#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" /* Most of this code is backported from the bleadperl patch's mro.c, and then modified to work with Class::C3's internals. */ AV* __mro_linear_isa_c3(pTHX_ HV* stash, HV* cache, I32 level) { AV* retval; GV** gvp; GV* gv; AV* isa; const char* stashname; STRLEN stashname_len; assert(stash); assert(HvAUX(stash)); stashname = HvNAME(stash); stashname_len = strlen(stashname); if (!stashname) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't linearize anonymous symbol table"); if (level > 100) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Recursive inheritance detected in package '%s'", stashname); if(!cache) { cache = (HV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newHV()); } else { sv_dump(cache); SV** cache_entry = hv_fetch(cache, stashname, stashname_len, 0); if(cache_entry) return (AV*)SvREFCNT_inc(*cache_entry); } /* not in cache, make a new one */ retval = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV()); av_push(retval, newSVpvn(stashname, stashname_len)); /* us first */ gvp = (GV**)hv_fetch(stash, "ISA", 3, FALSE); isa = (gvp && (gv = *gvp) && gv != (GV*)&PL_sv_undef) ? GvAV(gv) : NULL; if(isa && AvFILLp(isa) >= 0) { SV** seqs_ptr; I32 seqs_items; HV* tails = (HV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newHV()); AV* seqs = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV()); I32 items = AvFILLp(isa) + 1; SV** isa_ptr = AvARRAY(isa); while(items--) { AV* isa_lin; SV* isa_item = *isa_ptr++; HV* isa_item_stash = gv_stashsv(isa_item, 0); if(!isa_item_stash) { isa_lin = newAV(); av_push(isa_lin, newSVsv(isa_item)); } else { isa_lin = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)__mro_linear_isa_c3(isa_item_stash, cache, level + 1)); /* recursion */ } av_push(seqs, (SV*)av_make(AvFILLp(isa_lin)+1, AvARRAY(isa_lin))); } av_push(seqs, (SV*)av_make(AvFILLp(isa)+1, AvARRAY(isa))); seqs_ptr = AvARRAY(seqs); seqs_items = AvFILLp(seqs) + 1; while(seqs_items--) { AV* seq = (AV*)*seqs_ptr++; I32 seq_items = AvFILLp(seq); if(seq_items > 0) { SV** seq_ptr = AvARRAY(seq) + 1; while(seq_items--) { SV* seqitem = *seq_ptr++; HE* he = hv_fetch_ent(tails, seqitem, 0, 0); if(!he) { hv_store_ent(tails, seqitem, newSViv(1), 0); } else { SV* val = HeVAL(he); sv_inc(val); } } } } while(1) { SV* seqhead = NULL; SV* cand = NULL; SV* winner = NULL; SV* val; HE* tail_entry; AV* seq; SV** avptr = AvARRAY(seqs); items = AvFILLp(seqs)+1; while(items--) { SV** svp; seq = (AV*)*avptr++; if(AvFILLp(seq) < 0) continue; svp = av_fetch(seq, 0, 0); seqhead = *svp; if(!winner) { cand = seqhead; if((tail_entry = hv_fetch_ent(tails, cand, 0, 0)) && (val = HeVAL(tail_entry)) && (SvIVx(val) > 0)) continue; winner = newSVsv(cand); av_push(retval, winner); } if(!sv_cmp(seqhead, winner)) { /* this is basically shift(@seq) in void context */ SvREFCNT_dec(*AvARRAY(seq)); *AvARRAY(seq) = &PL_sv_undef; AvARRAY(seq) = AvARRAY(seq) + 1; AvMAX(seq)--; AvFILLp(seq)--; if(AvFILLp(seq) < 0) continue; svp = av_fetch(seq, 0, 0); seqhead = *svp; tail_entry = hv_fetch_ent(tails, seqhead, 0, 0); val = HeVAL(tail_entry); sv_dec(val); } } if(!cand) break; if(!winner) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Inconsistent hierarchy during C3 merge of class '%s': " "merging failed on parent '%s'", stashname, SvPV_nolen(cand)); } } SvREADONLY_on(retval); SvREFCNT_inc(retval); /* for cache storage */ SvREFCNT_inc(retval); /* for