/* $Header: perl.y,v 90/10/15 18:01:45 lwall Locked $ * * Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall * * You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit. * * $Log: perl.y,v $ * Revision 90/10/15 18:01:45 lwall * patch29: added SysV IPC * patch29: package behavior is now more consistent * patch29: index and substr now have optional 3rd args * * Revision 90/08/13 22:19:55 lwall * patch28: lowercase unquoted strings caused infinite loop * * Revision 90/08/09 04:17:44 lwall * patch19: did preliminary work toward debugging packages and evals * patch19: added require operator * patch19: bare identifiers are now strings if no other interpretation possible * patch19: null-label lines threw off line number of next statement * patch19: split; didn't pass correct bufend to scanpat * * Revision 90/03/27 16:13:45 lwall * patch16: formats didn't work inside eval * * Revision 90/03/12 16:55:56 lwall * patch13: added list slice operator (LIST)[LIST] * patch13: (LIST,) now legal * * Revision 90/02/28 18:03:23 lwall * patch9: line numbers were bogus during certain portions of foreach evaluation * * Revision 89/12/21 20:13:41 lwall * patch7: send() didn't allow a TO argument * * Revision 89/11/11 04:49:04 lwall * patch2: moved yydebug to where its type doesn't matter * patch2: !$foo++ was unreasonably illegal * patch2: local(@foo) didn't work * patch2: default args to unary operators didn't work * * Revision 89/10/26 23:20:41 lwall * patch1: grandfathered "format stdout" * patch1: operator(); is now normally equivalent to operator; * * Revision 3.0 89/10/18 15:22:04 lwall * 3.0 baseline * */ %{ #include "INTERN.h" #include "perl.h" STAB *scrstab; ARG *arg4; /* rarely used arguments to make_op() */ ARG *arg5; %} %start prog %union { int ival; char *cval; ARG *arg; CMD *cmdval; struct compcmd compval; STAB *stabval; FCMD *formval; } %token WORD %token APPEND OPEN SSELECT LOOPEX %token USING FORMAT DO SHIFT PUSH POP LVALFUN %token WHILE UNTIL IF UNLESS ELSE ELSIF CONTINUE SPLIT FLIST %token FOR FILOP FILOP2 FILOP3 FILOP4 FILOP22 FILOP25 %token FUNC0 FUNC1 FUNC2 FUNC2x FUNC3 FUNC4 FUNC5 HSHFUN HSHFUN3 %token FLIST2 SUB FILETEST LOCAL DELETE %token RELOP EQOP MULOP ADDOP PACKAGE AMPER %token FORMLIST %token REG ARYLEN ARY HSH STAR %token SUBST PATTERN %token RSTRING TRANS %type prog decl format remember %type block lineseq line loop cond sideff nexpr else %type expr sexpr cexpr csexpr term handle aryword hshword %type texpr listop bareword %type label %type compblock %nonassoc LISTOP %left ',' %right '=' %right '?' ':' %nonassoc DOTDOT %left OROR %left ANDAND %left '|' '^' %left '&' %nonassoc EQOP %nonassoc RELOP %nonassoc UNIOP %nonassoc FILETEST %left LS RS %left ADDOP %left MULOP %left MATCH NMATCH %right '!' '~' UMINUS %right POW %nonassoc INC DEC %left '(' %% /* RULES */ prog : /* NULL */ { #if defined(YYDEBUG) && defined(DEBUGGING) yydebug = (debug & 1); #endif } /*CONTINUED*/ lineseq { if (in_eval) eval_root = block_head($2); else main_root = block_head($2); } ; compblock: block CONTINUE block { $$.comp_true = $1; $$.comp_alt = $3; } | block else { $$.comp_true = $1; $$.comp_alt = $2; } ; else : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullcmd; } | ELSE block { $$ = $2; } | ELSIF '(' expr ')' compblock { cmdline = $1; $$ = make_ccmd(C_ELSIF,$3,$5); } ; block : '{' remember lineseq '}' { $$ = block_head($3); if (savestack->ary_fill > $2) restorelist($2); } ; remember: /* NULL */ /* in case they push a package name */ { $$ = savestack->ary_fill; } ; lineseq : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullcmd; } | lineseq line { $$ = append_line($1,$2); } ; line : decl { $$ = Nullcmd; } | label cond { $$ = add_label($1,$2); } | loop /* loops add their own labels */ | label ';' { if ($1 != Nullch) { $$ = add_label($1, make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, Nullarg, Nullarg) ); } else { $$ = Nullcmd; cmdline = NOLINE; } } | label sideff ';' { $$ = add_label($1,$2); } ; sideff : error { $$ = Nullcmd; } | expr { $$ = make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, $1, Nullarg); } | expr IF expr { $$ = addcond( make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, Nullarg, $1), $3); } | expr UNLESS expr { $$ = addcond(invert( make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, Nullarg, $1)), $3); } | expr WHILE expr { $$ = addloop( make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, Nullarg, $1), $3); } | expr UNTIL expr { $$ = addloop(invert( make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, Nullarg, $1)), $3); } ; cond : IF '(' expr ')' compblock { cmdline = $1; $$ = make_icmd(C_IF,$3,$5); } | UNLESS '(' expr ')' compblock { cmdline = $1; $$ = invert(make_icmd(C_IF,$3,$5)); } | IF block compblock { cmdline = $1; $$ = make_ccmd(C_IF,cmd_to_arg($2),$3); } | UNLESS block compblock { cmdline = $1; $$ = invert(make_ccmd(C_IF,cmd_to_arg($2),$3)); } ; loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock { cmdline = $2; $$ = wopt(add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$4,$6) )); } | label UNTIL '(' expr ')' compblock { cmdline = $2; $$ = wopt(add_label($1, invert(make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$4,$6)) )); } | label WHILE block compblock { cmdline = $2; $$ = wopt(add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE, cmd_to_arg($3),$4) )); } | label UNTIL block compblock { cmdline = $2; $$ = wopt(add_label($1, invert(make_ccmd(C_WHILE, cmd_to_arg($3),$4)) )); } | label FOR REG '(' expr ')' compblock { cmdline = $2; /* * The following gobbledygook catches EXPRs that * aren't explicit array refs and translates * foreach VAR (EXPR) { * into * @ary = EXPR; * foreach VAR (@ary) { * where @ary is a hidden array made by genstab(). * (Note that @ary may become a local array if * it is determined that it might be called * recursively. See cmd_tosave().) */ if ($5->arg_type != O_ARRAY) { scrstab = aadd(genstab()); $$ = append_line( make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, l(make_op(O_ASSIGN,2, listish(make_op(O_ARRAY, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,scrstab), Nullarg,Nullarg )), listish(make_list($5)), Nullarg)), Nullarg), wopt(over($3,add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE, make_op(O_ARRAY, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,scrstab), Nullarg,Nullarg ), $7))))); $$->c_line = $2; $$->c_head->c_line = $2; } else { $$ = wopt(over($3,add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$5,$7) ))); } } | label FOR '(' expr ')' compblock { cmdline = $2; if ($4->arg_type != O_ARRAY) { scrstab = aadd(genstab()); $$ = append_line( make_acmd(C_EXPR, Nullstab, l(make_op(O_ASSIGN,2, listish(make_op(O_ARRAY, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,scrstab), Nullarg,Nullarg )), listish(make_list($4)), Nullarg)), Nullarg), wopt(over(defstab,add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE, make_op(O_ARRAY, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,scrstab), Nullarg,Nullarg ), $6))))); $$->c_line = $2; $$->c_head->c_line = $2; } else { /* lisp, anyone? */ $$ = wopt(over(defstab,add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$4,$6) ))); } } | label FOR '(' nexpr ';' texpr ';' nexpr ')' block /* basically fake up an initialize-while lineseq */ { yyval.compval.comp_true = $10; yyval.compval.comp_alt = $8; cmdline = $2; $$ = append_line($4,wopt(add_label($1, make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$6,yyval.compval) ))); } | label compblock /* a block is a loop that happens once */ { $$ = add_label($1,make_ccmd(C_BLOCK,Nullarg,$2)); } ; nexpr : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullcmd; } | sideff ; texpr : /* NULL means true */ { (void)scanstr("1"); $$ = yylval.arg; } | expr ; label : /* empty */ { $$ = Nullch; } | WORD ':' ; decl : format { $$ = 0; } | subrout { $$ = 0; } | package { $$ = 0; } ; format : FORMAT WORD '=' FORMLIST { if (strEQ($2,"stdout")) make_form(stabent("STDOUT",TRUE),$4); else if (strEQ($2,"stderr")) make_form(stabent("STDERR",TRUE),$4); else make_form(stabent($2,TRUE),$4); Safefree($2);} | FORMAT '=' FORMLIST { make_form(stabent("STDOUT",TRUE),$3); } ; subrout : SUB WORD block { make_sub($2,$3); } ; package : PACKAGE WORD ';' { char tmpbuf[256]; STAB *tmpstab; savehptr(&curstash); saveitem(curstname); str_set(curstname,$2); sprintf(tmpbuf,"'_%s",$2); tmpstab = hadd(stabent(tmpbuf,TRUE)); curstash = stab_xhash(tmpstab); if (!curstash->tbl_name) curstash->tbl_name = savestr($2); curstash->tbl_coeffsize = 0; Safefree($2); cmdline = NOLINE; } ; cexpr : ',' expr { $$ = $2; } ; expr : expr ',' sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_COMMA, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr ; csexpr : ',' sexpr { $$ = $2; } ; sexpr : sexpr '=' sexpr { $1 = listish($1); if ($1->arg_type == O_ASSIGN && $1->arg_len == 1) $1->arg_type = O_ITEM; /* a local() */ if ($1->arg_type == O_LIST) $3 = listish($3); $$ = l(make_op(O_ASSIGN, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg)); } | sexpr