#include #define INCL_DOS #define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_DOSNLS #define INCL_WINSWITCHLIST #define INCL_WINWINDOWMGR #define INCL_WININPUT #define INCL_VIO #define INCL_KBD #define INCL_WINCLIPBOARD #define INCL_WINATOM #include #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" static unsigned long constant(char *name, int arg) { errno = 0; if (name[0] == 'P' && name[1] == '_') { if (strEQ(name, "P_BACKGROUND")) #ifdef P_BACKGROUND return P_BACKGROUND; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_DEBUG")) #ifdef P_DEBUG return P_DEBUG; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_DEFAULT")) #ifdef P_DEFAULT return P_DEFAULT; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_DETACH")) #ifdef P_DETACH return P_DETACH; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_FOREGROUND")) #ifdef P_FOREGROUND return P_FOREGROUND; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_FULLSCREEN")) #ifdef P_FULLSCREEN return P_FULLSCREEN; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_MAXIMIZE")) #ifdef P_MAXIMIZE return P_MAXIMIZE; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_MINIMIZE")) #ifdef P_MINIMIZE return P_MINIMIZE; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_NOCLOSE")) #ifdef P_NOCLOSE return P_NOCLOSE; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_NOSESSION")) #ifdef P_NOSESSION return P_NOSESSION; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_NOWAIT")) #ifdef P_NOWAIT return P_NOWAIT; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_OVERLAY")) #ifdef P_OVERLAY return P_OVERLAY; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_PM")) #ifdef P_PM return P_PM; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_QUOTE")) #ifdef P_QUOTE return P_QUOTE; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_SESSION")) #ifdef P_SESSION return P_SESSION; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_TILDE")) #ifdef P_TILDE return P_TILDE; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_UNRELATED")) #ifdef P_UNRELATED return P_UNRELATED; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_WAIT")) #ifdef P_WAIT return P_WAIT; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "P_WINDOWED")) #ifdef P_WINDOWED return P_WINDOWED; #else goto not_there; #endif } else if (name[0] == 'T' && name[1] == '_') { if (strEQ(name, "FAPPTYP_NOTSPEC")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_NOTSPEC return FAPPTYP_NOTSPEC; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_NOTWINDOWCOMPAT")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_NOTWINDOWCOMPAT return FAPPTYP_NOTWINDOWCOMPAT; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_WINDOWCOMPAT")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_WINDOWCOMPAT return FAPPTYP_WINDOWCOMPAT; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_WINDOWAPI")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_WINDOWAPI return FAPPTYP_WINDOWAPI; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_BOUND")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_BOUND return FAPPTYP_BOUND; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_DLL")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_DLL return FAPPTYP_DLL; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_DOS")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_DOS return FAPPTYP_DOS; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_PHYSDRV")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_PHYSDRV return FAPPTYP_PHYSDRV; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_VIRTDRV")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_VIRTDRV return FAPPTYP_VIRTDRV; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_PROTDLL")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_PROTDLL return FAPPTYP_PROTDLL; #else goto not_there; #endif if (strEQ(name, "T_32BIT")) #ifdef FAPPTYP_32BIT return FAPPTYP_32BIT; #else goto not_there; #endif } errno = EINVAL; return 0; not_there: errno = ENOENT; return 0; } const char* const ptypes[] = { "FS", "DOS", "VIO", "PM", "DETACH" }; static char * my_type() { int rc; TIB *tib; PIB *pib; if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) return (char*)ptypes[1]; /* not OS/2. */ if (CheckOSError(DosGetInfoBlocks(&tib, &pib))) return NULL; return (pib->pib_ultype <= 4 ? (char*)ptypes[pib->pib_ultype] : "UNKNOWN"); } static ULONG file_type(char *path) { int rc; ULONG apptype; if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) croak("file_type not implemented on DOS"); /* not OS/2. */ if (CheckOSError(DosQueryAppType(path, &apptype))) { #if 0 if (rc == ERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURE) croak("Invalid EXE signature"); else if (rc == ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALID) { croak("EXE marked invalid"); } #endif croak_with_os2error("DosQueryAppType"); } return apptype; } /* These use different type of wrapper. Good to check wrappers. ;-) */ /* XXXX This assumes DOS type return type, without SEVERITY?! */ DeclFuncByORD(HSWITCH, myWinQuerySwitchHandle, ORD_WinQuerySwitchHandle, (HWND hwnd, PID pid), (hwnd, pid)) DeclFuncByORD(ULONG, myWinQuerySwitchEntry, ORD_WinQuerySwitchEntry, (HSWITCH hsw, PSWCNTRL pswctl), (hsw, pswctl)) DeclFuncByORD(ULONG, myWinSetWindowText, ORD_WinSetWindowText, (HWND hwnd, char* text), (hwnd, text)) DeclFuncByORD(BOOL, myWinQueryWindowProcess, ORD_WinQueryWindowProcess, (HWND hwnd, PPID ppid, PTID ptid), (hwnd, ppid, ptid)) DeclFuncByORD(ULONG, XmyWinSwitchToProgram, ORD_WinSwitchToProgram, (HSWITCH hsw), (hsw)) #define myWinSwitchToProgram(hsw) (!CheckOSError(XmyWinSwitchToProgram(hsw))) /* These