#!/usr/bin/perl print <<'END' if $>; NOTE: Since you're not running as root, the installation will su at the appropriate time later. You will need to supply the root password for the su program. END # Gather data. # JPL_SRC chop($JPL_SRC = `pwd`); print "JPL_SRC = $JPL_SRC\n"; # JAVA_HOME foreach $dir ( $ENV{JAVA_HOME}, "/usr/java", "/usr/local/java", "/usr/lib/java", "/usr/local/lib/java", ) { $JAVA_HOME = $dir, last if $dir and -d "$dir/bin"; } die "You must set the \$JAVA_HOME environment variable first.\n" unless $JAVA_HOME; print "JAVA_HOME = $JAVA_HOME\n"; # JPL_HOME ($likelyjpl = $JAVA_HOME) =~ s#(.*)/.*#$1/jpl#; print <<"END"; You need to decide which directory JPL files are to be installed in. Applications will look in subdirectories of this directory for any JPL related files. You may use the current directory ($JPL_SRC) or you may use a directory such as $likelyjpl. END $| = 1; until (-d $JPL_HOME) { print "Install JPL files where: [$JPL_SRC] "; chop($JPL_HOME = ); $JPL_HOME ||= $JPL_SRC; unless (-d $JPL_HOME) { print "Warning: $JPL_HOME doesn't exist yet!\n\n"; print "Do you want to create it? [y] "; chop($ans = ); $ans ||= 'y'; next unless $ans =~ /^y/i; system "mkdir -p $JPL_HOME"; if ($> and not -d $JPL_HOME) { warn "Couldn't create $JPL_HOME!\nTrying again as root...running su...\n"; system "set -x su root -c 'mkdir -p $JPL_HOME && chown $> $JPL_HOME && chmod 0755 $JPL_HOME'"; warn "Couldn't create $JPL_HOME!\n" unless -d $JPL_HOME; } } } print "JPL_HOME = $JPL_HOME\n"; ######################################################################### # Spit out setvars. print "Writing setvars...\n"; unlink "$JPL_SRC/setvars"; open(SETVARS, ">$JPL_HOME/setvars") or die "Can't create setvars: $!\n"; while () { s/^JPL_SRC=.*/JPL_SRC='$JPL_SRC'/; s/^JAVA_HOME=.*/JAVA_HOME='$JAVA_HOME'/; s/^JPL_HOME=.*/JPL_HOME='$JPL_HOME'/; print SETVARS $_; } close SETVARS; chmod 0755, "$JPL_HOME/setvars"; symlink "$JPL_HOME/setvars", "$JPL_SRC/setvars" if $JPL_HOME ne $JPL_SRC; ######################################################################### # Pretend we're make. eval `./setvars -perl`; # Take our own medicine. print "\n\nStarting install...\n"; system <<'END' and die "Couldn't install JPL\n"; set -x cd JPL perl Makefile.PL make clean perl Makefile.PL make install END print "\nInstalling PerlInterpreter class\n"; system <<'END' and die "Couldn't install PerlInterpreter\n"; set -x cd PerlInterpreter perl Makefile.PL make clean perl Makefile.PL make install END print "\nInstalling JNI module\n"; system <<'END' and die "Couldn't install JNI\n"; set -x cd JNI perl Makefile.PL make clean perl Makefile.PL make echo 'Attempting to install JNI as root' su root -c "make install" END #touch Makefile #make -f makefile.jv ## These should be executed as root #rm -rf /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i586-linux/auto/JNI #rm -rf /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/auto/JNI #rm -f /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/JNI.pm #make -f makefile.jv install UNINST=1 print "\nInstalling Sample JPL program\n"; system <<'END' and die "Couldn't install Sample\n"; set -x cd Sample perl Makefile.PL make clean perl Makefile.PL make install END # Test print "\n\nTesting Sample...\n"; system <<'END' and die "Couldn't run Sample\n"; set -x cd Sample JPLDEBUG=1 export JPLDEBUG java Sample END __END__ #!/bin/sh # You can edit this, but your changes will only last until the next # time you run install-jpl. # Where jpl is currently installed cd `dirname $0` JPL_SRC=`pwd` # Where java is installed JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java export JAVA_HOME # Where jpl will be installed JPL_HOME="$JPL_SRC" export JPL_HOME # Which perl to run JPLPERL=perl`perl -e "print $]"` #JPLPERL=perl5.00404 export JPLPERL # Some derivative variables archname=`$JPLPERL -MConfig -e 'print $Config{archname}'` archlib=`$JPLPERL -MConfig -e 'print $Config{archlib}'` CLASSPATH=".:$JPL_HOME/lib${CLASSPATH:+:$CLASSPATH}" export CLASSPATH ldlibpthname=`$JPLPERL -MConfig -e 'print $Config{ldlibpthname}'` case "$ldlibpthname" in '') ldlibpthname=LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;; esac eval "ldlibpth=\$$ldlibpthname" $ldlibpthname=".:$JPL_HOME/lib/$archname:$archlib/CORE$ldlibpth" export $ldlibpthname PERL5LIB="$JPL_HOME/perl${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" export PERL5LIB # Make sure the right java programs are selected. PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" export PATH case "$1" in -perl) cat <