#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Config; use File::Spec; use File::Find; use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt); GetOptions( "branch=s" => \(my $branch = 'master'), "changelog=s" => \(my $changelog = 'Changes'), ) or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); my $version = shift or die "version required!"; my $make = $Config{make}; my $null = File::Spec->devnull; system("git fetch"); if (system("git rev-parse --quiet --verify v$version >$null") == 0) { die "Tag v$version already exists!"; } for (scalar `git status`) { /^(?:# )?On branch \Q$branch\E/ || die "Not on $branch. EEEK"; /Your branch is behind|Your branch and .*? have diverged/ && die "Not synced with upstream"; } for (scalar `git diff`) { length && die "Outstanding changes"; } my $ymd = sprintf( "%i-%02i-%02i", (gmtime)[5]+1900, (gmtime)[4]+1, (gmtime)[3] ); my $changes_line = "$version - $ymd\n"; my @cached = grep /^\+/, `git diff --cached -U0`; @cached > 0 or die "Please add:\n\n$changes_line\nto $changelog and stage $changelog (git add $changelog)"; @cached == 2 or die "All '$changelog' changes must be committed aside from version heading"; $cached[0] =~ /^\+\+\+ .\/\Q$changelog\E\n/ or die "$changelog not changed"; $cached[1] eq "+$changes_line" or die "$changelog new line should be: \n\n$changes_line ";