# lines starting with whitespace are continuation lines # hash at start of line = whole-line comment # space + semicolon = comment [gitosis] [group gitosis-admin] writable = gitosis-admin # Catalyst-Runtime ; uncomment once pushed Catalyst-Devel members = mst t0m rafl marcus jester aristotle apeiron [group Engines] writable = Catalyst-Engine-SCGI Catalyst-Engine-STOMP fcgi2 members = @gitosis-admin lando [group catalyst-dev] writable = CatalystX-DynamicComponent Test-NoTabs Test-EOL Catalyst-Action-REST Catalyst-Devel Catalyst-Authentication-Realm-Adaptor Catalyst-View-ContentNegotiation-XHTML Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-ProxyBase Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT # Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-Data-FormValidator ; uncomment once pushed Web-Simple HTML-Zoom App-IdiotBox copyrite Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API Catalyst-Controller-MovableType Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude members = @all [group catbook-code] writable = catbook-code members = ash mst [group Gitalist-committers] writable = Gitalist members = @gitosis-admin broquaint ilmari zts abraxxa [repo Gitalist] gitweb = yes description = Git web viewer in Catalyst # uncomment once pushed #[repo Catalyst-Runtime] #gitweb = yes #description = Catalyst Runtime [repo Catalyst-Devel] gitweb = yes description = Catalyst-Devel [repo Catalyst-Engine-STOMP] gitweb = yes description = Catalyst-Engine-STOMP [repo Catalyst-Engine-SCGI] gitweb = yes description = Catalyst-Engine-SCGI [repo CatalystX-DynamicComponent] gitweb = yes description = CatalystX-DynamicComponent [repo Test-NoTabs] gitweb = yes description = Test-NoTabs [repo Test-EOL] gitweb = yes description = Test-NoTabs [repo Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-ProxyBase] gitweb = yes description = Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-ProxyBase [repo Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT] gitweb = yes description = Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT [repo Catalyst-Action-REST] gitweb = yes description = Catalyst-Action-REST [repo Catalyst-Authentication-Realm-Adaptor] gitweb = yes description = Adjust parameters of authentication processes on the fly # uncomment once pushed #[repo Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-Data-FormValidator] #gitweb = yes #description = Controller Role for using Data::FormValidator [repo Catalyst-View-ContentNegotiation-XHTML] gitweb = yes description = View Role for serving XHTML content [repo Web-Simple] gitweb = yes description = Web::Simple - a lightweight way to write simple web apps [repo Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API] gitweb = yes description = http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API/ [repo Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude] gitweb = yes description = http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude [repo Catalyst-Controller-MovableType] gitweb = yes description = Run Movable Type through Catalyst