSIX stream status inquiries POSIX::ferror POSIX stream status inquiries POSIX::fflush POSIX close or flush a stream POSIX::fgetc POSIX get character or integer from stream POSIX::fgets POSIX get a string from a stream POSIX::fileno POSIX stream status inquiries POSIX::floor POSIX round to integral value in floating-point or integer format POSIX::fmod POSIX appendix and related miscellaneous functions for IEEE arithmetic POSIX::fopen POSIX open a stream POSIX::fork POSIX create a new process POSIX::fpathconf POSIX query file system related limits and options POSIX::fprintf POSIX formatted output conversion POSIX::fputc POSIX put character or word on a stream POSIX::fputs POSIX put a string on a stream POSIX::fread POSIX buffered binary input/output POSIX::free POSIX memory allocator POSIX::freopen POSIX open a stream POSIX::frexp POSIX traditional UNIX functions POSIX::fscanf POSIX formatted input conversion POSIX::fseek POSIX reposition a stream POSIX::fstat POSIX get file status POSIX::ftell POSIX reposition a stream POSIX::fwrite POSIX buffered binary input/output POSIX::getc POSIX get character or integer from stream POSIX::getchar POSIX get character or integer from stream POSIX::getcwd POSIX get pathname of current working directory POSIX::getegid POSIX get group identity POSIX::getenv POSIX return value for environment name POSIX::geteuid POSIX get user identity POSIX::getgid POSIX get group identity POSIX::getgrgid POSIX get group file entry POSIX::getgrnam POSIX get group file entry POSIX::getgroups POSIX get or set supplementary group IDs POSIX::getlogin POSIX get login name POSIX::getpgrp POSIX return or set the process group of a process POSIX::getpid POSIX get process identification POSIX::getppid POSIX get process identification POSIX::getpwnam POSIX get password file entry POSIX::getpwuid POSIX get password file entry POSIX::gets POSIX get a string from a stream POSIX::getuid POSIX get user identity POSIX::gmtime POSIX convert date and time POSIX::isalnum POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isalpha POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isatty POSIX find name of a terminal POSIX::iscntrl POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isdigit POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isgraph POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::islower POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isprint POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::ispunct POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isspace POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isupper POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::isxdigit POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::kill POSIX send a signal to a process or a group of processes POSIX::ldexp POSIX traditional UNIX functions POSIX::link POSIX make a hard link to a file POSIX::localeconv POSIX get numeric and monetary formatting conventions POSIX::localtime POSIX convert date and time POSIX::log10 POSIX exponential, logarithm, power POSIX::log POSIX exponential, logarithm, power POSIX::longjmp POSIX non-local goto POSIX::lseek POSIX move read/write pointer POSIX::malloc POSIX memory allocator POSIX::mblen POSIX multibyte character handling POSIX::mbstowcs POSIX multibyte character handling POSIX::mbtowc POSIX multibyte character handling POSIX::memchr POSIX memory operations POSIX::memcmp POSIX memory operations POSIX::memcpy POSIX memory operations POSIX::memset POSIX memory operations POSIX::mkdir POSIX make a directory file POSIX::mkfifo POSIX make a special file POSIX::modf POSIX traditional UNIX functions POSIX::nice POSIX change nice value of a process POSIX::open POSIX open or create a file for reading or writing POSIX::opendir POSIX directory operations POSIX::pathconf POSIX query file system related limits and options POSIX::pause POSIX stop until signal POSIX::perror POSIX system error messages POSIX::pipe POSIX create an interprocess communication channel POSIX::pow POSIX exponential, logarithm, power POSIX::pow POSIX multiple precision integer arithmetic POSIX::printf POSIX formatted output conversion POSIX::putc POSIX put character or word on a stream POSIX::putchar POSIX put character or word on a stream POSIX::puts POSIX put a string on a stream POSIX::qsort POSIX quicker sort