=head1 NAME Catalyst::Manual::Installation::CentOS4 - Catalyst Installation on CentOS 4 =head1 DESCRIPTION This document provides directions on how to install CentOS 4 (a rebuild of RedHat Enterprise 4) and then install Catalyst. If you already have a functioning install of CentOS, RHEL, or a comparable Linux OS, you should be able to skip this first section and go straight to the C section. B You might want to consult the latest version of this document. It is available at: L =head1 INSTALL CENTOS These directions are written for CentOS 4.3 on an i386 machine; however, you can substitute other versions as they become available. =over 4 =item * Go to L and click the nearest mirror. =item * Download C (you only need the first disk). =item * Burn the .iso to CD. =item * Insert the CD into your machine and power it up. =item * Hit C at the C prompt. =item * CD media test: you can either select C or C depending on whether or not you trust your burn. =item * The installation GUI should start. Click next at the "Welcome to CentOS-4" screen. =item * Select a language and click C. =item * Select a keyboard configuration and click C. =item * Select C for the installation type and click C. =item * Leave C selected on the C and click C. =item * Uncheck C, but leave the rest of the default settings on the C screen. Then click C. =item * Click C at the C warning. =item * Click C on the C screen. =item * Update the C screen as necessary and click C. =item * Check C and click C on the C screen. =item * Select additional languages as necessary. Click C. =item * Select the appropriate time zone and click C. =item * Enter a root password and click C. =item * Scroll to the bottom of the C screen and check C (the last option). Click C. =item * Click C at the C screen. =item * The installation will prepare the hard drive and then install the required rpm packages. =item * Once the installation completes, remove the CD and click C. =item * Type C and add the following line as the third to last line of the file (I the C<-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited> line): -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT This will allow Catalyst to make use of port 3000 (the default for the development server). Type C to restart the iptables firewall using the updated configuration. =item * Type C to retrieve the latest patches. =back =head1 INSTALL CATALYST =over 4 =item * Type C to install several packages used by Catalyst. =item * Type the following: perl -MCPAN -e shell ... Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] n ... cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601) ReadLine support available (try 'install Bundle::CPAN') cpan> force install Module::Build ... cpan> quit =item * Type C to retrieve a copy of the C script. =item * Type C to open the installer script, then insert the following lines at the bottom of the file (after the C line): install('Catalyst::Devel'); install('ExtUtils::ParseXS'); install('Digest::SHA1'); install('Digest::SHA'); install('Class::DBI'); install('DBIx::Class'); install('DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Session'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::DefaultEnd'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Dumper'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::HTML::Widget'); install('Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema'); install('Catalyst::View::TT'); install('Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst'); install('Test::Pod'); install('Test::Pod::Coverage'); =item * Type C. It will take a while to complete. =back You should now have a functioning Catalyst installation with the modules and plugins required to run the Catalyst tutorial. =head1 AUTHOR Kennedy Clark, C Please report any errors, issues or suggestions to the author. The most recent version of the Catlayst Tutorial can be found at L. Copyright 2006, Kennedy Clark, under Creative Commons License (L).