package Excel::Template::Element::Cell; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Excel::Template::Element); use Excel::Template::Element; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{TXTOBJ} = Excel::Template::Factory->create('TEXTOBJECT'); return $self; } sub get_text { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; my $txt = $context->get($self, 'TEXT'); if (defined $txt) { my $txt_obj = Excel::Template::Factory->create('TEXTOBJECT'); push @{$txt_obj->{STACK}}, $txt; $txt = $txt_obj->resolve($context); } elsif ($self->{TXTOBJ}) { $txt = $self->{TXTOBJ}->resolve($context) } else { UNI_YES $txt = Unicode::String::utf8(''); UNI_NO $txt = ''; } return $txt; } sub render { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; $context->active_worksheet->write( (map { $context->get($self, $_) } qw(ROW COL)), $self->get_text($context), $context->active_format, ); return 1; } sub deltas { return { COL => +1, }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Excel::Template::Element::Cell - Excel::Template::Element::Cell =head1 PURPOSE To actually write stuff to the worksheet =head1 NODE NAME CELL =head1 INHERITANCE Excel::Template::Element =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * TEXT This is the text to write to the cell. This can either be text or a parameter with a dollar-sign in front of the parameter name. =item * COL Optionally, you can specify which column you want this cell to be in. It can be either a number (zero-based) or an offset. See Excel::Template for more info on offset-based numbering. =back 4 There will be more parameters added, as features are added. =head1 CHILDREN Excel::Template::Element::Formula =head1 EFFECTS This will consume one column on the current row. =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE Some other text here Some text here In the above example, four cells are written out. The first two have text hard- coded. The second two have variables. The third and fourth items have another thing that should be noted. If you have text where you want a variable in the middle, you have to use the latter form. Variables within parameters are the entire parameter's value. Please see Spreadsheet::WriteExcel for what constitutes a legal formula. =head1 BACK-REFERENCES Currently, you can only use a hard-coded formula. The next release will add the capability to have a formula reference other nodes in the template dynamically. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO ROW, VAR, FORMULA =cut