=head1 NAME DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::Transactions - DBIx::Class for SQL Hackers - DELETE =over =item L =item L =item L =item L =item L =item L =item BEGIN, COMMIT =back =head1 Transactions BEGIN; SELECT users.id, users.username FROM users WHERE id = 1; UPDATE users SET username = 'fred' WHERE id = 1; COMMIT; To create a transaction, put all your changes inside a coderef and pass it to the B method on the Schema object. Transactions can also be safely nested, in which case all but the top level transaction blocks become no-ops. =over =item 1. Create a Schema object representing the database you are working with: my $schema = MyDatabase::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:my.db'); =item 2. Call the B method on the Schema object: $schema->txn_do( sub { my $user = $schema->resultset('User')->find({ id => 1 }); die if(!$user); $user->update({ username => 'fred' }); } ); =back