=head1 Upgrading to Catalyst 5.80 Work in progress =head1 Known backwards compatibility breakages. =head2 Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication You need at least version FIXME of Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication. =head2 Moose applications Applications made by early adopters, which say: extends qw/Moose::Object Catalyst::Component/ need the C removing to run with Catalyst 5.80, otherwise your Class' @ISA will not linearise with C3. rafl to fix this bit :) =head2 Components without new methods FIXME =head2 Components without COMPONENT methods FIXME =head2 __PACKAGE__->mk_accessor('meta'); Won't work due to a limitation of L FIXME =head2 Class::Data::Inheritable side effects FIXME =head2 Extending Catalyst::Request or other classes in an ad-hoc manor using mk_accessor FIXME =head2 require $class was successful but the package is not defined. FIXME Warning =head2 Components which inherit Catalyst::Component's COMPONENT method, who's new method does not return a true value. Previously if your new method returned a false value, then your class' configuration would be blessed into a hash on your behalf, and this would be returned from the COMPONENT method. This is no longer supported. You are not recommended to implement your own new method in components, instead, you should inherit the new method from Catalyst::Component, and use Moose's BUILD functionality to perform any construction work necessary for your sub-class. =head Methods in Catalyst::Dispatcher Class $class is calling the deprecated method Catalyst::Dispatcher::$public_method_name,\n" . "this will be removed in Catalyst 5.9X" FIXME =head2 Confused multiple inheritence with Catalyst::Component::COMPONENT Warning message: There is a COMPONENT method resolving after Catalyst::Component in ${next_package}. This means that one of the packages on the right hand side of Catalyst::Component in your Class' inheritance hierarchy defines a COMPONENT method. Previously, Catalyst's COMPONENT method would delegate to the method on the right hand side, which could then delegate back again with NEXT. This (as it is insane), is no longer supported, as it makes no sense with C3 method dispatch order. Therefore the correct fix is to re-arrange your class' inheritance hierarchy so that the COMPONENT method you would like to inherit is the first COMPONENT method in your @ISA. =cut