function croak if the return value is 0. */ DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, QueryWindow, (HWND hwnd, LONG cmd), (hwnd, cmd)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, QueryWindowPos, (HWND hwnd, PSWP pswp), (hwnd, pswp)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(LONG, QueryWindowText, (HWND hwnd, LONG cchBufferMax, PCH pchBuffer), (hwnd, cchBufferMax, pchBuffer)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(LONG, QueryClassName, (HWND hwnd, LONG cchMax, PCH pch), (hwnd, cchMax, pch)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, QueryFocus, (HWND hwndDesktop), (hwndDesktop)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetFocus, (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwndFocus), (hwndDesktop, hwndFocus)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, ShowWindow, (HWND hwnd, BOOL fShow), (hwnd, fShow)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, EnableWindow, (HWND hwnd, BOOL fEnable), (hwnd, fEnable)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetWindowPos, (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndInsertBehind, LONG x, LONG y, LONG cx, LONG cy, ULONG fl), (hwnd, hwndInsertBehind, x, y, cx, cy, fl)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HENUM, BeginEnumWindows, (HWND hwnd), (hwnd)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, EndEnumWindows, (HENUM henum), (henum)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, EnableWindowUpdate, (HWND hwnd, BOOL fEnable), (hwnd, fEnable)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetWindowBits, (HWND hwnd, LONG index, ULONG flData, ULONG flMask), (hwnd, index, flData, flMask)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetWindowPtr, (HWND hwnd, LONG index, PVOID p), (hwnd, index, p)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetWindowULong, (HWND hwnd, LONG index, ULONG ul), (hwnd, index, ul)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetWindowUShort, (HWND hwnd, LONG index, USHORT us), (hwnd, index, us)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, IsChild, (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndParent), (hwnd, hwndParent)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, WindowFromId, (HWND hwnd, ULONG id), (hwnd, id)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, EnumDlgItem, (HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwnd, ULONG code), (hwndDlg, hwnd, code)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, QueryDesktopWindow, (HAB hab, HDC hdc), (hab, hdc)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, SetActiveWindow, (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwnd), (hwndDesktop, hwnd)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, QueryActiveDesktopPathname, (PSZ pszPathName, ULONG ulSize), (pszPathName, ulSize)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, InvalidateRect, (HWND hwnd, /*RECTL*/ char *prcl, BOOL fIncludeChildren), (hwnd, prcl, fIncludeChildren)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, CreateFrameControls, (HWND hwndFrame, /*PFRAMECDATA*/ char* pfcdata, PCSZ pszTitle), (hwndFrame, pfcdata, pszTitle)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, OpenClipbrd, (HAB hab), (hab)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, EmptyClipbrd, (HAB hab), (hab)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, CloseClipbrd, (HAB hab), (hab)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, QueryClipbrdViewer, (HAB hab), (hab)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, QueryClipbrdOwner, (HAB hab), (hab)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, QueryClipbrdFmtInfo, (HAB hab, ULONG fmt, PULONG prgfFmtInfo), (hab, fmt, prgfFmtInfo)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, QueryClipbrdData, (HAB hab, ULONG fmt), (hab, fmt)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, SetClipbrdViewer, (HAB hab, HWND hwnd), (hab, hwnd)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HWND, SetClipbrdOwner, (HAB hab, HWND hwnd), (hab, hwnd)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, EnumClipbrdFmts, (HAB hab, ULONG fmt), (hab, fmt)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ATOM, AddAtom, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, PCSZ pszAtomName), (hAtomTbl, pszAtomName)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ATOM, FindAtom, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, PCSZ pszAtomName), (hAtomTbl, pszAtomName)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ATOM, DeleteAtom, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, PCSZ pszAtomName), (hAtomTbl, pszAtomName)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, QueryAtomUsage, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom), (hAtomTbl, atom)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, QueryAtomLength, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom), (hAtomTbl, atom)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, QueryAtomName, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom, PSZ pchBuffer, ULONG cchBufferMax), (hAtomTbl, atom, pchBuffer, cchBufferMax)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HATOMTBL, QuerySystemAtomTable, (VOID), ()); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HATOMTBL, CreateAtomTable, (ULONG initial, ULONG buckets), (initial, buckets)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HATOMTBL, DestroyAtomTable, (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl), (hAtomTbl)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, MessageBox, (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, ULONG flStyle), (hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, flStyle)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(ULONG, MessageBox2, (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, PMB2INFO pmb2info), (hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, pmb2info)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HPOINTER, LoadPointer, (HWND hwndDesktop, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idres), (hwndDesktop, hmod, idres)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(HPOINTER, QuerySysPointer, (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG lId, BOOL fCopy), (hwndDesktop, lId, fCopy)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, Alarm, (HWND hwndDesktop, ULONG rgfType), (hwndDesktop, rgfType)); DeclWinFunc_CACHE(BOOL, FlashWindow, (HWND hwndFrame, BOOL fFlash), (hwndFrame, fFlash)); /* These functions do not croak on error */ DeclWinFunc_CACHE_survive(BOOL, SetClipbrdData, (HAB hab, ULONG ulData, ULONG fmt, ULONG rgfFmtInfo), (hab, ulData, fmt, rgfFmtInfo)); #define get_InvalidateRect InvalidateRect #define get_CreateFrameControls CreateFrameControls /* These functions may return 0 on success; check $^E/Perl_rc on res==0: */ DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(PVOID, QueryWindowPtr, (HWND hwnd, LONG index), (hwnd, index)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(ULONG, QueryWindowULong, (HWND hwnd, LONG index), (hwnd, index)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(SHORT, QueryWindowUShort, (HWND hwnd, LONG index), (hwnd, index)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(LONG, QueryWindowTextLength, (HWND hwnd), (hwnd)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(HWND, QueryActiveWindow, (HWND hwnd), (hwnd)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(BOOL, PostMsg, (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2), (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(HWND, GetNextWindow, (HENUM henum), (henum)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(BOOL, IsWindowEnabled, (HWND hwnd), (hwnd)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(BOOL, IsWindowVisible, (HWND hwnd), (hwnd)) DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(BOOL, IsWindowShowing, (HWND hwnd), (hwnd)) /* No die()ing on error */ DeclWinFunc_CACHE_survive(BOOL, IsWindow, (HAB hab, HWND hwnd), (hab, hwnd)) /* These functions are called frow complicated wrappers: */ ULONG (*pWinQuerySwitchList) (HAB hab, PSWBLOCK pswblk, ULONG usDataLength); ULONG (*pWinChangeSwitchEntry) (HSWITCH hsw, __const__ SWCNTRL *pswctl); HWND (*pWinWindowFromPoint)(HWND hwnd, __const__ POINTL *pptl, BOOL fChildren); /* These functions have different names/signatures than what is declared above */ #define QueryFocusWindow QueryFocus #define FocusWindow_set(hwndFocus, hwndDesktop) SetFocus(hwndDesktop, hwndFocus) #define WindowPos_set(hwnd, x, y, fl, cx, cy, hwndInsertBehind) \ SetWindowPos(hwnd, hwndInsertBehind, x, y, cx, cy, fl) #define myWinQueryWindowPtr(hwnd, i) ((ULONG)QueryWindowPtr(hwnd, i)) #define _ClipbrdData_set SetClipbrdData #define ClipbrdOwner_set SetClipbrdOwner #define ClipbrdViewer_set SetClipbrdViewer int WindowText_set(HWND hwnd, char* text) { return !CheckWinError(myWinSetWindowText(hwnd, text)); } SV * myQueryWindowText(HWND hwnd) { LONG l = QueryWindowTextLength(hwnd), len; SV *sv; STRLEN n_a; if (l == 0) { if (Perl_rc) /* Last error */ return &PL_sv_undef; return &PL_sv_no; } sv = newSVpvn("", 0); SvGROW(sv, l + 1); len = QueryWindowText(hwnd, l + 1, SvPV_force(sv, n_a)); if (len != l) { Safefree(sv); croak("WinQueryWindowText() uncompatible with WinQueryWindowTextLength()"); } SvCUR_set(sv, l); return sv; } SWP QueryWindowSWP_(HWND hwnd) { SWP swp; if (!QueryWindowPos(hwnd, &swp)) croak("WinQueryWindowPos() error"); return swp; } SV * QueryWindowSWP(HWND hwnd) { SWP swp = QueryWindowSWP_(hwnd); return newSVpvn((char*)&swp, sizeof(swp)); } SV * myQueryClassName(HWND hwnd) { SV *sv = newSVpvn("",0); STRLEN l = 46, len = 0, n_a; while (l + 1 >= len) { if (len) len = 2*len + 10; /* Grow quick */ else len = l + 2; SvGROW(sv, len); l = QueryClassName(hwnd, len, SvPV_force(sv, n_a)); } SvCUR_set(sv, l); return sv; } HWND WindowFromPoint(long x, long y, HWND hwnd, BOOL fChildren) { POINTL ppl; ppl.x = x; ppl.y = y; if (!pWinWindowFromPoint) AssignFuncPByORD(pWinWindowFromPoint, ORD_WinWindowFromPoint); return SaveWinError(pWinWindowFromPoint(hwnd, &ppl, fChildren)); } static HSWITCH switch_of(HWND hwnd, PID pid) { HSWITCH hSwitch; if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) croak("switch_entry not implemented on DOS"); /* not OS/2. */ if (CheckWinError(hSwitch = myWinQuerySwitchHandle(hwnd, pid))) croak_with_os2error("WinQuerySwitchHandle"); return hSwitch; } static void fill_swentry(SWENTRY *swentryp, HWND hwnd, PID pid) { int rc; HSWITCH hSwitch = switch_of(hwnd, pid); swentryp->hswitch = hSwitch; if (CheckOSError(myWinQuerySwitchEntry(hSwitch, &swentryp->swctl))) croak_with_os2error("WinQuerySwitchEntry"); } static void fill_swentry_default(SWENTRY *swentryp) { fill_swentry(swentryp, NULLHANDLE, getpid()); } static SV* myWinQueryActiveDesktopPathname() { SV *buf = newSVpv("",0); STRLEN n_a; SvGROW(buf, MAXPATHLEN); QueryActiveDesktopPathname(SvPV(buf,n_a), MAXPATHLEN); SvCUR_set(buf, strlen(SvPV(buf, n_a))); return buf; } SV * myWinQueryAtomName(ATOM atom, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl) { ULONG len = QueryAtomLength(hAtomTbl, atom); SV *sv = newSVpvn("",0); STRLEN n_a; SvGROW(sv, len + 1); QueryAtomName(hAtomTbl, atom, SvPV(sv, n_a), len); SvCUR_set(sv, len); *SvEND(sv) = 0; return sv; } #define myWinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo QueryClipbrdFmtInfo /* Put data into shared memory, then call SetClipbrdData */ void ClipbrdData_set(SV *sv, int convert_nl, unsigned long fmt, unsigned long rgfFmtInfo, HAB hab) { STRLEN len; char *buf = SvPV_force(sv, len); char *pByte = 0, *s = buf, c; ULONG nls = 0, rc; if (convert_nl) { while ((c = *s++)) { if (c == '\r' && *s == '\n') s++; else if (c == '\n') nls++; } } if (CheckOSError(DosAllocSharedMem((PPVOID)&pByte, 0, len + nls + 1, PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT | OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE))) croak_with_os2error("ClipbrdData_set: DosAllocSharedMem error"); if (!nls) memcpy(pByte, buf, len + 1); else { char *t = pByte, *e = buf + len; while (buf < e) { c = *t++ = *buf++; if (c == '\n' && (t == pByte + 1 || t[-2] != '\r')) t[-1] = '\r', *t++ = '\n'; } } if (!SetClipbrdData(hab, (ULONG)pByte, fmt, rgfFmtInfo)) { DosFreeMem((PPVOID)&pByte); croak_with_os2error("ClipbrdData_set: WinSetClipbrdData error"); } } #if 0 ULONG myWinMessageBox(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, ULONG flStyle) { ULONG rc = MessageBox(hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, flStyle); if (rc == MBID_ERROR) rc = 0; if (CheckWinError(rc)) croak_with_os2error("MessageBox"); return rc; } ULONG myWinMessageBox2(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, PMB2INFO pmb2info) { ULONG rc = MessageBox2(hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, pmb2info); if (rc == MBID_ERROR) rc = 0; if (CheckWinError(rc)) croak_with_os2error("MessageBox2"); return rc; } #endif /* static ULONG (* APIENTRY16 pDosSmSetTitle)(ULONG, PSZ); */ ULONG _THUNK_FUNCTION(DosSmSetTitle)(ULONG, PSZ); #if 0 /* Does not work. */ static ULONG (*pDosSmSetTitle)(ULONG, PSZ); static void sesmgr_title_set(char *s) { SWENTRY swentry; static HMODULE hdosc = 0; BYTE buf[20]; long rc; fill_swentry_default(&swentry); if (!pDosSmSetTitle || !hdosc) { if (CheckOSError(DosLoadModule(buf, sizeof buf, "sesmgr", &hdosc))) croak("Cannot load SESMGR: no `%s'", buf); if (CheckOSError(DosQueryProcAddr(hdosc, 0, "DOSSMSETTITLE", (PFN*)&pDosSmSetTitle))) croak("Cannot load SESMGR.DOSSMSETTITLE, err=%ld", rc); } /* (pDosSmSetTitle)(swcntrl.idSession,s); */ rc = ((USHORT) (_THUNK_PROLOG (2+4); _THUNK_SHORT (swcntrl.idSession); _THUNK_FLAT (s); _THUNK_CALLI (*pDosSmSetTitle))); if (CheckOSError(rc)) warn("*DOSSMSETTITLE: err=%ld, ses=%ld, addr=%x, *paddr=%x", rc, swcntrl.idSession, &_THUNK_FUNCTION(DosSmSetTitle), pDosSmSetTitle); } #else /* !0 */ static bool sesmgr_title_set(char *s) { SWENTRY swentry; long rc; fill_swentry_default(&swentry); rc = ((USHORT) (_THUNK_PROLOG (2+4); _THUNK_SHORT (swentry.swctl.idSession); _THUNK_FLAT (s); _THUNK_CALL (DosSmSetTitle))); #if 0 if (CheckOSError(rc)) warn("DOSSMSETTITLE: err=%ld, ses=%ld, addr=%x", rc, swcntrl.idSession, _THUNK_FUNCTION(DosSmSetTitle)); #endif return !CheckOSError(rc); } #endif /* !0 */ #if 0 /* Does not work. */ USHORT _THUNK_FUNCTION(Win16SetTitle) (); static void set_title2(char *s) { long rc; rc = ((USHORT) (_THUNK_PROLOG (4); _THUNK_FLAT (s); _THUNK_CALL (Win16SetTitle))); if (CheckWinError(rc)) warn("Win16SetTitle: err=%ld", rc); } #endif SV * process_swentry(unsigned long pid, HWND hwnd) { SWENTRY swentry; if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) croak("process_swentry not implemented on DOS"); /* not OS/2. */ fill_swentry(&swentry, hwnd, pid); return newSVpvn((char*)&swentry, sizeof(swentry)); } SV * swentries_list() { int num, n = 0; STRLEN n_a; PSWBLOCK pswblk; SV *sv = newSVpvn("",0); if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) croak("swentries_list not implemented on DOS"); /* not OS/2. */ if (!pWinQuerySwitchList) AssignFuncPByORD(pWinQuerySwitchList, ORD_WinQuerySwitchList); num = pWinQuerySwitchList(0, NULL, 0); /* HAB is not required */ if (!num) croak("(Unknown) error during WinQuerySwitchList()"); /* Allow one extra entry to allow overflow detection (may happen if the list has been changed). */ while (num > n) { if (n == 0) n = num + 1; else n = 2*num + 10; /* Enlarge quickly */ SvGROW(sv, sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(SWENTRY) * n + 1); pswblk = (PSWBLOCK) SvPV_force(sv, n_a); num = pWinQuerySwitchList(0, pswblk, SvLEN(sv)); } SvCUR_set(sv, sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(SWENTRY) * num); *SvEND(sv) = 0; return sv; } SWENTRY swentry( char *title, HWND sw_hwnd, HWND icon_hwnd, HPROGRAM owner_phandle, PID owner_pid, ULONG owner_sid, ULONG visible, ULONG nonswitchable, ULONG jumpable, ULONG ptype, HSWITCH sw_entry) { SWENTRY e; strncpy(e.swctl.szSwtitle, title, MAXNAMEL); e.swctl.szSwtitle[60] = 0; e.swctl.hwnd = sw_hwnd; e.swctl.hwndIcon = icon_hwnd; e.swctl.hprog = owner_phandle; e.swctl.idProcess = owner_pid; e.swctl.idSession = owner_sid; e.swctl.uchVisibility = ((visible ? SWL_VISIBLE : SWL_INVISIBLE) | (nonswitchable ? SWL_GRAYED : 0)); e.swctl.fbJump = (jumpable ? SWL_JUMPABLE : 0); e.swctl.bProgType = ptype; e.hswitch = sw_entry; return e; } SV * create_swentry( char *title, HWND owner_hwnd, HWND icon_hwnd, HPROGRAM owner_phandle, PID owner_pid, ULONG owner_sid, ULONG visible, ULONG nonswitchable, ULONG jumpable, ULONG ptype, HSWITCH sw_entry) { SWENTRY e = swentry(title, owner_hwnd, icon_hwnd, owner_phandle, owner_pid, owner_sid, visible, nonswitchable, jumpable, ptype, sw_entry); return newSVpvn((char*)&e, sizeof(e)); } int change_swentrysw(SWENTRY *sw) { ULONG rc; /* For CheckOSError */ if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) croak("change_entry() not implemented on DOS"); /* not OS/2. */ if (!pWinChangeSwitchEntry) AssignFuncPByORD(pWinChangeSwitchEntry, ORD_WinChangeSwitchEntry); return !CheckOSError(pWinChangeSwitchEntry(sw->hswitch, &sw->swctl)); } int change_swentry(SV *sv) { STRLEN l; PSWENTRY pswentry = (PSWENTRY)SvPV(sv, l); if (l != sizeof(SWENTRY)) croak("Wrong structure size %ld!=%ld in change_swentry()", (long)l, (long)sizeof(SWENTRY)); return change_swentrysw(pswentry); } #define swentry_size() (sizeof(SWENTRY)) void getscrsize(int *wp, int *hp) { int i[2]; _scrsize(i); *wp = i[0]; *hp = i[1]; } /* Force vio to not cross 64K-boundary: */ #define VIO_FROM_VIOB \ vio = viob; \ if (!_THUNK_PTR_STRUCT_OK(vio)) \ vio++ bool scrsize_set(int w, int h) { VIOMODEINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; if (h == -9999) h = w, w = 0; vio->cb = sizeof(*vio); if (CheckOSError(VioGetMode( vio, 0 ))) return 0; if( w > 0 ) vio->col = (USHORT)w; if( h > 0 ) vio->row = (USHORT)h; vio->cb = 8; if (CheckOSError(VioSetMode( vio, 0 ))) return 0; return 1; } void cursor(int *sp, int *ep, int *wp, int *ap) { VIOCURSORINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; if (CheckOSError(VioGetCurType( vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("VioGetCurType() error"); *sp = vio->yStart; *ep = vio->cEnd; *wp = vio->cx; *ep = vio->attr; } bool cursor__(int is_a) { int s,e,w,a; cursor(&s, &e, &w, &a); if (is_a) return a; else return w; } bool cursor_set(int s, int e, int w, int a) { VIOCURSORINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; vio->yStart = s; vio->cEnd = e; vio->cx = w; vio->attr = a; return !CheckOSError(VioSetCurType( vio, 0 )); } static int bufsize(void) { #if 1 VIOMODEINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; vio->cb = sizeof(*vio); if (CheckOSError(VioGetMode( vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't get size of buffer for screen"); #if 0 /* buf=323552247, full=1118455, partial=0 */ croak("Lengths: buf=%d, full=%d, partial=%d",vio->buf_length,vio->full_length,vio->partial_length); return newSVpvn((char*)vio->buf_addr, vio->full_length); #endif return vio->col * vio->row * 2; /* How to get bytes/cell? 2 or 4? */ #else /* 0 */ int i[2]; _scrsize(i); return i[0]*i[1]*2; #endif /* 0 */ } SV* _kbdChar(unsigned int nowait, int handle) { KBDKEYINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; if (nowait > 2) croak("unexpected nowait"); if (CheckOSError(nowait == 2 ? KbdPeek( vio, handle ) : KbdCharIn( vio, nowait == 1, handle ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't _kbdChar"); return newSVpvn((char*)vio, sizeof(*vio)); } SV* _kbdStatus(int handle) { KBDINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; vio->cb = sizeof(*vio); if (CheckOSError(KbdGetStatus( vio, handle ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't _kbdStatus"); return newSVpvn((char*)vio, sizeof(*vio)); } void _kbdStatus_set(SV* sv, int handle) { KBDINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; STRLEN l; char *s = SvPV(sv, l); VIO_FROM_VIOB; if (l != sizeof(*vio)) croak("unexpected datasize"); Copy((KBDINFO*)s, vio, 1, KBDINFO); if (vio->cb != sizeof(*vio)) croak("unexpected datasize"); if (CheckOSError(KbdSetStatus( vio, handle ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't kbdStatus_set()"); } SV* _vioConfig(int which, int handle) { struct {VIOCONFIGINFO i; short a[20];} viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; vio->i.cb = 2; if (CheckOSError(VioGetConfig( which, &vio->i, handle ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't get VIO config size"); if (vio->i.cb > sizeof(*vio)) vio->i.cb = sizeof(*vio); if (CheckOSError(VioGetConfig( which, &vio->i, handle ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't get VIO config"); return newSVpvn((char*)vio, vio->i.cb); } SV* _vioMode(void) { VIOMODEINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; VIO_FROM_VIOB; vio->cb = sizeof(*vio); if (CheckOSError(VioGetMode( vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't get VIO mode"); return newSVpvn((char*)vio, sizeof(*vio)); } void _vioMode_set(SV* sv) { VIOMODEINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; STRLEN l; char *s = SvPV(sv, l); VIO_FROM_VIOB; Copy((VIOMODEINFO*)s, vio, 1, VIOMODEINFO); if (vio->cb != sizeof(*vio) || l != vio->cb) croak("unexpected datasize"); if (CheckOSError(VioSetMode( vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't set VIO mode"); } SV* vioFont(int type, int *w, int *h) /* 0 for actual RAM font, 1 for ROM font */ { VIOFONTINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; UCHAR b[1<<17]; UCHAR *buf = b; SV *sv; VIO_FROM_VIOB; /* Should not cross 64K boundaries too: */ if (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF) buf += 0x10000 - (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF); vio->cb = sizeof(*vio); vio->type = type; /* BIOS or the loaded font. */ vio->cbData = 0xFFFF; /* How large is my buffer? */ vio->pbData = _emx_32to16(buf); /* Wants an 16:16 pointer */ if (CheckOSError(VioGetFont( vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't get VIO font"); *w = vio->cxCell; *h = vio->cyCell; return newSVpvn(buf,vio->cbData); } void vioFont_set(SV *sv, int cellwidth, int cellheight, int type) { VIOFONTINFO viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc; UCHAR b[1<<17]; UCHAR *buf = b; STRLEN l; char *s = SvPV(sv, l); VIO_FROM_VIOB; /* Should not cross 64K boundaries too: */ if (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF) buf += 0x10000 - (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF); if (l > 0xFFFF) croak("length overflow of VIO font"); if (l != (cellwidth + 7)/8 * cellheight * 256) warn("unexpected length of VIO font"); vio->cb = sizeof(*vio); vio->type = type; /* BIOS or the loaded font. */ vio->cbData = l; /* How large is my buffer? */ vio->pbData = _emx_32to16(buf); /* Wants an 16:16 pointer */ vio->cxCell = cellwidth; vio->cyCell = cellheight; Copy(s, buf, l, char); if (CheckOSError(VioSetFont( vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't set VIO font"); } /* uses use32,os2def,os2base,crt,defs; var Plt :Plt256; const Pal :VioPalState=(Cb:sizeof(VioPalState);rType:0;iFirst:0; Acolor:($FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF)); CReg:VioColorReg=(Cb:sizeof(VioColorReg);rType:3;FirstColorReg:0; NumColorRegs:256; ColorRegAddr:@Plt); var ii:Pointer; begin VioGetState(Pal,0); Pal.Acolor[09]:=$0F; Pal.Acolor[10]:=$A; Pal.Acolor[13]:=$2F; VioSetState(Pal,0); // ce smena EGA registrov asm lea eax,Plt call DosFlatToSel mov ii,eax end; CReg.ColorRegAddr:=ii; VioGetState(CReg,0); Plt[10,0]:=$00; Plt[10,1]:=$32; Plt[10,2]:=$2A; VioSetState(CReg,0); // a ce - VGA registrov end. */ typedef union { VIOPALSTATE pal; struct { VIOPALSTATE pal; USHORT a[15]; } pal_padded; VIOOVERSCAN overscan; VIOINTENSITY intensity; VIOCOLORREG colorreg; struct { VIOCOLORREG reg; char rgb[3*256]; } colorreg_padded; VIOSETULINELOC lineloc; VIOSETTARGET target; } my_VIOSTATE; int vio_state_size(int what) { static const char sizes[] = { sizeof(VIOPALSTATE), sizeof(VIOOVERSCAN), sizeof(VIOINTENSITY), sizeof(VIOCOLORREG), 6, /* Random number: Reserved entry */ sizeof(VIOSETULINELOC), sizeof(VIOSETTARGET) }; if (what < 0 || what >= sizeof(sizes)) croak("Unexpected VIO state type"); return sizes[what]; } SV* _vioState(int what, int first, int count) { my_VIOSTATE viob[2], *vio; ULONG rc, size = vio_state_size(what); VIO_FROM_VIOB; vio->pal.cb = size; vio->pal.type = what; if (what == 0) { vio->pal.iFirst = first; if (first < 0 || first >= 16) croak("unexpected palette start value"); if (count < 0 || count > 16) croak("unexpected palette count"); vio->pal.cb = (size += (count - 1) * sizeof(short)); } else if (what == 3) { /* Wants an 16:16 pointer */ if (count < 0 || count > 256) croak("unexpected palette count"); vio->colorreg.colorregaddr = (PCH)_emx_32to16(vio->colorreg_padded.rgb); vio->colorreg.numcolorregs = count; /* 256 is max */ vio->colorreg.firstcolorreg = first; size += 3 * count; } if (CheckOSError(VioGetState( (void*)vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't get VIO state"); return newSVpvn((char*)vio, size); } void _vioState_set(SV *sv) { my_VIOSTATE viob[2], *ovio = (my_VIOSTATE*)SvPV_nolen(sv), *vio = ovio; int what = ovio->pal.type, cb = ovio->pal.cb; ULONG rc, size = vio_state_size(what); STRLEN l; char *s = SvPV(sv, l); VIO_FROM_VIOB; switch (what) { case 0: if ( cb < size || cb > size + 15*sizeof(SHORT) || l != cb) croak("unexpected datasize"); size = l; break; case 3: if (l != cb + 3 * ovio->colorreg.numcolorregs || cb != size) croak("unexpected datasize"); size = l; break; default: if (l != cb || l != size ) croak("unexpected datasize"); break; } Copy(s, (char*)vio, size, char); if (what == 3) /* We expect colors put after VIOCOLORREG */ vio->colorreg.colorregaddr = (PCH)_emx_32to16(vio->colorreg_padded.rgb); if (CheckOSError(VioSetState( (void*)vio, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("Can't set VIO state"); } SV * screen(void) { ULONG rc; USHORT bufl = bufsize(); char b[(1<<16) * 3]; /* This/3 is enough for 16-bit calls, we need 2x overhead due to 2 vs 4 issue, and extra 64K due to alignment logic */ char *buf = b; if (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF) buf += 0x10000 - (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF); if ((sizeof(b) - (buf - b)) < 2*bufl) croak("panic: VIO buffer allocation"); if (CheckOSError(VioReadCellStr( buf, &bufl, 0, 0, 0 ))) return &PL_sv_undef; return newSVpvn(buf,bufl); } bool screen_set(SV *sv) { ULONG rc; STRLEN l = SvCUR(sv), bufl = bufsize(); char b[(1<<16) * 2]; /* This/2 is enough for 16-bit calls, we need extra 64K due to alignment logic */ char *buf = b; if (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF) buf += 0x10000 - (((ULONG)buf) & 0xFFFF); if (!SvPOK(sv) || ((l != bufl) && (l != 2*bufl))) croak("Wrong size %d of saved screen data", SvCUR(sv)); if ((sizeof(b) - (buf - b)) < l) croak("panic: VIO buffer allocation"); Copy(SvPV(sv,l), buf, bufl, char); if (CheckOSError(VioWrtCellStr( buf, bufl, 0, 0, 0 ))) return 0; return 1; } int process_codepages() { ULONG cps[4], cp, rc; if (CheckOSError(DosQueryCp( sizeof(cps), cps, &cp ))) croak_with_os2error("DosQueryCp()"); return cp; } int out_codepage() { USHORT cp, rc; if (CheckOSError(VioGetCp( 0, &cp, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("VioGetCp()"); return cp; } bool out_codepage_set(int cp) { USHORT rc; return !(CheckOSError(VioSetCp( 0, cp, 0 ))); } int in_codepage() { USHORT cp, rc; if (CheckOSError(KbdGetCp( 0, &cp, 0 ))) croak_with_os2error("KbdGetCp()"); return cp; } bool in_codepage_set(int cp) { USHORT rc; return !(CheckOSError(KbdSetCp( 0, cp, 0 ))); } bool process_codepage_set(int cp) { USHORT rc; return !(CheckOSError(DosSetProcessCp( cp ))); } int ppidOf(int pid) { PQTOPLEVEL psi; int ppid; if (!pid) return -1; psi = get_sysinfo(pid, QSS_PROCESS); if (!psi) return -1; ppid = psi->procdata->ppid; Safefree(psi); return ppid; } int sidOf(int pid) { PQTOPLEVEL psi; int sid; if (!pid) return -1; psi = get_sysinfo(pid, QSS_PROCESS); if (!psi) return -1; sid = psi->procdata->sessid; Safefree(psi); return sid; } #define ulMPFROMSHORT(i) ((unsigned long)MPFROMSHORT(i)) #define ulMPVOID() ((unsigned long)MPVOID) #define ulMPFROMCHAR(i) ((unsigned long)MPFROMCHAR(i)) #define ulMPFROM2SHORT(x1,x2) ((unsigned long)MPFROM2SHORT(x1,x2)) #define ulMPFROMSH2CH(s, c1, c2) ((unsigned long)MPFROMSH2CH(s, c1, c2)) #define ulMPFROMLONG(x) ((unsigned long)MPFROMLONG(x)) #define _MessageBox MessageBox #define _MessageBox2 MessageBox2 MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PROTOTYPES: ENABLE unsigned long constant(name,arg) char * name int arg char * my_type() U32 file_type(path) char *path SV * swentry_expand( SV *sv ) PPCODE: { STRLEN l; PSWENTRY pswentry = (PSWENTRY)SvPV(sv, l); if (l != sizeof(SWENTRY)) croak("Wrong structure size %ld!=%ld in swentry_expand()", (long)l, (long)sizeof(SWENTRY)); EXTEND(sp,11); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(pswentry->swctl.szSwtitle, 0))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(pswentry->swctl.hwnd))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(pswentry->swctl.hwndIcon))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.hprog))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.idProcess))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.idSession))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.uchVisibility & SWL_VISIBLE))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.uchVisibility & SWL_GRAYED))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.fbJump == SWL_JUMPABLE))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->swctl.bProgType))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(pswentry->hswitch))); } SV * create_swentry( char *title, unsigned long sw_hwnd, unsigned long icon_hwnd, unsigned long owner_phandle, unsigned long owner_pid, unsigned long owner_sid, unsigned long visible, unsigned long switchable, unsigned long jumpable, unsigned long ptype, unsigned long sw_entry) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE int change_swentry( SV *sv ) bool sesmgr_title_set(s) char *s SV * process_swentry(unsigned long pid = getpid(), HWND hwnd = NULLHANDLE); PROTOTYPE: DISABLE int swentry_size() SV * swentries_list() void ResetWinError() int WindowText_set(HWND hwndFrame, char *title) bool FocusWindow_set(HWND hwndFocus, HWND hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP) bool ShowWindow(HWND hwnd, bool fShow = TRUE) bool EnableWindow(HWND hwnd, bool fEnable = TRUE) bool PostMsg(HWND hwnd, unsigned long msg, unsigned long mp1 = 0, unsigned long mp2 = 0) C_ARGS: hwnd, msg, (MPARAM)mp1, (MPARAM)mp2 bool WindowPos_set(HWND hwnd, long x, long y, unsigned long fl = SWP_MOVE, long cx = 0, long cy = 0, HWND hwndInsertBehind = HWND_TOP) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE unsigned long BeginEnumWindows(HWND hwnd) bool EndEnumWindows(unsigned long henum) unsigned long GetNextWindow(unsigned long henum) bool IsWindowVisible(HWND hwnd) bool IsWindowEnabled(HWND hwnd) bool IsWindowShowing(HWND hwnd) unsigned long QueryWindow(HWND hwnd, long cmd) unsigned long IsChild(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndParent) unsigned long WindowFromId(HWND hwndParent, unsigned long id) unsigned long WindowFromPoint(long x, long y, HWND hwnd = HWND_DESKTOP, bool fChildren = TRUE) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE unsigned long EnumDlgItem(HWND hwndDlg, unsigned long code, HWND hwnd = NULLHANDLE) C_ARGS: hwndDlg, hwnd, code bool EnableWindowUpdate(HWND hwnd, bool fEnable = TRUE) bool SetWindowBits(HWND hwnd, long index, unsigned long flData, unsigned long flMask) bool SetWindowPtr(HWND hwnd, long index, unsigned long p) C_ARGS: hwnd, index, (PVOID)p bool SetWindowULong(HWND hwnd, long index, unsigned long i) bool SetWindowUShort(HWND hwnd, long index, unsigned short i) bool IsWindow(HWND hwnd, HAB hab = Acquire_hab()) C_ARGS: hab, hwnd BOOL ActiveWindow_set(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP) CODE: RETVAL = SetActiveWindow(hwndDesktop, hwnd); unsigned long LoadPointer(unsigned long idres, unsigned long hmod = 0, HWND hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP) C_ARGS: hwndDesktop, hmod, idres int out_codepage() bool out_codepage_set(int cp) int in_codepage() bool in_codepage_set(int cp) SV * screen() bool screen_set(SV *sv) SV * process_codepages() PPCODE: { ULONG cps[4], c, i = 0, rc; if (CheckOSError(DosQueryCp( sizeof(cps), cps, &c ))) c = 0; c /= sizeof(ULONG); if (c >= 3) EXTEND(sp, c); while (i < c) PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(cps[i++]))); } bool process_codepage_set(int cp) void cursor(OUTLIST int stp, OUTLIST int ep, OUTLIST int wp, OUTLIST int ap) PROTOTYPE: bool cursor_set(int s, int e, int w = cursor__(0), int a = cursor__(1)) SV* _kbdChar(int nowait = 0, int handle = 0) SV* _kbdStatus(int handle = 0) void _kbdStatus_set(SV *sv, int handle = 0) SV* _vioConfig(int which = 0, int handle = 0) SV* _vioMode() void _vioMode_set(SV *buffer) SV* _vioState(int what, int first = -1, int count = -1) void _vioState_set(SV *buffer) SV* vioFont( int type = 0, OUTLIST int w, OUTLIST int h) void vioFont_set(SV *buffer, int cellwidth, int cellheight, int type = 0) NO_OUTPUT bool _ClipbrdData_set(unsigned long ulData, unsigned long fmt = CF_TEXT, unsigned long rgfFmtInfo = ((fmt == CF_TEXT || fmt == CF_DSPTEXT) ? CFI_POINTER : CFI_HANDLE), HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE C_ARGS: hab, ulData, fmt, rgfFmtInfo POSTCALL: if (CheckWinError(RETVAL)) croak_with_os2error("_ClipbrdData_set() error"); void