#!/bin/bash # this file is executed in a subshell - set up the common stuff source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then exit 0 ; fi run_harness_tests() { local -x HARNESS_OPTIONS=c:j$NUMTHREADS make test 2> >(tee "$TEST_STDERR_LOG") } # announce everything we have on this box TRAVIS="" perl -Ilib t/00describe_environment.t >/dev/null TEST_T0=$SECONDS if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]] ; then echo_err "$(tstamp) Running tests with plain \`make test\`" run_or_err "Prepare blib" "make pure_all" run_harness_tests else PROVECMD="prove -lrswj$NUMTHREADS xt t" # FIXME - temporary, until Package::Stash is fixed if perl -M5.010 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; then PROVECMD="$PROVECMD -T" fi echo_err "$(tstamp) running tests with \`$PROVECMD\`" $PROVECMD 2> >(tee "$TEST_STDERR_LOG") fi TEST_T1=$SECONDS if [[ -z "$DBIC_TRACE" ]] && [[ -z "$DBIC_MULTICREATE_DEBUG" ]] && [[ -s "$TEST_STDERR_LOG" ]] ; then STDERR_LOG_SIZE=$(wc -l < "$TEST_STDERR_LOG") # prepend STDERR log POSTMORTEM="$( echo echo "Test run produced $STDERR_LOG_SIZE lines of output on STDERR:" echo "=============================================================" cat "$TEST_STDERR_LOG" echo "=============================================================" echo "End of test run STDERR output ($STDERR_LOG_SIZE lines)" echo echo )$POSTMORTEM" fi echo echo "${POSTMORTEM:- \o/ No notable smoke run issues \o/ }" echo echo "$(tstamp) Testing took a total of $(( $TEST_T1 - $TEST_T0 ))s" if [[ -n "$INSTALLDEPS_OUT" ]] ; then echo "$(tstamp) Full dep install log at $(/usr/bin/nopaste -q -s Shadowcat -d DepInstall <<< "$INSTALLDEPS_OUT")" fi echo