#!/bin/bash # "autodie" set -e TEST_STDERR_LOG=/tmp/dbictest.stderr TIMEOUT_CMD="/usr/bin/timeout --kill-after=16m --signal=TERM 15m" echo_err() { echo "$@" 1>&2 ; } if [[ "$TRAVIS" != "true" ]] ; then echo_err "Running this script makes no sense outside of travis-ci" exit 1 fi tstamp() { echo -n "[$(date '+%H:%M:%S')]" ; } ci_vm_state_text() { echo " ========================== CI System information ============================ = CPUinfo $(perl -0777 -p -e 's/.+\n\n(?!\z)//s' < /proc/cpuinfo) = Meminfo $(free -m -t) = Diskinfo $(sudo df -h) $(mount | grep '^/') = Kernel info $(uname -a) = Network Configuration $(ip addr) = Network Sockets Status $(sudo netstat -an46p | grep -Pv '\s(CLOSING|(FIN|TIME|CLOSE)_WAIT.?|LAST_ACK)\s') = Processlist $(sudo ps fuxa) = Environment $(env | grep -P 'TEST|HARNESS|MAKE|TRAVIS|PERL|DBIC' | LC_ALL=C sort | cat -v) = Perl in use $(perl -V) =============================================================================" } run_or_err() { echo_err -n "$(tstamp) $1 ... " LASTCMD="$2" LASTEXIT=0 START_TIME=$SECONDS PRMETER_PIDFILE="$(tempfile)_$SECONDS" # the double bash is to hide the job control messages bash -c "bash -c 'echo \$\$ >> $PRMETER_PIDFILE; while true; do sleep 10; echo -n \"\${SECONDS}s ... \"; done' &" LASTOUT=$( eval "$2" 2>&1 ) || LASTEXIT=$? # stop progress meter for p in $(cat "$PRMETER_PIDFILE"); do kill $p ; done DELTA_TIME=$(( $SECONDS - $START_TIME )) if [[ "$LASTEXIT" != "0" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$3" ]] ; then echo_err "FAILED !!! (after ${DELTA_TIME}s)" echo_err "Command executed:" echo_err "$LASTCMD" echo_err "STDOUT+STDERR:" echo_err "$LASTOUT" fi return $LASTEXIT else echo_err "done (took ${DELTA_TIME}s)" fi } apt_install() { # flatten pkgs="$@" run_or_err "Installing Debian APT packages: $pkgs" "sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends -y $pkgs" } extract_prereqs() { # once --verbose is set, --no-verbose can't disable it # do this by hand local PERL_CPANM_OPT="$( echo $PERL_CPANM_OPT | sed 's/--verbose\s*//' )" # hack-hack-hack LASTEXIT=0 COMBINED_OUT="$( { stdout="$(cpanm --quiet --scandeps --format tree "$@")" ; } 2>&1; echo "!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!$stdout")" \ || LASTEXIT=$? OUT=${COMBINED_OUT#*!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!} ERR=${COMBINED_OUT%!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!*} if [[ "$LASTEXIT" != "0" ]] ; then echo_err "Error occured (exit code $LASTEXIT) retrieving dependencies of $@:" echo_err "$ERR" echo_err "$OUT" exit 1 fi # throw away warnings, up-to-date diag, ascii art, convert to modnames PQ=$(perl -p -e ' s/^.*?is up to date.*$//; s/^\!.*//; s/^[^a-z]+//i; s/\-[^\-]+$/ /; # strip version part s/\-/::/g ' <<< "$OUT") # throw away what was in $@ for m in "$@" ; do PQ=$( perl -p -e 's/(?:\s|^)\Q'"$m"'\E(?:\s|$)/ /mg' <<< "$PQ") done # RV echo "$PQ" } parallel_installdeps_notest() { if [[ -z "$@" ]] ; then return; fi # one module spec per line MODLIST="$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -R)" # We want to trap the output of each process and serially append them to # each other as opposed to just dumping a jumbled up mass-log that would # need careful unpicking by a human # # While cpanm does