List of what I've done on Catalyst::Helper thus far: 6-03-2009 1. removed template code and hex data for images and put them into a directory structure reflecting a Catalyst application's set up 2. Written a test to check to make sure the original C::H and new C::H code create the exact same application, so we know nothing was broken. 3. Implemented File::ShareDir to make use of a share/ directory in a distribution for template files and images, etc. 4. working on a test script to test how deprecated methods are invoked, 2/3 working 5. implemented methods for new API and old deprecated methods. 1 for pulling File::ShareDir data out of our share/ directory, and another for backwards compatibility, pulling data out of the __DATA__ section. 6. Drafted an RFC for more comments on progression of C::H API 7. Also using added Path::Class for file reading as of 6-9-09 ################################################################################ 1. backwards compatibility tests pass ################################################################################ 2009-06-17 - added File::ShareDir capabilities - added Path::Class::Dir and Path::Class:File for ease of F::ShareDir file manip - modified the following methods: -- _mk_appclass - sends the new filename to be rendered -- _mk_rootclass - '' -- _mk_makefile - '' -- _mk_config - '' -- _mk_readme - '' -- _mk_changes - '' -- _mk_apptest - '' -- _mk_cgi - '' -- _mk_fastcgi - '' -- _mk_server - '' -- _mk_test - '' -- _mk_create - '' -- _mk_compclass - '' -- _mk_comptestsub - '' -- _mk_images - '' -- _mk_images - '' -- _mk_favicon - '' -- render_file - this now calls render_file_contents to DTRT - new methods: -- get_sharedir_file - this grabs a file out of share/ dir -- render_sharedir_file - this renders our sharedir file properly, using render_file_contents