package Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe4; # ABSTRACT: Acting like and providing sugar Moose-style __END__ =pod =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyApp::Mooseish; use Moose (); use Moose::Exporter; Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods( with_meta => ['has_table'], also => 'Moose', ); sub init_meta { shift; return Moose->init_meta( @_, metaclass => 'MyApp::Meta::Class' ); } sub has_table { my $meta = shift; $meta->table(shift); } package MyApp::Meta::Class; use Moose; extends 'Moose::Meta::Class'; has 'table' => ( is => 'rw' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This recipe expands on the use of L we saw in L. Instead of providing our own object base class, we provide our own metaclass class, and we also export a C sugar function. Given the above code, you can now replace all instances of C with C. Similarly, C is now replaced with C. The C parameter specifies a list of functions that should be wrapped before exporting. The wrapper simply ensures that the importing package's appropriate metaclass object is the first argument to the function, so we can do C>. See the L docs for more details on its API. =head1 USING MyApp::Mooseish The purpose of all this code is to provide a Moose-like interface. Here's what it would look like in actual use: package MyApp::User; use MyApp::Mooseish; has_table 'User'; has 'username' => ( is => 'ro' ); has 'password' => ( is => 'ro' ); sub login { ... } no MyApp::Mooseish; All of the normal Moose sugar (C, C, etc) is available when you C. =head1 CONCLUSION Providing sugar functions can make your extension look much more Moose-ish. See L for a more extensive example. =begin testing { package MyApp::User; MyApp::Mooseish->import; has_table( 'User' ); has( 'username' => ( is => 'ro' ) ); has( 'password' => ( is => 'ro' ) ); sub login { } } isa_ok( MyApp::User->meta, 'MyApp::Meta::Class' ); is( MyApp::User->meta->table, 'User', 'MyApp::User->meta->table returns User' ); ok( MyApp::User->can('username'), 'MyApp::User has username method' ); =end testing =pod