Unicode/Normalize version 1.00 =================================== Unicode::Normalize - Unicode Normalization Forms SYNOPSIS use Unicode::Normalize; $NFD_string = NFD($string); # Normalization Form D $NFC_string = NFC($string); # Normalization Form C $NFKD_string = NFKD($string); # Normalization Form KD $NFKC_string = NFKC($string); # Normalization Form KC or use Unicode::Normalize 'normalize'; $NFD_string = normalize('D', $string); # Normalization Form D $NFC_string = normalize('C', $string); # Normalization Form C $NFKD_string = normalize('KD', $string); # Normalization Form KD $NFKC_string = normalize('KC', $string); # Normalization Form KC INSTALLATION Perl 5.6.1 or later. (Perl 5.8.0 or later is recommended.) To install this module (XSUB: needs a C compiler), type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you want to install pure Perl (i.e. no-XSUB), type the following (!! "disableXS" must run before "Makefile.PL" !!): perl disableXS perl Makefile.PL make make test make install After building no-XSUB, if you decide to install XSUB, type the following (!! "enableXS" must run before "Makefile.PL" !!): make clean perl enableXS perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires other modules and libraries following: Carp Exporter File::Copy File::Spec unicore/CombiningClass.pl (or unicode/CombiningClass.pl) unicore/Decomposition.pl (or unicode/Decomposition.pl) unicore/CompositionExclusions.txt (or unicode/CompExcl.txt) CAVEAT (1) In the perl-current, unicore/CompExcl.txt is renamed unicore/CompositionExclusions.txt. (2) After these unicore/*.* files are updated. In the case of an XS edition: You must rebuild the module, as the data will be compiled on building. In the case of a pure Perl edition: Rebuilding is not necessary, as the data will be read on requirement. (3) Pure Perl edition, Normalize.pmN, may work without any other file in this distribution (it must be renamed Normalize.pm, though) COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE SADAHIRO Tomoyuki http://homepage1.nifty.com/nomenclator/perl/ Copyright(C) 2001-2006, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.