=head1 NAME version - Perl extension for Version Objects =head1 SYNOPSIS use version; $version = version->new("12.2.1"); # must be quoted for Perl < 5.8.1 print $version; # v12.2.1 print $version->numify; # 12.002001 if ( $version gt "12.2" ) # true $alphaver = version->new("1.02_03"); # must be quoted! print $alphaver; # 1.02_0300 print $alphaver->is_alpha(); # true $ver = qv("1.2.0"); # v1.2.0 $perlver = version->new(5.005_03); # must not be quoted! print $perlver; # 5.005030 =head1 DESCRIPTION Overloaded version objects for all modern versions of Perl. This module implements all of the features of version objects which will be part of Perl 5.10.0. =head2 BEST PRACTICES If you intend for your module to be used by different releases of Perl, and/or for your $VERSION scalar to mean what you think it means, there are a few simple rules to follow: =over 4 =item * Be consistent Whichever of the two types of version objects that you choose to employ, you should stick to either L or L and not mix them together. While this is I, it is very confusing to the average user. If you intend to use L, you are strongly encouraged to use the L operator with a quoted term, e.g.: use version; our $VERSION = qv("1.2.3"); on a single line as above. At the very least, decide on which of the several ways to initialize your version objects you prefer and stick with it. It is also best to be explicit about what value you intend to assign your version object and to not rely on hidden behavior of the parser. =item * Be careful If you are using Module::Build or ExtUtils::MakeMaker, so that you can release your module to CPAN, you have to recognize that neither of those programs completely handles version objects natively (yet). If you use version objects with Module::Build, you should add an explicit dependency to the release of version.pm in your Build.PL: my $builder = Module::Build->new( ... requires => { ... , 'version' => 0.50, ..., }, ... ); and it should Just Work(TM). Module::Build will [hopefully soon] include full support for version objects; there are no current plans to patch ExtUtils::MakeMaker to support version objects. =back =head2 Using modules that use version.pm As much as possible, the version.pm module remains compatible with all current code. However, if your module is using a module that has defined C<$VERSION> using the version class, there are a couple of things to be aware of. For purposes of discussion, we will assume that we have the following module installed: package Example; use version; $VERSION = qv('1.2.2'); ...module code here... 1; =over 4 =item Numeric versions always work Code of the form: use Example 1.002003; will always work correctly. The C will perform an automatic C<$VERSION> comparison using the floating point number given as the first term after the module name (e.g. above 1.002.003). In this case, the installed module is too old for the requested line, so you would see an error like: Example version 1.002003 (v1.2.3) required--this is only version 1.002002 (v1.2.2)... =item Extended version work sometimes With Perl >= 5.6.2, you can also use a line like this: use Example 1.2.3; and it will again work (i.e. give the error message as above), even with releases of Perl which do not normally support v-strings (see L below). This has to do with that fact that C only checks to see if the second term I and passes that to the replacement L. This is not true in Perl 5.005_04, however, so you are B to always use a numeric version in your code, even for those versions of Perl which support the extended version. =back =head2 What IS a version For the purposes of this module, a version "number" is a sequence of positive integer values separated by one or more decimal points and optionally a single underscore. This corresponds to what Perl itself uses for a version, as well as extending the "version as number" that is discussed in the various editions of the Camel book. There are actually two distinct kinds of version objects: =over 4 =item * Numeric Versions Any initial parameter which "looks like a number", see L. This also covers versions with a single decimal point and a single embedded underscore, see L, even though these must be quoted to preserve the underscore formatting. =item * Extended Versions Any initial parameter which contains more than one decimal point and an optional embedded underscore, see L. This is what is commonly used in most open source software as the "external" version (the one used as part of the tag or tarfile name). The use of the exported L function also produces this kind of version object. =back Both of these methods will produce similar version objects, in that the default stringification will yield the version L only if required: $v = version->new(1.002); # 1.002, but compares like 1.2.0 $v = version->new(1.002003); # 1.002003 $v2 = version->new( "1.2.3"); # v1.2.3 In specific, version numbers initialized as L will stringify in Numeric form. Version numbers initialized as L will be stringified as L. =head2 Numeric Versions These correspond to historical versions of Perl itself prior to 5.6.0, as well as all other modules which follow the Camel rules for the $VERSION scalar. A numeric version is initialized with what looks like a floating point number. Leading zeros B significant and trailing zeros are implied so that a minimum of three places is maintained between subversions. What this