Results for tag: XS

Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
Wednesday, 06 January 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]
So I was planning staying silent until an exam I had was done. But new developers on IRC (j_king, felix and ruoso) pull me back in. Which is a good thing ... I suppose ... because we finally have threaded callbacks for timer and audiospec to work. ruoso++ for this major contribution. If you remember this was the problem we were having.
The new callbacks capability in audiospec allow you to procedurally generate sound now. If you would like a simple example take a look at t/core_audiospec.t . However a more fun example may be ruoso++'s tecla (a game for toddlers). Myself and Garu think it is a work of art but that is only because we are toddlers.
On a side note some tickets on RT have also received some love ( after 3 or 4 years ... but nonetheless). TonyC++ sorry for the long time in response.

Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]
So I have been hacking for a while on SDL::Events::set_event_filter. The code below is an example usage. The magic behind this is here
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;

Can someone please point me to good XS documentation!
Thursday, 03 September 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Tutorial] [XS]
A poor man begs,
A troubled man prays,
who shall answer?