
Simple DirectMedia Library Bindings for Perl



SDL Perl are a set of bindings to the Simple DirectMedia Library (SDL).

'Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer. It is used by MPEG playback software, emulators, and many popular games, including the award winning Linux port of "Civilization: Call To Power."'

SDL Perl is an active and exciting project with many facets. Explore this website to learn more.

Getting Started

To begin using SDL Perl read the tutorials and documentation.



Talk to us on channel #sdl.

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Testing and Development

Join us on the development wiki.

Latest News


November 13th 2009

CPAN Release

SDL Perl is v2.2.6 on CPAN. The last of it's kind. This is the last release which will have the old API.

Active Development

SDL Perl is being actively developed to v3.0. The process is as below:

v2.3 100% Core of SDL C API migrated without MultiThreading

Complete access to these functions SDL_API.

MultiThreading is doable with this release but will be focused on later

v2.4 SDL_Image, SDL_Net, SDL_Pango, SDL_TTF, SDL_GFX & SDL_Mixer Support

Provide support for SDL + POE collaboration.

Provide dependecies for FrozenBubble migration to CPAN.

v2.5 ??? MultiThreading and Other Third Party Libraries

This release is undecided as of now. Please talk to us on the Channel or Make Tickets