msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "moose" msgstr "Moose" msgid "moose subtitle" msgstr "A Post Modern Object System for Perl" # nav msgid "nav home" msgstr "Home" msgid "nav about" msgstr "About" msgid "nav articles" msgstr "Articles" msgid "nav download" msgstr "Download" msgid "nav support" msgstr "Support" msgid "nav presentations" msgstr "Presentations" # home msgid "home body" msgstr "" "

Moose is a postmodern object system for Perl 5 that takes the tedium out of writing object-oriented Perl. It borrows all the best features from Perl 6, CLOS (LISP), Smalltalk, Java, BETA, OCaml, Ruby and more, while still keeping true to its Perl 5 roots.

" "

Moose is 100% production ready and in heavy use in a number of systems and growing every day. Try it today!

" # about msgid "about header" msgstr "About Moose" msgid "about body" msgstr "" "

Moose is an extension of the Perl 5 object system. The main goal of Moose is to make Perl 5 Object Oriented programming easier, more consistent and less tedious. With Moose you can to think more about what you want to do and less about the mechanics of OOP.

" "
"package Point;\n"
"use Moose;\n"
"has 'x' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');\n"
"has 'y' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');\n"
"sub clear {\n"
"    my $self = shift;\n"
"    $self->x(0);\n"
"    $self->y(0);\n"
"package Point3D;\n"
"use Moose;\n"
"extends 'Point';\n"
"has 'z' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');\n"
"after 'clear' => sub {\n"
"    my $self = shift;\n"
"    $self->z(0);\n"
" msgid "about new to moose header" msgstr "New to Moose?" msgid "about new to moose body" msgstr "" "

If you're new to Moose, the best place to start is the Moose::Manual docs, followed by the Moose::Cookbook. The intro will show you what Moose is, and how it makes Perl 5 OO better.

" "

The cookbook recipes on Moose basics will get you up to speed with many of Moose's features quickly. Once you have an idea of what Moose can do, you can use the API documentation to get more detail on features which interest you.

" msgid "about company list header" msgstr "Companies that use Moose" msgid "about company list body" msgstr "Moose is used by a large number of companies around the world, here are a few of them." # download msgid "download header" msgstr "Download" msgid "download cpan header" msgstr "CPAN" msgid "download cpan body" msgstr "Moose is available for download from the CPAN." msgid "download git header" msgstr "Git" msgid "download git body" msgstr "Here is the information about the Moose git repositories." msgid "download git public" msgstr "Git Public Repo URL" msgid "download git commiter" msgstr "Git URL for Commiters" msgid "download git web view" msgstr "Git Web View" # support msgid "support header" msgstr "Support" msgid "support irc header" msgstr "IRC Channels" msgid "support irc body" msgstr "The quickest way to get Moose support is to engage the community on IRC." msgid "support mailing list header" msgstr "Mailing List" msgid "support mailing list body" msgstr "The Moose mailing lists can be an excellent way to get your questions answered." msgid "support misc header" msgstr "Misc." msgid "support misc body" msgstr "Here are a couple other items which are useful that you might like." msgid "support moose mailing list" msgstr "Moose mailing list" msgid "support moose mailing list archives" msgstr "Moose mailing list archives" msgid "support textmate bundle" msgstr "Moose TextMate Bundle" msgid "support quickref card" msgstr "Moose QuickRef Card" msgid "support training header" msgstr "Moose Training" msgid "support training body" msgstr "Several companies and individuals provide Moose training, here are a few." msgid "support consulting header" msgstr "Moose Consulting" msgid "support consulting body" msgstr "Several companies and individuals provide Moose consulting, here are a few." # articles msgid "articles header" msgstr "Articles About Moose" msgid "articles body" msgstr "Below are a list of articles and blog posts written about Moose." # presentations msgid "presentations header" msgstr "Presentations About Moose" msgid "presentations body" msgstr "Below are links to presentations given about Moose at conferences and local Perl Mongers group meetings." # footer msgid "footer copyright" msgstr "Copyright © 2006—2010 Infinity Interactive" msgid "footer terms" msgstr "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself."