CHANGES ------- 2.002 29 December 2006 * Documentation updates. 2.001 1 November 2006 * Remove beta status. 2.000_14 26 October 2006 * IO::Uncompress::Deflate Beefed up the magic signature check. Means less false positives when auto-detecting the compression type. * IO::Uncompress::UnZip Tighten up the zip64 extra field processing to cope with the case wheere only some of the local header fields are superceeded. * IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate Remove raw-deflate (RFC 1951) from the default list of compressors to check. It can still be included if the new RawInflate parameter is supplied. This change was made because the only way to tell if content is raw-deflate is to attempt to uncompress it - a few false positives have popped up recently, which suggests that auto-detecting raw deflate is far from perfect. The equivalent change has been made to IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress. [Core patch #28445] 2.000_13 20 June 2006 * Preliminary support for reading zip files with zip64 members. 2.000_12 3 May 2006 * Moved the code for creating and parsing the gzip extra field into so that IO::Compress::Zip & IO::Uncompress::Unzip can use it as well. * Added ExtraFieldLocal & ExtraFieldCentral options to IO::Compress::Zip. These allow the creation of user-defined extra fields in the local and central headers, just like the ExtraField option in IO::Compress::Gzip. * Moved the zip constants into IO::Compress::Zip::Constants * Added exTime option to IO::Compress::Zip. This allows creation of the extended timestamp extra field. * Added Minimal option to IO::Compress::Zip. This disables the creation of all extended fields. * Added TextFlag option to IO::Compress::Zip. * Documented Comment and ZipComment options in IO::Compress::Zip. 2.000_11 10 April 2006 * Updated Documentation for zip modules. * Changed IO::Compress::Zip 'Store' option to 'Method' and added symbolic constants ZIP_CM_STORE, ZIP_CM_DEFLATE and ZIP_CM_BZIP2 to allow the compression method to be picked by the user. * Added support to allow bzip2 compressed data to be written/read with IO::Compress::Zip and IO::Uncompress::Unzip. * Beefed up 050interop-gzip.t to check that the external gzip command works as expected before starting the tests. This means that this test harness will just be skipped on problematic systems. * Merged core patch 27565 from Steve Peters. This works around a problem with gzip on OpenBSD where it doesn't seem to like compressing files < 10 bytes long. 2.000_10 13 March 2006 * Documentation updates. 2.000_09 3 March 2006 * Released to CPAN. 2.000_08 2 March 2006 * Split IO::Compress::Zlib into its own distribution. * Beefed up support for zip/unzip