return */ hv_store(cache, stashname, stashname_len, (SV*)retval, 0); return retval; } STATIC I32 __dopoptosub_at(const PERL_CONTEXT *cxstk, I32 startingblock) { I32 i; for (i = startingblock; i >= 0; i--) { if(CxTYPE((PERL_CONTEXT*)(&cxstk[i])) == CXt_SUB) return i; } return i; } STATIC SV* __nextcan(pTHX_ SV* self, I32 throw_nomethod) { register I32 cxix; register const PERL_CONTEXT *ccstack = cxstack; const PERL_SI *top_si = PL_curstackinfo; HV* selfstash; GV* cvgv; SV *stashname; const char *fq_subname; const char *subname; STRLEN fq_subname_len; STRLEN stashname_len; STRLEN subname_len; SV* sv; GV** gvp; AV* linear_av; SV** linear_svp; SV* linear_sv; HV* cstash; GV* candidate = NULL; CV* cand_cv = NULL; const char *hvname; I32 items; struct mro_meta* selfmeta; HV* nmcache; HE* cache_entry; if(sv_isobject(self)) selfstash = SvSTASH(SvRV(self)); else selfstash = gv_stashsv(self, 0); assert(selfstash); hvname = HvNAME(selfstash); if (!hvname) croak("Can't use anonymous symbol table for method lookup"); cxix = __dopoptosub_at(cxstack, cxstack_ix); /* This block finds the contextually-enclosing fully-qualified subname, much like looking at (caller($i))[3] until you find a real sub that isn't ANON, etc */ for (;;) { /* we may be in a higher stacklevel, so dig down deeper */ while (cxix < 0) { if(top_si->si_type == PERLSI_MAIN) croak("next::method/next::can/maybe::next::method must be used in method context"); top_si = top_si->si_prev; ccstack = top_si->si_cxstack; cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, top_si->si_cxix); } if(CxTYPE((PERL_CONTEXT*)(&ccstack[cxix])) != CXt_SUB || (PL_DBsub && GvCV(PL_DBsub) && ccstack[cxix].blk_sub.cv == GvCV(PL_DBsub))) { cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); continue; } { const I32 dbcxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); if (PL_DBsub && GvCV(PL_DBsub) && dbcxix >= 0 && ccstack[dbcxix].blk_sub.cv == GvCV(PL_DBsub)) { if(CxTYPE((PERL_CONTEXT*)(&ccstack[dbcxix])) != CXt_SUB) { cxix = dbcxix; continue; } } } cvgv = CvGV(ccstack[cxix].blk_sub.cv); if(!isGV(cvgv)) { cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); continue; } /* we found a real sub here */ sv = sv_2mortal(newSV(0)); gv_efullname3(sv, cvgv, NULL); fq_subname = SvPVX(sv); fq_subname_len = SvCUR(sv); subname = strrchr(fq_subname, ':'); if(!subname) croak("next::method/next::can/maybe::next::method cannot find enclosing method"); subname++; subname_len = fq_subname_len - (subname - fq_subname); if(subname_len == 8 && strEQ(subname, "__ANON__")) { cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); continue; } break; } /* If we made it to here, we found our context */ /* XXX check %next::METHOD_CACHE selfmeta = HvMROMETA(selfstash); if(!(nmcache = selfmeta->mro_nextmethod)) { nmcache = selfmeta->mro_nextmethod = newHV(); } if((cache_entry = hv_fetch_ent(nmcache, sv, 0, 0))) { SV* val = HeVAL(cache_entry); if(val == &PL_sv_undef) { if(throw_nomethod) croak("No next::method '%s' found for %s", subname, hvname); return &PL_sv_undef; } return SvREFCNT_inc(val); } */ /* beyond here is just for cache misses, so perf isn't as critical */ stashname_len = subname - fq_subname - 2; stashname = sv_2mortal(newSVpvn(fq_subname, stashname_len)); linear_av = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)__mro_linear_isa_c3(selfstash, NULL, 0)); linear_svp = AvARRAY(linear_av); items = AvFILLp(linear_av) + 1; while (items--) { linear_sv = *linear_svp++; assert(linear_sv); if(sv_eq(linear_sv, stashname)) break; } if(items > 0) { SV* sub_sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(subname, subname_len)); HV* cc3_mro = get_hv("Class::C3::MRO", 0); while (items--) { linear_sv = *linear_svp++; assert(linear_sv); if(cc3_mro) { HE* he_cc3_mro_class = hv_fetch_ent(cc3_mro, linear_sv, 0, 0); if(he_cc3_mro_class) { HV* cc3_mro_class = (HV*)SvRV(HeVAL(he_cc3_mro_class)); SV** svp_cc3_mro_class_methods = hv_fetch(cc3_mro_class, "methods", 7, 0); if(svp_cc3_mro_class_methods) { HV* cc3_mro_class_methods = (HV*)SvRV(*svp_cc3_mro_class_methods); if(hv_exists_ent(cc3_mro_class_methods, sub_sv, 0)) continue; } } } cstash = gv_stashsv(linear_sv, FALSE); if (!cstash) { if (ckWARN(WARN_MISC)) Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_MISC), "Can't locate package %"SVf" for @%s::ISA", (void*)linear_sv, hvname); continue; } assert(cstash); gvp = (GV**)hv_fetch(cstash, subname, subname_len, 0); if (!gvp) continue; candidate = *gvp; assert(candidate); if (SvTYPE(candidate) != SVt_PVGV) gv_init(candidate, cstash, subname, subname_len, TRUE); if (SvTYPE(candidate) == SVt_PVGV && (cand_cv = GvCV(candidate)) && !GvCVGEN(candidate)) { SvREFCNT_inc((SV*)cand_cv); /* XXX store result in cache */ /* hv_store_ent(nmcache, newSVsv(sv), (SV*)cand_cv, 0); */ return (SV*)cand_cv; } } } /* XXX store undef in cache */ /* hv_store_ent(nmcache, newSVsv(sv), &PL_sv_undef, 0); */ if(throw_nomethod) croak("No next::method '%s' found for %s", subname, hvname); return &PL_sv_undef; } XS(XS_Class_C3_XS_calculateMRO); XS(XS_Class_C3_XS_calculateMRO) { #ifdef dVAR dVAR; dXSARGS; #else dXSARGS; #endif SV* classname; HV* class_stash; HV* cache = NULL; AV* res; I32 res_items; I32 ret_items; SV** res_ptr; if(items < 1 || items > 2) croak("Usage: calculateMRO(classname[, cache])"); classname = ST(0); if(items == 2) cache = (HV*)SvRV(ST(1)); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0); if(!class_stash) croak("No such class: '%s'!", SvPV_nolen(classname)); res = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)__mro_linear_isa_c3(class_stash, cache, 0)); res_items = ret_items = AvFILLp(res) + 1; res_ptr = AvARRAY(res); SP -= items; while(res_items--) { SV* res_item = *res_ptr++; XPUSHs(res_item); } PUTBACK; return; } XS(XS_next_can); XS(XS_next_can) { #ifdef dVAR dVAR; dXSARGS; #else dXSARGS; #endif SV* self = ST(0); SV* methcv = __nextcan(self, 0); PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items); if(methcv == &PL_sv_undef) { ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef; } else { ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newRV_inc(methcv)); } XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_next_method); XS(XS_next_method) { dMARK; dAX; SV* self = ST(0); SV* methcv = __nextcan(self, 1); PL_markstack_ptr++; call_sv(methcv, GIMME_V); } XS(XS_maybe_next_method); XS(XS_maybe_next_method) { dMARK; dAX; SV* self = ST(0); SV* methcv = __nextcan(self, 0); if(methcv == &PL_sv_undef) { ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef; XSRETURN(1); } PL_markstack_ptr++; call_sv(methcv, GIMME_V); } MODULE = Class::C3::XS PACKAGE = Class::C3::XS BOOT: newXS("Class::C3::XS::calculateMRO", XS_Class_C3_XS_calculateMRO, __FILE__); newXS("next::can", XS_next_can, __FILE__); newXS("next::method", XS_next_method, __FILE__); newXS("maybe::next::method", XS_maybe_next_method, __FILE__);