maintain individual buildlogs in more recent versions, # we are not terribly interested in trying to figure out which log is which # dist. The verbose-output + trap STDIO technique is vastly superior in this # particular case # # Explanation of inline args: # # [09:38] you need a $0 # [09:38] hence the _ # [09:38] bash -c '...' _ # [09:39] I like -- because it's the magic that gnu getopts uses for somethign else # [09:39] or --, yes # [09:39] ribasushi: you could put "giant space monkey penises" instead of "--" and it would work just as well # run_or_err "Installing (without testing) $(echo $MODLIST)" \ "echo \\ \"$MODLIST\" \\ | xargs -d '\\n' -n 1 -P $NUMTHREADS bash -c \\ 'OUT=\$(maint/getstatus $TIMEOUT_CMD cpanm --notest \"\$@\" 2>&1 ) || (LASTEXIT=\$?; echo \"\$OUT\"; exit \$LASTEXIT)' \\ 'giant space monkey penises' " } installdeps() { if [[ -z "$@" ]] ; then return; fi MODLIST=$(printf "%q " "$@" | perl -pe 's/^\s+|\s+$//g') local -x HARNESS_OPTIONS HARNESS_OPTIONS="j$NUMTHREADS" if ! run_or_err "Attempting install of $# modules under parallel ($HARNESS_OPTIONS) testing ($MODLIST)" "_dep_inst_with_test $MODLIST" quiet_fail ; then local errlog="failed after ${DELTA_TIME}s Exit:$LASTEXIT Log:$(/usr/bin/nopaste -q -s Shadowcat -d "Parallel testfail" <<< "$LASTOUT")" echo "$errlog" POSTMORTEM="$POSTMORTEM$( echo echo "Depinstall of $MODLIST under $HARNESS_OPTIONS parallel testing $errlog" )" HARNESS_OPTIONS="" run_or_err "Retrying same $# modules without parallel testing" "_dep_inst_with_test $MODLIST" fi INSTALLDEPS_OUT="${INSTALLDEPS_OUT}${LASTOUT}" } _dep_inst_with_test() { if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then # --dev is already part of CPANM_OPT LASTCMD="$TIMEOUT_CMD cpanm $@" $LASTCMD 2>&1 || return 1 else LASTCMD="$TIMEOUT_CMD cpan $@" $LASTCMD 2>&1 || return 1 # older perls do not have a CPAN which can exit with error on failed install for m in "$@"; do if ! perl -e ' my $mod = ( $ARGV[0] =~ m{ \/ .*? ([^\/]+) $ }x ? do { my @p = split (/\-/, $1); pop @p; join "::", @p } : $ARGV[0] ); $mod = q{List::Util} if $mod eq q{Scalar::List::Utils}; eval qq{require($mod)} or ( print $@ and exit 1) ' "$m" 2> /dev/null ; then echo -e "$m installation seems to have failed" return 1 fi done fi } # Idea stolen from # https://github.com/kentfredric/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-MatchInstalled-All/blob/master/maint-travis-ci/sterilize_env.pl # Only works on 5.12+ (where sitelib was finally properly fixed) purge_sitelib() { if perl -M5.012 -e1 &>/dev/null ; then echo_err "$(tstamp) Cleaning up Perl installation" perl -M5.012 -MConfig -MFile::Find -e ' my $sitedirs = { map { $Config{$_} => 1 } grep { $_ =~ /site(lib|arch)exp$/ } keys %Config }; find({ bydepth => 1, no_chdir => 1, follow_fast => 1, wanted => sub { ! $sitedirs->{$_} and ( -d _ ? rmdir : unlink ) } }, keys %$sitedirs ) ' echo_err "Post-cleanup contents of sitelib:" echo_err "$(tree $(perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{sitelib_stem}'))" echo_err fi } CPAN_is_sane() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.94_56 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; } CPAN_supports_BUILDPL() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.9205 -e1 &>/dev/null; }