means is that any subversion (digits to the right of the decimal place) that contains less than three digits will have trailing zeros added to make up the difference, but only for purposes of comparison with other version objects. For example: # Prints Equivalent to $v = version->new( 1.2); # 1.200 v1.200.0 $v = version->new( 1.02); # 1.020 v1.20.0 $v = version->new( 1.002); # 1.002 v1.2.0 $v = version->new( 1.0023); # 1.002300 v1.2.300 $v = version->new( 1.00203); # 1.002030 v1.2.30 $v = version->new( 1.002003); # 1.002003 v1.2.3 All of the preceding examples are true whether or not the input value is quoted. The important feature is that the input value contains only a single decimal. See also L for how to handle IMPORTANT NOTE: As shown above, if your numeric version contains more than 3 significant digits after the decimal place, it will be split on each multiple of 3, so 1.0003 is equivalent to v1.0.300, due to the need to remain compatible with Perl's own 5.005_03 == 5.5.30 interpretation. Any trailing zeros are ignored for mathematical comparison purposes. =head2 Extended Versions These are the newest form of versions, and correspond to Perl's own version style beginning with 5.6.0. Starting with Perl 5.10.0, and most likely Perl 6, this is likely to be the preferred form. This method normally requires that the input parameter be quoted, although Perl's after 5.8.1 can use v-strings as a special form of quoting, but this is highly discouraged. Unlike L, Extended Versions have more than a single decimal point, e.g.: # Prints $v = version->new( "v1.200"); # v1.200.0 $v = version->new("v1.20.0"); # v1.20.0 $v = qv("v1.2.3); # v1.2.3 $v = qv("1.2.3"); # v1.2.3 $v = qv("1.20"); # v1.20.0 In general, Extended Versions permit the greatest amount of freedom to specify a version, whereas Numeric Versions enforce a certain uniformity. See also L for an additional method of initializing version objects. Just like L, Extended Versions can be used as L. =head2 Numeric Alpha Versions The one time that a numeric version must be quoted is when a alpha form is used with an otherwise numeric version (i.e. a single decimal point). This is commonly used for CPAN releases, where CPAN or CPANPLUS will ignore alpha versions for automatic updating purposes. Since some developers have used only two significant decimal places for their non-alpha releases, the version object will automatically take that into account if the initializer is quoted. For example Module::Example was released to CPAN with the following sequence of $VERSION's: # $VERSION Stringified 0.01 0.010 0.02 0.020 0.02_01 0.02_0100 0.02_02 0.02_0200 0.03 0.030 etc. As you can see, the version object created from the values in the first column may contain a trailing 0, but will otherwise be both mathematically equivalent and sorts alpha-numerically as would be expected. =head2 Object Methods Overloading has been used with version objects to provide a natural interface for their use. All mathematical operations are forbidden, since they don't make any sense for base version objects. =over 4 =item * New Operator Like all OO interfaces, the new() operator is used to initialize version objects. One way to increment versions when programming is to use the CVS variable $Revision, which is automatically incremented by CVS every time the file is committed to the repository. In order to facilitate this feature, the following code can be employed: $VERSION = version->new(qw$Revision: 2.7 $); and the version object will be created as if the following code were used: $VERSION = version->new("v2.7"); In other words, the version will be automatically parsed out of the string, and it will be quoted to preserve the meaning CVS normally carries for versions. The CVS $Revision$ increments differently from numeric versions (i.e. 1.10 follows 1.9), so it must be handled as if it were a L. A new version object can be created as a copy of an existing version object, either as a class method: $v1 = version->new(12.3); $v2 = version->new($v1); or as an object method: $v1 = version->new(12.3); $v2 = $v1->new(); and in each case, $v1 and $v2 will be identical. =back =over 4 =item * qv() An alternate way to create a new version object is through the exported qv() sub. This is not strictly like other q? operators (like qq, qw), in that the only delimiters supported are parentheses (or spaces). It is the best way to initialize a short version without triggering the floating point interpretation. For example: $v1 = qv(1.2); # 1.2.0 $v2 = qv("1.2"); # also 1.2.0 As you can see, either a bare number or a quoted string can usually be used interchangably, except in the case of a trailing zero, which must be quoted to be converted properly. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that all initializers to qv() be quoted strings instead of bare numbers. To prevent the C function from being exported to the caller's namespace, either use version with a null parameter: use version (); or just require version, like this: require version; Both methods will prevent the import() method from firing and exporting the C sub. This is true of subclasses of version as well, see L for details. =back For the subsequent examples, the following three objects will be used: $ver = version->new(""); # see "Quoting" below $alpha = version->new("1.2.3_4"); # see "Alpha versions" below $nver = version->new(1.002); # see "Numeric Versions" above =over 4 =item * Normal Form For any version object which is initialized with multiple decimal places (either quoted or if possible v-string), or initialized using the L operator, the stringified representation is returned in a normalized or reduced form (no extraneous zeros), and with a leading 'v': print $ver->normal; # prints as v1.2.3.4 print $ver->stringify; # ditto print $ver; # ditto print $nver->normal; # prints as v1.2.0 print $nver->stringify; # prints as 1.002, see "Stringification" In order to preserve the meaning of the processed version, the normalized representation will always contain at least three sub terms. In other words, the following is guaranteed to always be true: my $newver = version->new($ver->stringify); if ($newver eq $ver ) # always true {...} =back =over 4 =item * Numification Although all mathematical operations on version objects are forbidden by default, it is possible to retrieve a number which corresponds to the version object through the use of the $obj->numify method. For formatting purposes, when displaying a number which corresponds a version object, all sub versions are assumed to have three decimal places. So for example: print $ver->numify; # prints 1.002003004 print $nver->numify; # prints 1.002 Unlike the stringification operator, there is never any need to append trailing zeros to preserve the correct version value. =back =over 4 =item * Stringification In order to mirror as much as possible the existing behavior of ordinary $VERSION scalars, the stringification operation will display differently, depending on whether the version was initialized as a L or L. What this means in practice is that if the normal CPAN and Camel rules are followed ($VERSION is a floating point number with no more than 3 decimal points), the stringified output will be exactly the same as the numified output. There will be no visible difference, although the internal representation will be different, and the L will function using the internal coding. If a version object is initialized using a L form, then the stringified form will be the L. The $obj->normal operation can always be used to produce the L, even if the version was originally a L. print $ver->stringify; # prints v1.2.3.4 print $nver->stringify; # prints 1.002 =back =over 4 =item * Comparison operators Both C and C=E> operators perform the same comparison between terms (upgrading to a version object automatically). Perl automatically generates all of the other comparison operators based on those two. In addition to the obvious equalities listed below, appending a single trailing 0 term does not change the value of a version for comparison purposes. In other words "v1.2" and "1.2.0" will compare as identical. For example, the following relations hold: As Number As String Truth Value ------------- ---------------- ----------- $ver > 1.0 $ver gt "1.0" true $ver < 2.5 $ver lt true $ver != 1.3 $ver ne "1.3" true $ver == 1.2 $ver eq "1.2" false $ver == $ver eq "" see discussion below It is probably best to chose either the numeric notation or the string notation and stick with it, to reduce confusion. Perl6 version objects B only support numeric comparisons. See also L. WARNING: Comparing version with unequal numbers of decimal points (whether explicitly or implicitly initialized), may yield unexpected results at first glance. For example, the following inequalities hold: version->new(0.96) > version->new(0.95); # 0.960.0 > 0.950.0 version->new("0.96.1") < version->new(0.95); # 0.096.1 < 0.950.0 For this reason, it is best to use either exclusively L or L with multiple decimal points. =back =over 4 =item * Logical Operators If you need to test whether a version object has been initialized, you can simply test it directly: $vobj = version->new($something); if ( $vobj ) # true only if $something was non-blank You can also test whether a version object is an L, for example to prevent the use of some feature not present in the main release: $vobj = version->new("1.2_3"); # MUST QUOTE ...later... if ( $vobj->is_alpha ) # True =back =head2 Quoting Because of the nature of the Perl parsing and tokenizing routines, certain initialization values B be quoted in order to correctly parse as the intended version, especially when using the L operator. In all cases, a floating point number passed to version->new() will be identically converted whether or not the value itself is quoted. This is not true for L, however, when trailing zeros would be stripped on an unquoted input, which would result in a very different version object. In addition, in order to be compatible with earlier Perl version styles, any use of versions of the form 5.006001 will be translated as v5.6.1. In other words, a version with a single decimal point will be parsed as implicitly having three digits between subversions, but only for internal comparison purposes. The complicating factor is that in bare numbers (i.e. unquoted), the underscore is a legal numeric character and is automatically stripped by the Perl tokenizer before the version code is called. However, if a number containing one or more decimals and an underscore is quoted, i.e. not bare, that is considered a L and the underscore is significant. If you use a mathematic formula that resolves to a floating point number, you are dependent on Perl's conversion routines to yield the version you expect. You are pretty safe by dividing by a power of 10, for example, but other operations are not likely to be what you intend. For example: $VERSION = version->new((qw$Revision: 1.4)[1]/10); print $VERSION; # yields 0.14 $V2 = version->new(100/9); # Integer overflow in decimal number print $V2; # yields something like Perl 5.8.1 and beyond will be able to automatically quote v-strings but that is not possible in earlier versions of Perl. In other words: $version = version->new("v2.5.4"); # legal in all versions of Perl $newvers = version->new(v2.5.4); # legal only in Perl >= 5.8.1 =head2 What about v-strings? Beginning with Perl 5.6.0, an alternate method to code arbitrary strings of bytes was introduced, called v-strings. They were intended to be an easy way to enter, for example, Unicode strings (which contain two bytes per character). Some programs have used them to encode printer control characters (e.g. CRLF). They were also intended to be used for $VERSION, but their use as such has been problematic from the start. There are two ways to enter v-strings: a bare number with two or more decimal points, or a bare number with one or more decimal points and a leading 'v' character (also bare). For example: $vs1 = 1.2.3; # encoded as \1\2\3 $vs2 = v1.2; # encoded as \1\2 However, the use of v-strings to initialize version objects with this module is only possible with Perl 5.8.1 or better (which contain special code to enable it). Their use is B discouraged in all circumstances (especially the leading 'v' style), since the meaning will change depending on which Perl you are running. It is better to directly use L<"Extended Versions"> to ensure the proper interpretation. =head2 Types of Versions Objects There are two types of Version Objects: =over 4 =item * Ordinary versions These are the versions that normal modules will use. Can contain as many subversions as required. In particular, those using RCS/CVS can use the following: $VERSION = version->new(qw$Revision: 2.7 $); and the current RCS Revision for that file will be inserted automatically. If the file has been moved to a branch, the Revision will have three or more elements; otherwise, it will have only two. This allows you to automatically increment your module version by using the Revision number from the primary file in a distribution, see L. =item * Alpha Versions For module authors using CPAN, the convention has been to note unstable releases with an underscore in the version string, see L. Alpha releases will test as being newer than the more recent stable release, and less than the next stable release. For example: $alphaver = version->new("12.03_01"); # must be quoted obeys the relationship 12.03 < $alphaver < 12.04 Alpha versions with a single decimal point will be treated exactly as if they were L, for parsing purposes. The stringification for alpha versions with a single decimal point may seem surprising, since any trailing zeros will visible. For example, the above $alphaver will print as 12.03_0100 which is mathematically equivalent and ASCII sorts exactly the same as without the trailing zeros. Alpha versions with more than a single decimal point will be treated exactly as if they were L, and will display without any trailing (or leading) zeros, in the L form. For example, $newver = version->new("12.3.1_1"); print $newver; # v12.3.1_1 =head2 Replacement UNIVERSAL::VERSION In addition to the version objects, this modules also replaces the core UNIVERSAL::VERSION function with one that uses version objects for its comparisons. The return from this operator is always the numified form, and the warning message generated includes both the numified and normal forms (for clarity). For example: package Foo; $VERSION = 1.2; package Bar; $VERSION = "1.3.5"; # works with all Perl's (since it is quoted) package main; use version; print $Foo::VERSION; # prints 1.2 print $Bar::VERSION; # prints 1.003005 eval "use CGI 10"; # some far future release print $@; # prints "CGI version 10 (10.0.0) required..." IMPORTANT NOTE: This may mean that code which searches for a specific string (to determine whether a given module is available) may need to be changed. The replacement UNIVERSAL::VERSION, when used as a function, like this: print $module->VERSION; will also exclusively return the numified form. Technically, the $module->VERSION function returns a string (PV) that can be converted to a number following the normal Perl rules, when used in a numeric context. =head1 SUBCLASSING This module is specifically designed and tested to be easily subclassed. In practice, you only need to override the methods you want to change, but you have to take some care when overriding new() (since that is where all of the parsing takes place). For example, this is a perfect acceptable derived class: package myversion; use base version; sub new { my($self,$n)=@_; my $obj; # perform any special input handling here $obj = $self->SUPER::new($n); # and/or add additional hash elements here return $obj; } See also L on CPAN for an alternate representation of version strings. B Although the L operator is not a true class method, but rather a function exported into the caller's namespace, a subclass of version will inherit an import() function which will perform the correct magic on behalf of the subclass. =head1 EXPORT qv - Extended Version initialization operator =head1 AUTHOR John Peacock Ejpeacock@cpan.orgE =head1 SEE ALSO L. =cut