March 30, 2001 This directory contains the Unicode Character Database data files. Currently, the Unicode Character Database files are at the version level: Unicode Standard, Version 3.1. For information about the standard itself, see UAX #27, Unicode 3.1. Detailed documentation of the files constituting the Unicode Character Database (contributory data files for the standard itself) can now be found in UnicodeCharacterDatabase.html. See also UnicodeData.html, PropList.html, NamesList.html, and DerivedProperties.html for specific details about particular files or sets of files. Unihan.txt is a very large file. For convenience, the current Unicode 3.1 version of Unihan.txt is also available in three compressed formats in the Unicode 3.1 update directory. See: or for Windows. (Use winzip) Unihan-3.1.Z for Unix. (Use uncompress) Unihan-3.1.gz for Unix. (Use gzip) The Unicode 3.1 update directory also contains a winzip version of all the other contributory data files for that update directory. That file is named: (Use winzip) is a convenient way to download most of the Unicode Character Database files, but to be complete, be sure to also get ArabicShaping.txt, BidiMirroring.txt, and Jamo.txt, which were unchanged between Unicode 3.0.1 and Unicode 3.1, and which were therefore not included in the 3.1-Update directory. Note that the files are zipped in exactly the same format they have on the server (with Unix line endings). From a browser, right-clicking on will allow automatic download and unzipping on a Windows system with winzip installed.