#!./perl BEGIN { @INC = ('lib') } use Config; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find; require Cwd; umask 022; $ver = $]; $release = substr($ver,0,3); # Not used presently. $patchlevel = substr($ver,3,2); die "Patchlevel of perl ($patchlevel)", "and patchlevel of config.sh ($Config{'PATCHLEVEL'}) don't match\n" if $patchlevel != $Config{'PATCHLEVEL'}; $usage = "Usage: installman --man1dir=/usr/wherever --man1ext=1 --man3dir=/usr/wherever --man3ext=3 --notify --help Defaults are: man1dir = $Config{'installman1dir'}; man1ext = $Config{'man1ext'}; man3dir = $Config{'installman3dir'}; man3ext = $Config{'man3ext'}; --notify (or -n) just lists commands that would be executed.\n"; GetOptions( qw( man1dir=s man1ext=s man3dir=s man3ext=s notify help)) || die $usage; # These are written funny to avoid -w typo warnings. $man1dir = defined($opt_man1dir) ? $opt_man1dir : $Config{'installman1dir'}; $man1ext = defined($opt_man1ext) ? $opt_man1ext : $Config{'man1ext'}; $man3dir = defined($opt_man3dir) ? $opt_man3dir : $Config{'installman3dir'}; $man3ext = defined($opt_man3ext) ? $opt_man3ext : $Config{'man3ext'}; $notify = defined($opt_notify) ? $opt_notify : 0; #Sanity checks -x "./perl" || warn "./perl not found! Have you run make?\n"; -d $Config{'installprivlib'} || warn "Perl library directory $Config{'installprivlib'} not found. Have you run make install?. (Installing anyway.)\n"; -x 't/TEST' || warn "WARNING: You've never run 'make test'!!!", " (Installing anyway.)\n"; # Install the main pod pages. runpod2man('pod', $man1dir, $man1ext); # Install the pods for library modules. runpod2man('lib', $man3dir, $man3ext); sub runpod2man { my($poddir, $mandir, $manext) = @_; my($builddir) = Cwd::getcwd(); if ($mandir eq ' ' or $mandir eq '') { print STDERR "Skipping installation of $poddir man pages.\n"; return; } chdir $poddir || die "Unable to cd to $poddir directory!\n$!\n"; # We insist on using the current version of pod2man in case there # are enhancements or changes from previous installed versions. $pod2man = "../pod/pod2man"; -x $pod2man || die "Executable $pod2man not found.\n"; &makedir($mandir); # Make a list of all the .pm and .pod files in the directory. We will # always run pod2man from the lib directory and feed it the full pathname # of the pod. This might be useful for pod2man someday. @modpods = (); find(\&lsmodpods, '.'); foreach $mod (@modpods) { $manpage = $mod; # Convert name from File/Basename.pm to File::Basename.3 format, # if necessary. $manpage =~ s#\.p(m|od)$##; $manpage =~ s#/#::#g; $manpage = "${mandir}/${manpage}.${manext}"; # Print $release $patchlevel stuff? or should pod2man do that? &cmd("$pod2man $mod > $manpage"); } chdir "$builddir" || die "Unable to cd back to $builddir directory!\n$!\n"; } sub lsmodpods { my $dir = $File::Find::dir; my $name = $File::Find::name; if (-f $_) { $name =~ s#^\./##; push(@modpods, $name) if ($name =~ /\.p(m|od)$/); } } print STDERR " Installation complete\n"; exit 0; ############################################################################### # Utility subroutines from installperl sub cmd { local($cmd) = @_; print STDERR " $cmd\n"; unless ($notify) { system $cmd; warn "Command failed!!!\n" if $?; } } sub link { local($from,$to) = @_; print STDERR " ln $from $to\n"; link($from,$to) || warn "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n" unless $notify; } sub chmod { local($mode,$name) = @_; printf STDERR " chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name; chmod($mode,$name) || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: $!\n",$mode,$name) unless $notify; } sub makedir { local($dir) = @_; unless (-d $dir) { local($shortdir) = $dir; $shortdir =~ s#(.*)/.*#$1#; &makedir($shortdir); print STDERR " mkdir $dir\n"; mkdir($dir, 0777) || warn "Couldn't create $dir: $!\n" unless $notify; } } sub samepath { local($p1, $p2) = @_; local($dev1, $ino1, $dev2, $ino2); if ($p1 ne $p2) { ($dev1, $ino1) = stat($p1); ($dev2, $ino2) = stat($p2); ($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2); } else { 1; } }