ClipbrdData_set(SV *text, int convert_nl = 1, unsigned long fmt = CF_TEXT, unsigned long rgfFmtInfo = ((fmt == CF_TEXT || fmt == CF_DSPTEXT) ? CFI_POINTER : CFI_HANDLE), HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE void ClipbrdOwner_set(HWND hwnd, HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) C_ARGS: hab, hwnd void ClipbrdViewer_set(HWND hwnd, HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) C_ARGS: hab, hwnd unsigned long EnumClipbrdFmts(unsigned long fmt = 0, HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) C_ARGS: hab, fmt unsigned long AddAtom(char *pszAtomName, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl = QuerySystemAtomTable()) C_ARGS: hAtomTbl, pszAtomName unsigned long FindAtom(char *pszAtomName, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl = QuerySystemAtomTable()) C_ARGS: hAtomTbl, pszAtomName unsigned long DeleteAtom(char *pszAtomName, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl = QuerySystemAtomTable()) C_ARGS: hAtomTbl, pszAtomName void Alarm(unsigned long rgfType = WA_ERROR, HWND hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP) C_ARGS: hwndDesktop, rgfType void FlashWindow(HWND hwndFrame, bool fFlash) MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = myQuery SV * myQueryWindowText(HWND hwnd) SV * myQueryClassName(HWND hwnd) MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = Query unsigned long QueryFocusWindow(HWND hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP) long QueryWindowTextLength(HWND hwnd) SV * QueryWindowSWP(HWND hwnd) unsigned long QueryWindowULong(HWND hwnd, long index) unsigned short QueryWindowUShort(HWND hwnd, long index) unsigned long QueryActiveWindow(HWND hwnd = HWND_DESKTOP) unsigned long QueryDesktopWindow(HAB hab = Acquire_hab(), unsigned long hdc = NULLHANDLE) unsigned long QueryClipbrdData(unsigned long fmt = CF_TEXT, HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) C_ARGS: hab, fmt PROTOTYPE: DISABLE unsigned long QueryClipbrdViewer(HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) unsigned long QueryClipbrdOwner(HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) void CloseClipbrd(HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) void EmptyClipbrd(HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) bool OpenClipbrd(HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) unsigned long QueryAtomUsage(ATOM atom, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl = QuerySystemAtomTable()) C_ARGS: hAtomTbl, atom unsigned long QueryAtomLength(ATOM atom, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl = QuerySystemAtomTable()) C_ARGS: hAtomTbl, atom unsigned long QuerySystemAtomTable() unsigned long QuerySysPointer(long lId, bool fCopy = 1, HWND hwndDesktop = HWND_DESKTOP) C_ARGS: hwndDesktop, lId, fCopy unsigned long CreateAtomTable(unsigned long initial = 0, unsigned long buckets = 0) unsigned long DestroyAtomTable(HATOMTBL hAtomTbl) MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = myWinQuery unsigned long myWinQueryWindowPtr(HWND hwnd, long index) NO_OUTPUT BOOL myWinQueryWindowProcess(HWND hwnd, OUTLIST unsigned long pid, OUTLIST unsigned long tid) PROTOTYPE: $ POSTCALL: if (CheckWinError(RETVAL)) croak_with_os2error("WindowProcess() error"); SV * myWinQueryActiveDesktopPathname() void myWinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo(OUTLIST unsigned long prgfFmtInfo, unsigned long fmt = CF_TEXT, HAB hab = perl_hab_GET()) C_ARGS: hab, fmt, &prgfFmtInfo SV * myWinQueryAtomName(ATOM atom, HATOMTBL hAtomTbl = QuerySystemAtomTable()) MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = myWin int myWinSwitchToProgram(HSWITCH hsw = switch_of(NULLHANDLE, getpid())) PREINIT: ULONG rc; #if 0 unsigned long myWinMessageBox(unsigned long pszText, char* pszCaption = "Perl script error", unsigned long flStyle = MB_CANCEL | MB_ICONHAND, HWND hwndParent = HWND_DESKTOP, HWND hwndOwner = HWND_DESKTOP, unsigned long idWindow = 0) C_ARGS: hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, flStyle #endif unsigned long _MessageBox(char* pszText, char* pszCaption = "Perl script error", unsigned long flStyle = MB_CANCEL | MB_INFORMATION | MB_MOVEABLE, HWND hwndParent = HWND_DESKTOP, HWND hwndOwner = NULLHANDLE, unsigned long idWindow = 0) C_ARGS: hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, flStyle POSTCALL: if (RETVAL == MBID_ERROR) RETVAL = 0; unsigned long _MessageBox2(char *pszText, char* pmb2info, char *pszCaption, HWND hwndParent = HWND_DESKTOP, HWND hwndOwner = NULLHANDLE, unsigned long idWindow = 0) C_ARGS: hwndParent, hwndOwner, pszText, pszCaption, idWindow, (PMB2INFO)pmb2info POSTCALL: if (RETVAL == MBID_ERROR) RETVAL = 0; MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = myWinQuery MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = get int getppid() int ppidOf(int pid = getpid()) int sidOf(int pid = getpid()) void getscrsize(OUTLIST int wp, OUTLIST int hp) PROTOTYPE: bool scrsize_set(int w_or_h, int h = -9999) void get_InvalidateRect(HWND hwnd, char *prcl, bool fIncludeChildren) void get_CreateFrameControls(HWND hwndFrame, char *pfcdata, char* pszTitle) MODULE = OS2::Process PACKAGE = OS2::Process PREFIX = ul unsigned long ulMPFROMSHORT(unsigned short i) unsigned long ulMPVOID() unsigned long ulMPFROMCHAR(unsigned char i) unsigned long ulMPFROM2SHORT(unsigned short x1, unsigned short x2) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE unsigned long ulMPFROMSH2CH(unsigned short s, unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2) PROTOTYPE: DISABLE unsigned long ulMPFROMLONG(unsigned long x)