=head1 NAME Reaction::Manual - The Index of The Manual =head1 DESCRIPTON Reaction is basically an extended MVC framework built upon L. =head1 GENERAL SECTIONS OF THE MANUAL =head2 L A code-free introduction to the motivation and philosophy behind Reaction. =head2 L Definition of terms, as used in the Reaction project. =cut =begin TODO =head2 L A simple, working example, with minimal explanation. =head2 L A step-by-step example, building up the various parts and explaining each step. =head2 L Working code snippets to accomplish various goals. =head2 L Frequently asked, occasionally answered questions. =end =head1 SPECIFIC PARTS OF THE MANUAL =head2 L Documents the page-rendering pipeline. Look here to find out how Views, ViewPorts, and RenderingContexts work together. =head2 L Explores the skinning system, and examines how templates are configured. =head2 L For those interested in the innards of Reaction. =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back =head1 SUPPORT IRC: Join #reaction on irc.perl.org =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut