#include "threads.h" /* Starts executing the thread. Needs to clean up memory a tad better. */ #ifdef WIN32 THREAD_RET_TYPE thread_run(LPVOID arg) { ithread* thread = (ithread*) arg; #else void thread_run(ithread* thread) { #endif SV* thread_tid_ptr; SV* thread_ptr; dTHXa(thread->interp); PERL_SET_CONTEXT(thread->interp); #ifdef WIN32 thread->thr = GetCurrentThreadId(); #else thread->thr = pthread_self(); #endif SHAREDSvEDIT(threads); thread_tid_ptr = Perl_newSViv(sharedsv_space, (IV) thread->thr); thread_ptr = Perl_newSViv(sharedsv_space, (IV) thread); hv_store_ent((HV*)SHAREDSvGET(threads), thread_tid_ptr, thread_ptr,0); SvREFCNT_dec(thread_tid_ptr); SHAREDSvRELEASE(threads); PL_perl_destruct_level = 2; { AV* params; I32 len; int i; dSP; params = (AV*) SvRV(thread->params); len = av_len(params); ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); if(len > -1) { for(i = 0; i < len + 1; i++) { XPUSHs(av_shift(params)); } } PUTBACK; call_sv(thread->init_function, G_DISCARD); FREETMPS; LEAVE; } MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex); perl_destruct(thread->interp); perl_free(thread->interp); if(thread->detached == 1) { MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); thread_destruct(thread); } else { MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); } #ifdef WIN32 return (DWORD)0; #endif } /* iThread->create(); */ SV* thread_create(char* class, SV* init_function, SV* params) { ithread* thread = malloc(sizeof(ithread)); SV* obj_ref; SV* obj; SV* temp_store; I32 result; PerlInterpreter *current_perl; MUTEX_LOCK(&create_mutex); obj_ref = newSViv(0); obj = newSVrv(obj_ref, class); sv_setiv(obj, (IV)thread); SvREADONLY_on(obj); current_perl = PERL_GET_CONTEXT; /* here we put the values of params and function to call onto namespace, this is so perl will properly clone them when we call perl_clone. */ /*if(SvTYPE(SvRV(init_function)) == SVt_PVCV) { CvCLONED_on(SvRV(init_function)); } */ temp_store = Perl_get_sv(current_perl, "threads::paramtempstore", TRUE | GV_ADDMULTI); Perl_sv_setsv(current_perl, temp_store,params); params = NULL; temp_store = NULL; temp_store = Perl_get_sv(current_perl, "threads::calltempstore", TRUE | GV_ADDMULTI); Perl_sv_setsv(current_perl,temp_store, init_function); #ifdef WIN32 thread->interp = perl_clone(current_perl,4); #else thread->interp = perl_clone(current_perl,0); #endif PL_perl_destruct_level = 2; // sv_dump(SvRV(Perl_get_sv(current_perl, "threads::calltempstore",FALSE))); // sv_dump(SvRV(Perl_get_sv(thread->interp, "threads::calltempstore",FALSE))); thread->init_function = newSVsv(Perl_get_sv(thread->interp, "threads::calltempstore",FALSE)); thread->params = newSVsv(Perl_get_sv(thread->interp, "threads::paramtempstore",FALSE)); init_function = NULL; temp_store = NULL; /* And here we make sure we clean up the data we put in the namespace of iThread, both in the new and the calling inteprreter */ temp_store = Perl_get_sv(thread->interp,"threads::paramtempstore",FALSE); Perl_sv_setsv(thread->interp,temp_store, &PL_sv_undef); temp_store = Perl_get_sv(thread->interp,"threads::calltempstore",FALSE); Perl_sv_setsv(thread->interp,temp_store, &PL_sv_undef); PERL_SET_CONTEXT(current_perl); temp_store = Perl_get_sv(current_perl,"threads::paramtempstore",FALSE); Perl_sv_setsv(current_perl, temp_store, &PL_sv_undef); temp_store = Perl_get_sv(current_perl,"threads::calltempstore",FALSE); Perl_sv_setsv(current_perl, temp_store, &PL_sv_undef); /* lets init the thread */ MUTEX_INIT(&thread->mutex); thread->tid = tid_counter++; thread->detached = 0; thread->count = 1; #ifdef WIN32 thread->handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_run, (LPVOID)thread, 0, &thread->thr); #else pthread_create( &thread->thr, NULL, (void *) thread_run, thread); #endif MUTEX_UNLOCK(&create_mutex); if(!SvRV(obj_ref)) printf("FUCK\n"); return obj_ref; } /* returns the id of the thread */ I32 thread_tid (SV* obj) { ithread* thread; if(!SvROK(obj)) { obj = thread_self(SvPV_nolen(obj)); thread = (ithread*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)); SvREFCNT_dec(obj); } else { thread = (ithread*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)); } return thread->tid; } SV* thread_self (char* class) { dTHX; SV* obj_ref; SV* obj; SV* thread_tid_ptr; SV* thread_ptr; HE* thread_entry; IV pointer; PerlInterpreter *old_context = PERL_GET_CONTEXT; SHAREDSvEDIT(threads); #ifdef WIN32 thread_tid_ptr = Perl_newSViv(sharedsv_space, (IV) GetCurrentThreadId()); #else thread_tid_ptr = Perl_newSViv(sharedsv_space, (IV) pthread_self()); #endif thread_entry = Perl_hv_fetch_ent(sharedsv_space,(HV*) SHAREDSvGET(threads), thread_tid_ptr, 0,0); thread_ptr = HeVAL(thread_entry); SvREFCNT_dec(thread_tid_ptr); pointer = SvIV(thread_ptr); SHAREDSvRELEASE(threads); obj_ref = newSViv(0); obj = newSVrv(obj_ref, class); sv_setiv(obj, pointer); SvREADONLY_on(obj); return obj_ref; } /* joins the thread this code needs to take the returnvalue from the call_sv and send it back */ void thread_join(SV* obj) { ithread* thread = (ithread*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)); #ifdef WIN32 DWORD waitcode; waitcode = WaitForSingleObject(thread->handle, INFINITE); #else void *retval; pthread_join(thread->thr,&retval); #endif } /* detaches a thread needs to better clean up memory */ void thread_detach(SV* obj) { ithread* thread = (ithread*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)); MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex); thread->detached = 1; #if !defined(WIN32) pthread_detach(thread->thr); #endif MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); } void thread_DESTROY (SV* obj) { ithread* thread = (ithread*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)); MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex); thread->count--; MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); thread_destruct(thread); } void thread_destruct (ithread* thread) { return; MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex); if(thread->count != 0) { MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); return; } MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); /* it is safe noone is holding a ref to this */ /*printf("proper destruction!\n");*/ } MODULE = threads PACKAGE = threads BOOT: Perl_sharedsv_init(aTHX); PL_perl_destruct_level = 2; threads = Perl_sharedsv_new(aTHX); SHAREDSvEDIT(threads); ((HV*) SHAREDSvGET(threads)) = newHV(); SHAREDSvRELEASE(threads); { SV* temp = get_sv("threads::sharedsv_space", TRUE | GV_ADDMULTI); SV* temp2 = newSViv((IV)sharedsv_space ); sv_setsv( temp , temp2 ); } { ithread* thread = malloc(sizeof(ithread)); SV* thread_tid_ptr; SV* thread_ptr; MUTEX_INIT(&thread->mutex); thread->tid = 0; #ifdef WIN32 thread->thr = GetCurrentThreadId(); #else thread->thr = pthread_self(); #endif SHAREDSvEDIT(threads); thread_tid_ptr = Perl_newSViv(sharedsv_space, (IV) thread->thr); thread_ptr = Perl_newSViv(sharedsv_space, (IV) thread); hv_store_ent((HV*) SHAREDSvGET(threads), thread_tid_ptr, thread_ptr,0); SvREFCNT_dec(thread_tid_ptr); SHAREDSvRELEASE(threads); } MUTEX_INIT(&create_mutex); PROTOTYPES: DISABLE SV * create (class, function_to_call, ...) char * class SV * function_to_call CODE: AV* params = newAV(); if(items > 2) { int i; for(i = 2; i < items ; i++) { av_push(params, ST(i)); } } RETVAL = thread_create(class, function_to_call, newRV_noinc((SV*) params)); OUTPUT: RETVAL SV * self (class) char* class CODE: RETVAL = thread_self(class); OUTPUT: RETVAL int tid (obj) SV * obj; CODE: RETVAL = thread_tid(obj); OUTPUT: RETVAL void join (obj) SV * obj PREINIT: I32* temp; PPCODE: temp = PL_markstack_ptr++; thread_join(obj); if (PL_markstack_ptr != temp) { /* truly void, because dXSARGS not invoked */ PL_markstack_ptr = temp; XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* return empty stack */ } /* must have used dXSARGS; list context implied */ return; /* assume stack size is correct */ void detach (obj) SV * obj PREINIT: I32* temp; PPCODE: temp = PL_markstack_ptr++; thread_detach(obj); if (PL_markstack_ptr != temp) { /* truly void, because dXSARGS not invoked */ PL_markstack_ptr = temp; XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* return empty stack */ } /* must have used dXSARGS; list context implied */ return; /* assume stack size is correct */ void DESTROY (obj) SV * obj PREINIT: I32* temp; PPCODE: temp = PL_markstack_ptr++; thread_DESTROY(obj); if (PL_markstack_ptr != temp) { /* truly void, because dXSARGS not invoked */ PL_markstack_ptr = temp; XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* return empty stack */ } /* must have used dXSARGS; list context implied */ return; /* assume stack size is correct */