=head1 NAME Reaction::Manual::Glossary - Terms and Definitions used in Reaction =head1 GLOSSARY =head3 Controller =head3 Domain Model =head3 Interface Model =head3 Layout =head3 ListView =head3 MVC Model-View-Controller - a high-level software design pattern, which focuses on separation of concerns. For details on MVC, try here, here, and here. Reaction is an extended MVC system; it uses a two-layer Model (the Interface Model, with the Domain Model below it). Views are implemented by DOCTODO. Controllers are represented by DOCTODO. =head3 Observer A software design pattern in which one =head3 Role A particular interface that a class implements. Here, Role is used in the sense of Moose::Role; this same concept is sometimes called a Mix-In Class or a Decorator pattern. =head3 Skin =head3 View In Reaction, the View modules handle rendering the ViewPort. ViewPorts are the V in MVC. =head3 ViewPort =head3 Widget =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * L =back =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut