=head1 NAME DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook - Miscellaneous recipes =head1 RECIPES =head2 Searching =head3 Paged results When you expect a large number of results, you can ask L for a paged resultset, which will fetch only a defined number of records at a time: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { page => 1, # page to return (defaults to 1) rows => 10, # number of results per page }, ); return $rs->all(); # all records for page 1 The C attribute does not have to be specified in your search: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { rows => 10, } ); return $rs->page(1); # DBIx::Class::ResultSet containing first 10 records In either of the above cases, you can get a L object for the resultset (suitable for use in e.g. a template) using the C method: return $rs->pager(); =head3 Complex WHERE clauses Sometimes you need to formulate a query using specific operators: my @albums = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({ artist => { 'like', '%Lamb%' }, title => { 'like', '%Fear of Fours%' }, }); This results in something like the following C clause: WHERE artist LIKE '%Lamb%' AND title LIKE '%Fear of Fours%' Other queries might require slightly more complex logic: my @albums = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({ -or => [ -and => [ artist => { 'like', '%Smashing Pumpkins%' }, title => 'Siamese Dream', ], artist => 'Starchildren', ], }); This results in the following C clause: WHERE ( artist LIKE '%Smashing Pumpkins%' AND title = 'Siamese Dream' ) OR artist = 'Starchildren' For more information on generating complex queries, see L. =head3 Arbitrary SQL through a custom ResultSource Sometimes you have to run arbitrary SQL because your query is too complex (e.g. it contains Unions, Sub-Selects, Stored Procedures, etc.) or has to be optimized for your database in a special way, but you still want to get the results as a L. The recommended way to accomplish this is by defining a separate ResultSource for your query. You can then inject complete SQL statements using a scalar reference (this is a feature of L). Say you want to run a complex custom query on your user data, here's what you have to add to your User class: package My::Schema::User; use base qw/DBIx::Class/; # ->load_components, ->table, ->add_columns, etc. # Make a new ResultSource based on the User class my $source = __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance(); my $new_source = $source->new( $source ); $new_source->source_name( 'UserFriendsComplex' ); # Hand in your query as a scalar reference # It will be added as a sub-select after FROM, # so pay attention to the surrounding brackets! $new_source->name( \<register_source( 'UserFriendsComplex' => $new_source ); Next, you can execute your complex query using bind parameters like this: my $friends = [ $schema->resultset( 'UserFriendsComplex' )->search( {}, { bind => [ 12345, 12345 ] } ) ]; ... and you'll get back a perfect L. =head3 Using specific columns When you only want specific columns from a table, you can use C to specify which ones you need. This is useful to avoid loading columns with large amounts of data that you aren't about to use anyway: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { columns => [qw/ name /] } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT artist.name FROM artist This is a shortcut for C and C. =head3 Using database functions or stored procedures The combination of C to specify the source for your column value (e.g. a column name, function, or stored procedure name). You then use C to set the column name you will use to access the returned value: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {}, { select => [ 'name', { LENGTH => 'name' } ], as => [qw/ name name_length /], } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT name name, LENGTH( name ) # FROM artist Note that the C< as > attribute has absolutely nothing to with the sql syntax C< SELECT foo AS bar > (see the documentation in L). If your alias exists as a column in your base class (i.e. it was added with C), you just access it as normal. Our C class has a C column, so we just use the C accessor: my $artist = $rs->first(); my $name = $artist->name(); If on the other hand the alias does not correspond to an existing column, you have to fetch the value using the C accessor: my $name_length = $artist->get_column('name_length'); If you don't like using C, you can always create an accessor for any of your aliases using either of these: # Define accessor manually: sub name_length { shift->get_column('name_length'); } # Or use DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup: __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('column' => 'name_length'); =head3 SELECT DISTINCT with multiple columns my $rs = $schema->resultset('Foo')->search( {}, { select => [ { distinct => [ $source->columns ] } ], as => [ $source->columns ] # remember 'as' is not the same as SQL AS :-) } ); my $count = $rs->next->get_column('count'); =head3 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT colname) my $rs = $schema->resultset('Foo')->search( {}, { select => [ { count => { distinct => 'colname' } } ], as => [ 'count' ] } ); =head3 Grouping results L supports C as follows: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {}, { join => [qw/ cds /], select => [ 'name', { count => 'cds.cdid' } ], as => [qw/ name cd_count /], group_by => [qw/ name /] } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT name, COUNT( cds.cdid ) FROM artist me # LEFT JOIN cd cds ON ( cds.artist = me.artistid ) # GROUP BY name Please see L documentation if you are in any way unsure about the use of the attributes above (C< join >, C< select >, C< as > and C< group_by >). =head3 Predefined searches You can write your own L class by inheriting from it and define often used searches as methods: package My::DBIC::ResultSet::CD; use strict; use warnings; use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet'; sub search_cds_ordered { my ($self) = @_; return $self->search( {}, { order_by => 'name DESC' }, ); } 1; To use your resultset, first tell DBIx::Class to create an instance of it for you, in your My::DBIC::Schema::CD class: __PACKAGE__->resultset_class('My::DBIC::ResultSet::CD'); Then call your new method in your code: my $ordered_cds = $schema->resultset('CD')->search_cds_ordered(); =head3 Using SQL functions on the left hand side of a comparison Using SQL functions on the left hand side of a comparison is generally not a good idea since it requires a scan of the entire table. However, it can be accomplished with C when necessary. If you do not have quoting on, simply include the function in your search specification as you would any column: $rs->search({ 'YEAR(date_of_birth)' => 1979 }); With quoting on, or for a more portable solution, use the C attribute: $rs->search({}, { where => \'YEAR(date_of_birth) = 1979' }); =begin hidden (When the bind args ordering bug is fixed, this technique will be better and can replace the one above.) With quoting on, or for a more portable solution, use the C and C attributes: $rs->search({}, { where => \'YEAR(date_of_birth) = ?', bind => [ 1979 ] }); =end hidden =head2 Using joins and prefetch You can use the C attribute to allow searching on, or sorting your results by, one or more columns in a related table. To return all CDs matching a particular artist name: my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { 'artist.name' => 'Bob Marley' }, { join => [qw/artist/], # join the artist table } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT cd.* FROM cd # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.id # WHERE artist.name = 'Bob Marley' If required, you can now sort on any column in the related tables by including it in your C attribute: my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { 'artist.name' => 'Bob Marley' }, { join => [qw/ artist /], order_by => [qw/ artist.name /] } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT cd.* FROM cd # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.id # WHERE artist.name = 'Bob Marley' # ORDER BY artist.name Note that the C attribute should only be used when you need to search or sort using columns in a related table. Joining related tables when you only need columns from the main table will make performance worse! Now let's say you want to display a list of CDs, each with the name of the artist. The following will work fine: while (my $cd = $rs->next) { print "CD: " . $cd->title . ", Artist: " . $cd->artist->name; } There is a problem however. We have searched both the C and C tables in our main query, but we have only returned data from the C table. To get the artist name for any of the CD objects returned, L will go back to the database: SELECT artist.* FROM artist WHERE artist.id = ? A statement like the one above will run for each and every CD returned by our main query. Five CDs, five extra queries. A hundred CDs, one hundred extra queries! Thankfully, L has a C attribute to solve this problem. This allows you to fetch results from related tables in advance: my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { 'artist.name' => 'Bob Marley' }, { join => [qw/ artist /], order_by => [qw/ artist.name /], prefetch => [qw/ artist /] # return artist data too! } ); # Equivalent SQL (note SELECT from both "cd" and "artist"): # SELECT cd.*, artist.* FROM cd # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.id # WHERE artist.name = 'Bob Marley' # ORDER BY artist.name The code to print the CD list remains the same: while (my $cd = $rs->next) { print "CD: " . $cd->title . ", Artist: " . $cd->artist->name; } L has now prefetched all matching data from the C table, so no additional SQL statements are executed. You now have a much more efficient query. Note that as of L 0.05999_01, C I be used with C relationships. Also note that C should only be used when you know you will definitely use data from a related table. Pre-fetching related tables when you only need columns from the main table will make performance worse! =head3 Multi-step joins Sometimes you want to join more than one relationship deep. In this example, we want to find all C objects who have Cs whose C contain a specific string: # Relationships defined elsewhere: # Artist->has_many('cds' => 'CD', 'artist'); # CD->has_one('liner_notes' => 'LinerNotes', 'cd'); my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( { 'liner_notes.notes' => { 'like', '%some text%' }, }, { join => { 'cds' => 'liner_notes' } } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT artist.* FROM artist # JOIN ( cd ON artist.id = cd.artist ) # JOIN ( liner_notes ON cd.id = liner_notes.cd ) # WHERE liner_notes.notes LIKE '%some text%' Joins can be nested to an arbitrary level. So if we decide later that we want to reduce the number of Artists returned based on who wrote the liner notes: # Relationship defined elsewhere: # LinerNotes->belongs_to('author' => 'Person'); my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( { 'liner_notes.notes' => { 'like', '%some text%' }, 'author.name' => 'A. Writer' }, { join => { 'cds' => { 'liner_notes' => 'author' } } } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT artist.* FROM artist # JOIN ( cd ON artist.id = cd.artist ) # JOIN ( liner_notes ON cd.id = liner_notes.cd ) # JOIN ( author ON author.id = liner_notes.author ) # WHERE liner_notes.notes LIKE '%some text%' # AND author.name = 'A. Writer' =head2 Multi-step prefetch From 0.04999_05 onwards, C can be nested more than one relationship deep using the same syntax as a multi-step join: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search( {}, { prefetch => { cd => 'artist' } } ); # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT tag.*, cd.*, artist.* FROM tag # JOIN cd ON tag.cd = cd.cdid # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.artistid Now accessing our C and C relationships does not need additional SQL statements: my $tag = $rs->first; print $tag->cd->artist->name; =head2 Columns of data If you want to find the sum of a particular column there are several ways, the obvious one is to use search: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Items')->search( {}, { select => [ { sum => 'Cost' } ], as => [ 'total_cost' ], # remember this 'as' is for DBIx::Class::ResultSet not SQL } ); my $tc = $rs->first->get_column('total_cost'); Or, you can use the L, which gets returned when you ask the C for a column using C: my $cost = $schema->resultset('Items')->get_column('Cost'); my $tc = $cost->sum; With this you can also do: my $minvalue = $cost->min; my $maxvalue = $cost->max; Or just iterate through the values of this column only: while ( my $c = $cost->next ) { print $c; } foreach my $c ($cost->all) { print $c; } C only has a limited number of built-in functions, if you need one that it doesn't have, then you can use the C method instead: my $avg = $cost->func('AVERAGE'); This will cause the following SQL statement to be run: SELECT AVERAGE(Cost) FROM Items me Which will of course only work if your database supports this function. See L for more documentation. =head2 Using relationships =head3 Create a new row in a related table my $book->create_related('author', { name => 'Fred'}); =head3 Search in a related table Only searches for books named 'Titanic' by the author in $author. my $author->search_related('books', { name => 'Titanic' }); =head3 Delete data in a related table Deletes only the book named Titanic by the author in $author. my $author->delete_related('books', { name => 'Titanic' }); =head3 Ordering a relationship result set If you always want a relation to be ordered, you can specify this when you create the relationship. To order C<< $book->pages >> by descending page_number. Book->has_many('pages' => 'Page', 'book', { order_by => \'page_number DESC'} ); =head2 Transactions As of version 0.04001, there is improved transaction support in L and L. Here is an example of the recommended way to use it: my $genus = $schema->resultset('Genus')->find(12); my $coderef2 = sub { $genus->extinct(1); $genus->update; }; my $coderef1 = sub { $genus->add_to_species({ name => 'troglodyte' }); $genus->wings(2); $genus->update; $schema->txn_do($coderef2); # Can have a nested transaction return $genus->species; }; my $rs; eval { $rs = $schema->txn_do($coderef1); }; if ($@) { # Transaction failed die "the sky is falling!" # if ($@ =~ /Rollback failed/); # Rollback failed deal_with_failed_transaction(); } Nested transactions will work as expected. That is, only the outermost transaction will actually issue a commit to the $dbh, and a rollback at any level of any transaction will cause the entire nested transaction to fail. Support for savepoints and for true nested transactions (for databases that support them) will hopefully be added in the future. =head2 Many-to-many relationships This is straightforward using L: package My::DB; # ... set up connection ... package My::User; use base 'My::DB'; __PACKAGE__->table('user'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id name/); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->has_many('user_address' => 'My::UserAddress', 'user'); __PACKAGE__->many_to_many('addresses' => 'user_address', 'address'); package My::UserAddress; use base 'My::DB'; __PACKAGE__->table('user_address'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/user address/); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/user address/); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('user' => 'My::User'); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('address' => 'My::Address'); package My::Address; use base 'My::DB'; __PACKAGE__->table('address'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id street town area_code country/); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->has_many('user_address' => 'My::UserAddress', 'address'); __PACKAGE__->many_to_many('users' => 'user_address', 'user'); $rs = $user->addresses(); # get all addresses for a user $rs = $address->users(); # get all users for an address =head2 Setting default values for a row It's as simple as overriding the C method. Note the use of C. sub new { my ( $class, $attrs ) = @_; $attrs->{foo} = 'bar' unless defined $attrs->{foo}; my $new = $class->next::method($attrs); return $new; } For more information about C, look in the L documentation. See also L for more ways to write your own base classes to do this. People looking for ways to do "triggers" with DBIx::Class are probably just looking for this. =head2 Stringification Employ the standard stringification technique by using the C module. To make an object stringify itself as a single column, use something like this (replace C with the column/method of your choice): use overload '""' => sub { shift->name}, fallback => 1; For more complex stringification, you can use an anonymous subroutine: use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->name . ", " . $_[0]->address }, fallback => 1; =head3 Stringification Example Suppose we have two tables: C and C. The table specifications are: Product(id, Description, category) Category(id, Description) C is a foreign key into the Category table. If you have a Product object C<$obj> and write something like print $obj->category things will not work as expected. To obtain, for example, the category description, you should add this method to the class defining the Category table: use overload "" => sub { my $self = shift; return $self->Description; }, fallback => 1; =head2 Disconnecting cleanly If you find yourself quitting an app with Control-C a lot during development, you might like to put the following signal handler in your main database class to make sure it disconnects cleanly: $SIG{INT} = sub { __PACKAGE__->storage->disconnect; }; =head2 Schema import/export To create a DBIx::Class schema from an existing database, use L's C: perl -MDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader=make_schema_at,dump_to_dir:./lib -e 'make_schema_at("My::Schema", { debug => 1 }, [ "dbi:Pg:dbname=foo","postgres" ])' The following functionality requires you to have L (also known as "SQL Fairy") installed. To create a set of database-specific .sql files for the above schema: my $schema = My::Schema->connect($dsn); $schema->create_ddl_dir(['MySQL', 'SQLite', 'PostgreSQL'], '0.1', '/dbscriptdir/' ); By default this will create schema files in the current directory, for MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL, using the $VERSION from your Schema.pm. To create a new database using the schema: my $schema = My::Schema->connect($dsn); $schema->deploy({ add_drop_tables => 1}); To import created .sql files using the mysql client: mysql -h "host" -D "database" -u "user" -p < My_Schema_1.0_MySQL.sql To create C conversion scripts to update a database to a newer version of your schema at a later point, first set a new $VERSION in your Schema file, then: my $schema = My::Schema->connect($dsn); $schema->create_ddl_dir(['MySQL', 'SQLite', 'PostgreSQL'], '0.2', '/dbscriptdir/', '0.1' ); This will produce new database-specific .sql files for the new version of the schema, plus scripts to convert from version 0.1 to 0.2. This requires that the files for 0.1 as created above are available in the given directory to diff against. =head2 Easy migration from class-based to schema-based setup You want to start using the schema-based approach to L (see L), but have an established class-based setup with lots of existing classes that you don't want to move by hand. Try this nifty script instead: use MyDB; use SQL::Translator; my $schema = MyDB->schema_instance; my $translator = SQL::Translator->new( debug => $debug || 0, trace => $trace || 0, no_comments => $no_comments || 0, show_warnings => $show_warnings || 0, add_drop_table => $add_drop_table || 0, validate => $validate || 0, parser_args => { 'DBIx::Schema' => $schema, }, producer_args => { 'prefix' => 'My::Schema', }, ); $translator->parser('SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class'); $translator->producer('SQL::Translator::Producer::DBIx::Class::File'); my $output = $translator->translate(@args) or die "Error: " . $translator->error; print $output; You could use L to search for all subclasses in the MyDB::* namespace, which is currently left as an exercise for the reader. =head2 Schema versioning The following example shows simplistically how you might use DBIx::Class to deploy versioned schemas to your customers. The basic process is as follows: =over 4 =item 1. Create a DBIx::Class schema =item 2. Save the schema =item 3. Deploy to customers =item 4. Modify schema to change functionality =item 5. Deploy update to customers =back =head3 Create a DBIx::Class schema This can either be done manually, or generated from an existing database as described under C. =head3 Save the schema Call L as above under L. =head3 Deploy to customers There are several ways you could deploy your schema. These are probably beyond the scope of this recipe, but might include: =over 4 =item 1. Require customer to apply manually using their RDBMS. =item 2. Package along with your app, making database dump/schema update/tests all part of your install. =back =head3 Modify the schema to change functionality As your application evolves, it may be necessary to modify your schema to change functionality. Once the changes are made to your schema in DBIx::Class, export the modified schema and the conversion scripts as in L. =head3 Deploy update to customers Add the L schema component to your Schema class. This will add a new table to your database called C which will keep track of which version is installed and warn if the user trys to run a newer schema version than the database thinks it has. Alternatively, you can send the conversion sql scripts to your customers as above. =head2 Setting limit dialect for SQL::Abstract::Limit In some cases, SQL::Abstract::Limit cannot determine the dialect of the remote SQL server by looking at the database handle. This is a common problem when using the DBD::JDBC, since the DBD-driver only know that in has a Java-driver available, not which JDBC driver the Java component has loaded. This specifically sets the limit_dialect to Microsoft SQL-server (See more names in SQL::Abstract::Limit -documentation. __PACKAGE__->storage->sql_maker->limit_dialect('mssql'); The JDBC bridge is one way of getting access to a MSSQL server from a platform that Microsoft doesn't deliver native client libraries for. (e.g. Linux) =head2 Setting quoting for the generated SQL. If the database contains column names with spaces and/or reserved words, they need to be quoted in the SQL queries. This is done using: __PACKAGE__->storage->sql_maker->quote_char([ qw/[ ]/] ); __PACKAGE__->storage->sql_maker->name_sep('.'); The first sets the quote characters. Either a pair of matching brackets, or a C<"> or C<'>: __PACKAGE__->storage->sql_maker->quote_char('"'); Check the documentation of your database for the correct quote characters to use. C needs to be set to allow the SQL generator to put the quotes the correct place. =head2 Overloading methods L uses the L package, which provides for redispatch of method calls, useful for things like default values and triggers. You have to use calls to C to overload methods. More information on using L with L can be found in L. =head3 Changing one field whenever another changes For example, say that you have three columns, C, C, and C. You would like to make changes to C and have C be automagically set to the value of C squared. You can accomplish this by overriding C: sub store_column { my ( $self, $name, $value ) = @_; if ($name eq 'number') { $self->squared($value * $value); } $self->next::method($name, $value); } Note that the hard work is done by the call to C, which redispatches your call to store_column in the superclass(es). =head3 Automatically creating related objects You might have a class C which has many Cs. Further, if you want to create a C object every time you insert an C object. You can accomplish this by overriding C on your objects: sub insert { my ( $self, @args ) = @_; $self->next::method(@args); $self->cds->new({})->fill_from_artist($self)->insert; return $self; } where C is a method you specify in C which sets values in C based on the data in the C object you pass in. =head2 Debugging DBIx::Class objects with Data::Dumper L can be a very useful tool for debugging, but sometimes it can be hard to find the pertinent data in all the data it can generate. Specifically, if one naively tries to use it like so, use Data::Dumper; my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1); print Dumper($cd); several pages worth of data from the CD object's schema and result source will be dumped to the screen. Since usually one is only interested in a few column values of the object, this is not very helpful. Luckily, it is possible to modify the data before L outputs it. Simply define a hook that L will call on the object before dumping it. For example, package My::DB::CD; sub _dumper_hook { $_[0] = bless { %{ $_[0] }, result_source => undef, }, ref($_[0]); } [...] use Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Freezer = '_dumper_hook'; my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1); print Dumper($cd); # dumps $cd without its ResultSource If the structure of your schema is such that there is a common base class for all your table classes, simply put a method similar to C<_dumper_hook> in the base class and set C<$Data::Dumper::Freezer> to its name and L will automagically clean up your data before printing it. See L for more information. =head2 Retrieving a row object's Schema It is possible to get a Schema object from a row object like so: my $schema = $cd->result_source->schema; # use the schema as normal: my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist'); This can be useful when you don't want to pass around a Schema object to every method. =head2 Profiling When you enable L's debugging it prints the SQL executed as well as notifications of query completion and transaction begin/commit. If you'd like to profile the SQL you can subclass the L class and write your own profiling mechanism: package My::Profiler; use strict; use base 'DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics'; use Time::HiRes qw(time); my $start; sub query_start { my $self = shift(); my $sql = shift(); my $params = @_; $self->print("Executing $sql: ".join(', ', @params)."\n"); $start = time(); } sub query_end { my $self = shift(); my $sql = shift(); my @params = @_; my $elapsed = sprintf("%0.4f", time() - $start); $self->print("Execution took $elapsed seconds.\n"); $start = undef; } 1; You can then install that class as the debugging object: __PACKAGE__->storage->debugobj(new My::Profiler()); __PACKAGE__->storage->debug(1); A more complicated example might involve storing each execution of SQL in an array: sub query_end { my $self = shift(); my $sql = shift(); my @params = @_; my $elapsed = time() - $start; push(@{ $calls{$sql} }, { params => \@params, elapsed => $elapsed }); } You could then create average, high and low execution times for an SQL statement and dig down to see if certain parameters cause aberrant behavior. You might want to check out L as well. =head2 Getting the value of the primary key for the last database insert AKA getting last_insert_id If you are using PK::Auto, this is straightforward: my $foo = $rs->create(\%blah); # do more stuff my $id = $foo->id; # foo->my_primary_key_field will also work. If you are not using autoincrementing primary keys, this will probably not work, but then you already know the value of the last primary key anyway. =head2 Dynamic Sub-classing DBIx::Class proxy classes (AKA multi-class object inflation from one table) L classes are proxy classes, therefore some different techniques need to be employed for more than basic subclassing. In this example we have a single user table that carries a boolean bit for admin. We would like like to give the admin users objects(L) the same methods as a regular user but also special admin only methods. It doesn't make sense to create two seperate proxy-class files for this. We would be copying all the user methods into the Admin class. There is a cleaner way to accomplish this. Overriding the C method within the User proxy-class gives us the effect we want. This method is called by L when inflating a result from storage. So we grab the object being returned, inspect the values we are looking for, bless it if it's an admin object, and then return it. See the example below: B package DB::Schema; use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/; __PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw/User/); B package DB::Schema::User; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/DBIx::Class/; ### Defined what our admin class is for ensure_class_loaded my $admin_class = __PACKAGE__ . '::Admin'; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/); __PACKAGE__->table('users'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/user_id email password firstname lastname active admin/); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('user_id'); sub inflate_result { my $self = shift; my $ret = $self->next::method(@_); if( $ret->admin ) {### If this is an admin rebless for extra functions $self->ensure_class_loaded( $admin_class ); bless $ret, $admin_class; } return $ret; } sub hello { print "I am a regular user.\n"; return ; } package DB::Schema::User::Admin; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/DB::Schema::User/; sub hello { print "I am an admin.\n"; return; } sub do_admin_stuff { print "I am doing admin stuff\n"; return ; } B test.pl use warnings; use strict; use DB::Schema; my $user_data = { email => 'someguy@place.com', password => 'pass1', admin => 0 }; my $admin_data = { email => 'someadmin@adminplace.com', password => 'pass2', admin => 1 }; my $schema = DB::Schema->connection('dbi:Pg:dbname=test'); $schema->resultset('User')->create( $user_data ); $schema->resultset('User')->create( $admin_data ); ### Now we search for them my $user = $schema->resultset('User')->single( $user_data ); my $admin = $schema->resultset('User')->single( $admin_data ); print ref $user, "\n"; print ref $admin, "\n"; print $user->password , "\n"; # pass1 print $admin->password , "\n";# pass2; inherited from User print $user->hello , "\n";# I am a regular user. print $admin->hello, "\n";# I am an admin. ### The statement below will NOT print print "I can do admin stuff\n" if $user->can('do_admin_stuff'); ### The statement below will print print "I can do admin stuff\n" if $admin->can('do_admin_stuff'); =head2 Skip object creation for faster results DBIx::Class is not built for speed, it's built for convenience and ease of use, but sometimes you just need to get the data, and skip the fancy objects. To do this simply use L. my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD'); $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); my $hash_ref = $rs->find(1); Wasn't that easy? =head2 Get raw data for blindingly fast results If the C solution above is not fast enough for you, you can use a DBIx::Class to return values exactly as they come out of the data base with none of the convenience methods wrapped round them. This is used like so:- my $cursor = $rs->cursor while (my @vals = $cursor->next) { # use $val[0..n] here } You will need to map the array offsets to particular columns (you can use the I