=head1 NAME Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial - Catalyst Tutorial: Overview =head1 DESCRIPTION The Catalyst framework is a flexible and comprehensive environment for quickly building high-functionality web applications. This tutorial is design to provide a rapid introduction to its basics and most commonly used features while focusing on real-world best practices. The tutorial is broken down into the following sections: =over 4 =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back Full source code is available for each section via the main Catalyst Subversion repository at L. See the end of each section for the specifics on retrieving code for that section. A tarball of the final application is available at C. =head1 Detailed Table Of Contents =head2 Part 1: Introduction =over 4 =item * VERSIONS AND CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS TUTORIAL =item * CATALYST INSTALLATION =item * DATABASES =item * WHERE TO GET WORKING CODE =back =head2 Part 2: Catalyst Application Development Basics =over 4 =item * CREATE A CATALYST PROJECT =item * CREATE A SQLITE DATABASE =item * EDIT THE LIST OF CATALYST PLUGINS =item * DATABASE ACCESS WITH DBIx::Class =over 4 =item * Create a DBIC Schema File =item * Create the DBIC ``Result Source'' Files =item * Use Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema To Load The Model Class =back =item * CREATE A CATALYST CONTROLLER =item * CATALYST VIEWS =over 4 =item * Create a Catalyst View Using TTSITE =item * Globally Customize Every View =item * Create a TT Template Page =back =item * RUN THE APPLICATION =back =head2 Part 3: Basic CRUD =over 4 =item * FORMLESS SUBMISSION =over 4 =item * Include a Create Action in the Books Controller =item * Include a Template for the url_create Action: =item * Try the url_create Feature =back =item * MANUALLY BUILDING A CREATE FORM =over 4 =item * Add Method to Display The Form =item * Add a Template for the Form =item * Add Method to Process Form Values and Update Database =item * Test Out The Form =back =item * A SIMPLE DELETE FEATURE =over 4 =item * Include a Delete Link in the List =item * Add a Delete Action to the Controller =item * Try the Delete Feature =back =back =head2 Part 4: Authentication =over 4 =item * BASIC AUTHENTICATION =over 4 =item * Add Users and Roles to the Database =item * Add User and Role Information to Dbic Schema =item * Create New ``Result Source Objects'' =item * Sanity-Check Reload of Development Server =item * Include Authentication and Session Plugins =item * Configure Authentication =item * Add Login and Logout Controllers =item * Add a Login Form TT Template Page =item * Add Valid User Check =item * Displaying Content Only to Authenticated Users =item * Try Out Authentication =back =item * USING PASSWORD HASHES =over 4 =item * Get a SHA-1 Hash for the Password =item * Switch to SHA-1 Password Hashes in the Database =item * Enable SHA-1 Hash Passwords in Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC =item * Try Out the Hashed Passwords =back =back =head2 Part 5: Authorization =over 4 =item * BASIC AUTHORIZATION =over 4 =item * Update Plugins to Include Support Authorization =item * Add Config Information for Authorization =item * Add Role-Specific Logic to the ``Book List'' Template =item * Limit Books::add to admin Users =item * Try Out Authentication And Authorization =back =item * ENABLE ACL-BASED AUTHORIZATION =over 4 =item * Add the Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL Plugin =item * Add ACL Rules to the Application Class =item * Add a Method to Handle Access Violations =back =back =head2 Part 6: Debugging =over 4 =item * LOG STATEMENTS =item * RUNNING CATALYST UNDER THE PERL DEBUGGER =back =head2 Part 7: Testing =over 4 =item * RUNNING THE "CANNED" CATALYST TESTS =item * RUNNING A SINGLE TEST =item * ADDING YOUR OWN TEST SCRIPT =item * SUPPORTING BOTH PRODUCTION AND TEST DATABASES =back =head2 Part 8: Advanced CRUD =over 4 =item * HTML::WIDGET FORM CREATION =over 4 =item * Add the HTML::Widget Plugin =item * Add a Form Creation Helper Method =item * Add Actions to Display and Save the Form =item * Update the CSS =item * Create a Template Page To Display The Form =item * Add Links for Create and Update via HTML::Widget =item * Test The Create Form =back =item * HTML::WIDGET VALIDATION AND FILTERING =over 4 =item * Add Constraints and Filters to the Widget Creation Method =item * Rebuild the Form Submission Method to Include Validation =item * Try Out the Form =back =item * Enable DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget Support =over 4 =item * Add DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget to DBIC Model =item * Use populate_from_widget in hw_create_do =back =back =head2 Part 9: Appendices =over 4 =item * APPENDIX 1: CUT AND PASTE FOR POD-BASED EXAMPLES =over 4 =item * "Un-indenting" with Vi/Vim =item * "Un-indenting" with Emacs =back =item * APPENDIX 2: USING MYSQL AND POSTGRESQL =over 4 =item * MySQL =item * PostgreSQL =back =back