=head1 NAME Catalyst::Manual::Installation::CentOS4 – Catalyst Installation on CentOS 4 =head1 DESCRIPTION This document provides directions on how to install CentOS 4 (a rebuild of RedHat Enterprise 4) and then install Catalyst. If you already have a functioning install of CentOS, RHEL, or a comparable Linux OS, you should be able to skip this first section and go straight to the C section. =head1 INSTALL CENTOS These directions are written for CentOS 4.3 on an i386 machine; however, you can substitute other versions as they become available. =over 4 =item * Go to L and click the nearest mirror. =item * Download C (you only need the first disk). =item * Burn the .iso to CD. =item * Insert the CD into your machine and power it up. =item * Hit C at the C prompt. =item * CD media test: you can either select C or C depending on whether or not you trust your burn. =item * The installation GUI should start. Click next at the "Welcome to CentOS-4" screen. =item * Select a language and click C. =item * Select a keyboard configuration and click C. =item * Select C for the installation type and click C. =item * Leave C selected on the C and click C. =item * Uncheck C, but leave the rest of the default settings on the C screen. Then click C. =item * Click C at the C warning. =item * Click C on the C screen. =item * Update the C screen as necessary and click C. =item * Check C and click C on the C screen. =item * Select additional languages as necessary. Click C. =item * Select the appropriate time zone and click C. =item * Enter a root password and click C. =item * Scroll to the bottom of the C screen and check C (the last option). Click C. =item * Click C at the C screen. =item * The installation will prepare the hard drive and then install the required rpm packages. =item * Once the installation completes, remove the CD and click C. =item * Type C and add the following line as the third to last line of the file (I the C<-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited> line): -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT This will allow Catalyst to make use of port 3000 (the default for the development server). Type C to restart the iptables firewall using the updated configuration. =item * Type C to retrieve the latest patches. =back =head1 INSTALL CATALYST =over 4 =item * Type to install several packages used by Catalyst. =item * Type the following: perl -MCPAN -e shell ... Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] n ... cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601) ReadLine support available (try 'install Bundle::CPAN') cpan> force install Module::Build ... cpan> quit =item * Type C to retrieve a copy of the C script. =item * Type C to open the installer script, then insert the following lines at the bottom of the file (after the C line): install('Class::DBI'); install('DBIx::Class'); install('DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Session'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::DefaultEnd'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace'); install('Catalyst::Plugin::Dumper'); install('Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema'); install('Catalyst::View::TT'); install('Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst'); =item * Type C. It will take a while to complete. =back You should now have a functioning Catalyst installation with the modules and plugins required to run the Catalyst tutorial. =head1 AUTHOR Kennedy Clark, C Please report any errors, issues or suggestions to the author. Copyright 2006, Kennedy Clark, under Creative Commons License (L). Version: .01