POW '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op(O_POW, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr MULOP '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op($2, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr ADDOP '=' sexpr { $$ = rcatmaybe(l(make_op($2, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)));} | sexpr LS '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op(O_LEFT_SHIFT, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr RS '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op(O_RIGHT_SHIFT, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr '&' '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op(O_BIT_AND, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr '^' '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op(O_XOR, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr '|' '=' sexpr { $$ = l(make_op(O_BIT_OR, 2, $1, $4, Nullarg)); } | sexpr POW sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_POW, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr MULOP sexpr { $$ = make_op($2, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr ADDOP sexpr { $$ = make_op($2, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr LS sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_LEFT_SHIFT, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr RS sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_RIGHT_SHIFT, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr RELOP sexpr { $$ = make_op($2, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr EQOP sexpr { $$ = make_op($2, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr '&' sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_BIT_AND, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr '^' sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_XOR, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr '|' sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_BIT_OR, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr DOTDOT sexpr { arg4 = Nullarg; $$ = make_op(O_F_OR_R, 4, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr ANDAND sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_AND, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr OROR sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_OR, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); } | sexpr '?' sexpr ':' sexpr { $$ = make_op(O_COND_EXPR, 3, $1, $3, $5); } | sexpr MATCH sexpr { $$ = mod_match(O_MATCH, $1, $3); } | sexpr NMATCH sexpr { $$ = mod_match(O_NMATCH, $1, $3); } | term { $$ = $1; } ; term : '-' term %prec UMINUS { $$ = make_op(O_NEGATE, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | '+' term %prec UMINUS { $$ = $2; } | '!' term { $$ = make_op(O_NOT, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | '~' term { $$ = make_op(O_COMPLEMENT, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg);} | term INC { $$ = addflags(1, AF_POST|AF_UP, l(make_op(O_ITEM,1,$1,Nullarg,Nullarg))); } | term DEC { $$ = addflags(1, AF_POST, l(make_op(O_ITEM,1,$1,Nullarg,Nullarg))); } | INC term { $$ = addflags(1, AF_PRE|AF_UP, l(make_op(O_ITEM,1,$2,Nullarg,Nullarg))); } | DEC term { $$ = addflags(1, AF_PRE, l(make_op(O_ITEM,1,$2,Nullarg,Nullarg))); } | FILETEST WORD { opargs[$1] = 0; /* force it special */ $$ = make_op($1, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,stabent($2,TRUE)), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FILETEST sexpr { opargs[$1] = 1; $$ = make_op($1, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FILETEST { opargs[$1] = ($1 != O_FTTTY); $$ = make_op($1, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB, $1 == O_FTTTY?stabent("STDIN",TRUE):defstab), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | LOCAL '(' expr ')' { $$ = l(localize(make_op(O_ASSIGN, 1, localize(listish(make_list($3))), Nullarg,Nullarg))); } | '(' expr ',' ')' { $$ = make_list(hide_ary($2)); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_list(hide_ary($2)); } | '(' ')' { $$ = make_list(Nullarg); } | DO sexpr %prec FILETEST { $$ = make_op(O_DOFILE,2,$2,Nullarg,Nullarg); allstabs = TRUE;} | DO block %prec '(' { $$ = cmd_to_arg($2); } | REG %prec '(' { $$ = stab2arg(A_STAB,$1); } | STAR %prec '(' { $$ = stab2arg(A_STAR,$1); } | REG '[' expr ']' %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_AELEM, 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,aadd($1)), $3, Nullarg); } | HSH %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_HASH, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,$1), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | ARY %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_ARRAY, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,$1), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | REG '{' expr '}' %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_HELEM, 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,hadd($1)), jmaybe($3), Nullarg); } | '(' expr ')' '[' expr ']' %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_LSLICE, 3, Nullarg, listish(make_list($5)), listish(make_list($2))); } | ARY '[' expr ']' %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_ASLICE, 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,aadd($1)), listish(make_list($3)), Nullarg); } | ARY '{' expr '}' %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_HSLICE, 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,hadd($1)), listish(make_list($3)), Nullarg); } | DELETE REG '{' expr '}' %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_DELETE, 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,hadd($2)), jmaybe($4), Nullarg); } | ARYLEN %prec '(' { $$ = stab2arg(A_ARYLEN,$1); } | RSTRING %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | PATTERN %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | SUBST %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | TRANS %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | DO WORD '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), make_list($4), Nullarg); Safefree($2); } | AMPER WORD '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), make_list($4), Nullarg); Safefree($2); } | DO WORD '(' ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), make_list(Nullarg), Nullarg); } | AMPER WORD '(' ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), make_list(Nullarg), Nullarg); } | AMPER WORD { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | DO REG '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), make_list($4), Nullarg); } | AMPER REG '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), make_list($4), Nullarg); } | DO REG '(' ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), make_list(Nullarg), Nullarg); } | AMPER REG '(' ')' { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), make_list(Nullarg), Nullarg); } | AMPER REG { $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | LOOPEX { $$ = make_op($1,0,Nullarg,Nullarg,Nullarg); } | LOOPEX WORD { $$ = make_op($1,1,cval_to_arg($2), Nullarg,Nullarg); } | UNIOP { $$ = make_op($1,0,Nullarg,Nullarg,Nullarg); } | UNIOP sexpr { $$ = make_op($1,1,$2,Nullarg,Nullarg); } | SSELECT { $$ = make_op(O_SELECT, 0, Nullarg, Nullarg, Nullarg);} | SSELECT '(' handle ')' { $$ = make_op(O_SELECT, 1, $3, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | SSELECT '(' sexpr csexpr csexpr csexpr ')' { arg4 = $6; $$ = make_op(O_SSELECT, 4, $3, $4, $5); } | OPEN WORD %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_OPEN, 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), stab2arg(A_STAB,stabent($2,TRUE)), Nullarg); } | OPEN '(' WORD ')' { $$ = make_op(O_OPEN, 2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($3,TRUE)), stab2arg(A_STAB,stabent($3,TRUE)), Nullarg); } | OPEN '(' handle cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op(O_OPEN, 2, $3, $4, Nullarg); } | FILOP '(' handle ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 1, $3, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FILOP WORD { $$ = make_op($1, 1, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), Nullarg, Nullarg); Safefree($2); } | FILOP REG { $$ = make_op($1, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FILOP '(' ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 1, stab2arg(A_WORD,Nullstab), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FILOP %prec '(' { $$ = make_op($1, 0, Nullarg, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FILOP2 '(' handle cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 2, $3, $4, Nullarg); } | FILOP3 '(' handle csexpr cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 3, $3, $4, make_list($5)); } | FILOP22 '(' handle ',' handle ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 2, $3, $5, Nullarg); } | FILOP4 '(' handle csexpr csexpr cexpr ')' { arg4 = $6; $$ = make_op($1, 4, $3, $4, $5); } | FILOP25 '(' handle ',' handle csexpr csexpr cexpr ')' { arg4 = $7; arg5 = $8; $$ = make_op($1, 5, $3, $5, $6); } | PUSH '(' aryword cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 2, $3, make_list($4), Nullarg); } | POP aryword %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_POP, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | POP '(' aryword ')' { $$ = make_op(O_POP, 1, $3, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | SHIFT aryword %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_SHIFT, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | SHIFT '(' aryword ')' { $$ = make_op(O_SHIFT, 1, $3, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | SHIFT %prec '(' { $$ = make_op(O_SHIFT, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB, aadd(stabent(subline ? "_" : "ARGV", TRUE))), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | SPLIT %prec '(' {static char p[]="/\\s+/";char*o=bufend;bufend=p+5;(void)scanpat(p);bufend=o; $$ = make_split(defstab,yylval.arg,Nullarg); } | SPLIT '(' sexpr csexpr csexpr ')' { $$ = mod_match(O_MATCH, $4, make_split(defstab,$3,$5));} | SPLIT '(' sexpr csexpr ')' { $$ = mod_match(O_MATCH, $4, make_split(defstab,$3,Nullarg) ); } | SPLIT '(' sexpr ')' { $$ = mod_match(O_MATCH, stab2arg(A_STAB,defstab), make_split(defstab,$3,Nullarg) ); } | FLIST2 '(' sexpr cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 2, $3, listish(make_list($4)), Nullarg); } | FLIST '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 1, make_list($3), Nullarg, Nullarg); } | LVALFUN sexpr %prec '(' { $$ = l(make_op($1, 1, fixl($1,$2), Nullarg, Nullarg)); } | LVALFUN { $$ = l(make_op($1, 1, stab2arg(A_STAB,defstab), Nullarg, Nullarg)); } | FUNC0 { $$ = make_op($1, 0, Nullarg, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FUNC0 '(' ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 0, Nullarg, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FUNC1 '(' ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 0, Nullarg, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FUNC1 '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 1, $3, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | FUNC2 '(' sexpr cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 2, $3, $4, Nullarg); if ($1 == O_INDEX && $$[2].arg_type == A_SINGLE) fbmcompile($$[2].arg_ptr.arg_str,0); } | FUNC2x '(' sexpr csexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 2, $3, $4, Nullarg); if ($1 == O_INDEX && $$[2].arg_type == A_SINGLE) fbmcompile($$[2].arg_ptr.arg_str,0); } | FUNC2x '(' sexpr csexpr cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 3, $3, $4, $5); if ($1 == O_INDEX && $$[2].arg_type == A_SINGLE) fbmcompile($$[2].arg_ptr.arg_str,0); } | FUNC3 '(' sexpr csexpr cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 3, $3, $4, $5); } | FUNC4 '(' sexpr csexpr csexpr cexpr ')' { arg4 = $6; $$ = make_op($1, 4, $3, $4, $5); } | FUNC5 '(' sexpr csexpr csexpr csexpr cexpr ')' { arg4 = $6; arg5 = $7; $$ = make_op($1, 5, $3, $4, $5); } | HSHFUN '(' hshword ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 1, $3, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | HSHFUN hshword { $$ = make_op($1, 1, $2, Nullarg, Nullarg); } | HSHFUN3 '(' hshword csexpr cexpr ')' { $$ = make_op($1, 3, $3, $4, $5); } | bareword | listop ; listop : LISTOP { $$ = make_op($1,2, stab2arg(A_WORD,Nullstab), stab2arg(A_STAB,defstab), Nullarg); } | LISTOP expr { $$ = make_op($1,2, stab2arg(A_WORD,Nullstab), maybelistish($1,make_list($2)), Nullarg); } | LISTOP WORD { $$ = make_op($1,2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), stab2arg(A_STAB,defstab), Nullarg); } | LISTOP WORD expr { $$ = make_op($1,2, stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($2,TRUE)), maybelistish($1,make_list($3)), Nullarg); Safefree($2); } | LISTOP REG expr { $$ = make_op($1,2, stab2arg(A_STAB,$2), maybelistish($1,make_list($3)), Nullarg); } ; handle : WORD { $$ = stab2arg(A_WORD,stabent($1,TRUE)); Safefree($1);} | sexpr ; aryword : WORD { $$ = stab2arg(A_WORD,aadd(stabent($1,TRUE))); Safefree($1); } | ARY { $$ = stab2arg(A_STAB,$1); } ; hshword : WORD { $$ = stab2arg(A_WORD,hadd(stabent($1,TRUE))); Safefree($1); } | HSH { $$ = stab2arg(A_STAB,$1); } ; /* * NOTE: The following entry must stay at the end of the file so that * reduce/reduce conflicts resolve to it only if it's the only option. */ bareword: WORD { char *s; $$ = op_new(1); $$->arg_type = O_ITEM; $$[1].arg_type = A_SINGLE; $$[1].arg_ptr.arg_str = str_make($1,0); for (s = $1; *s && islower(*s); s++) ; if (dowarn && !*s) warn( "\"%s\" may clash with future reserved word", $1 ); } %% /* PROGRAM */