SDL Perl Windows Status

Hello windows users,

Here is a simple picture explaining the status of SDL Perl on windows. I am hoping this changes. I know that Alias is interested in this too.

Here are steps needed to solve this:
  1. Find out exactly what gcc flags are needed to make this work with strawberry's toolchain
  2. Get the deps here. Put the deps in C:/strawberry/c.
  3. Try to make a Module::Build script work for win32 and win64 (There are differences apparently)
  4. Try and emulate this in our current build system ( make/lib/, and make/lib/Build/ )
  5. Give me a shout on RT or ( even if you just make it to 3.)
  6. Enjoy SDL and lots of ++ from Alias, CSJewell and SDL_perl devs.
There easy as pie