POSIX::rand POSIX simple random number generator POSIX::read POSIX read input POSIX::readdir POSIX directory operations POSIX::realloc POSIX memory allocator POSIX::rename POSIX change the name of a file POSIX::rewind POSIX reposition a stream POSIX::rewinddir POSIX directory operations POSIX::rmdir POSIX remove a directory file POSIX::scanf POSIX formatted input conversion POSIX::setbuf POSIX assign buffering to a stream POSIX::setgid POSIX set user and group ID POSIX::setjmp POSIX non-local goto POSIX::setlocale POSIX set international environment POSIX::setpgid POSIX set process group ID for job control POSIX::setsid POSIX create session and set process group ID POSIX::setuid POSIX set user and group ID POSIX::setvbuf POSIX assign buffering to a stream POSIX::sigaction POSIX examine and change signal action POSIX::siglongjmp POSIX non-local goto POSIX::sigpending POSIX examine pending signals POSIX::sigprocmask POSIX examine and change blocked signals POSIX::sigsetjmp POSIX non-local goto POSIX::sigsuspend POSIX automatically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt POSIX::sin POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::sinh POSIX hyperbolic functions POSIX::sleep POSIX suspend execution for interval POSIX::sprintf POSIX formatted output conversion POSIX::sqrt POSIX cube root, square root POSIX::srand POSIX simple random number generator POSIX::sscanf POSIX formatted input conversion POSIX::stat POSIX get file status POSIX::strcat POSIX string operations POSIX::strchr POSIX string operations POSIX::strcmp POSIX string operations POSIX::strcoll POSIX compare or transform strings using collating information POSIX::strcpy POSIX string operations POSIX::strcspn POSIX string operations POSIX::strftime POSIX convert date and time POSIX::strlen POSIX string operations POSIX::strncat POSIX string operations POSIX::strncmp POSIX string operations POSIX::strncpy POSIX string operations POSIX::strpbrk POSIX string operations POSIX::strrchr POSIX string operations POSIX::strspn POSIX string operations POSIX::strstr POSIX string operations POSIX::strtod POSIX convert string to double-precision number POSIX::strtok POSIX string operations POSIX::strtol POSIX convert string to integer POSIX::strxfrm POSIX compare or transform strings using collating information POSIX::sysconf POSIX query system related limits, values, options POSIX::system POSIX issue a shell command POSIX::tan POSIX trigonometric functions POSIX::tanh POSIX hyperbolic functions POSIX::tcdrain POSIX get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate, get and set terminal foreground process group ID POSIX::tcflow POSIX get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate, get and set terminal foreground process group ID POSIX::tcflush POSIX get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate, get and set terminal foreground process group ID POSIX::tcgetpgrp POSIX get, set foreground process group ID POSIX::tcsendbreak POSIX get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate, get and set terminal foreground process group ID POSIX::tcsetpgrp POSIX get, set foreground process group ID POSIX::tell POSIX move read/write pointer POSIX::time POSIX get date and time POSIX::times POSIX get process times POSIX::tmpfile POSIX create a temporary file POSIX::tmpnam POSIX create a name for a temporary file POSIX::tolower POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::toupper POSIX character classification and conversion macros and functions POSIX::ttyname POSIX find name of a terminal POSIX::tzset POSIX convert date and time POSIX::umask POSIX set file creation mode mask POSIX::uname POSIX get information about current system POSIX::ungetc POSIX push character back into input stream POSIX::unlink POSIX remove directory entry POSIX::utime POSIX set file times POSIX::vfprintf POSIX print formatted output of a varargs argument list POSIX::vprintf POSIX print formatted output of a varargs argument list POSIX::vsprintf POSIX print formatted output of a varargs argument list POSIX::wait POSIX wait for process to terminate or stop, examine returned status POSIX::waitpid POSIX wait for process to terminate or stop, examine returned status POSIX::wcstombs POSIX multibyte character handling POSIX::wctomb POSIX multibyte character handling POSIX::write POSIX write output