use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; use strict; our $VERSION = "1.09_00"; my %err = (); my %wsa = (); unlink "" if -f ""; open OUT, ">" or die "Cannot open $!"; select OUT; my $file; foreach $file (get_files()) { process_file($file); } write_errno_pm(); unlink "errno.c" if -f "errno.c"; sub process_file { my($file) = @_; return unless defined $file and -f $file; # warn "Processing $file\n"; local *FH; if (($^O eq 'VMS') && ($Config{vms_cc_type} ne 'gnuc')) { unless(open(FH," LIBRARY/EXTRACT=ERRNO/OUTPUT=SYS\$OUTPUT $file |")) { warn "Cannot open '$file'"; return; } } elsif ($Config{gccversion} ne '' # OpenSTEP has gcc which recognizes but # doesn't implement the -dM flag. && $^O ne 'openstep' && $^O ne 'next' && $^O ne 'darwin' ) { # With the -dM option, gcc outputs every #define it finds unless(open(FH,"$Config{cc} -E -dM $Config{cppflags} $file |")) { warn "Cannot open '$file'"; return; } } else { unless(open(FH,"< $file")) { # This file could be a temporary file created by cppstdin # so only warn under -w, and return warn "Cannot open '$file'" if $^W; return; } } if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { while() { $err{$1} = $2 if /^\s*#\s*define\s+(E\w+)\s+(\d+)/; } } else { while() { $err{$1} = 1 if /^\s*#\s*define\s+(E\w+)\s+/; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $wsa{$1} = 1 if /^\s*#\s*define\s+WSA(E\w+)\s+/; } } } close(FH); } my $cppstdin; sub default_cpp { unless (defined $cppstdin) { use File::Spec; $cppstdin = $Config{cppstdin}; my $upup_cppstdin = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, File::Spec->updir, "cppstdin"); my $cppstdin_is_wrapper = ($cppstdin eq 'cppstdin' and -f $upup_cppstdin and -x $upup_cppstdin); $cppstdin = $upup_cppstdin if $cppstdin_is_wrapper; } return "$cppstdin $Config{cppflags} $Config{cppminus}"; } sub get_files { my %file = (); # VMS keeps its include files in system libraries (well, except for Gcc) if ($^O eq 'VMS') { if ($Config{vms_cc_type} eq 'decc') { $file{'Sys$Library:DECC$RTLDEF.TLB'} = 1; } elsif ($Config{vms_cc_type} eq 'vaxc') { $file{'Sys$Library:vaxcdef.tlb'} = 1; } elsif ($Config{vms_cc_type} eq 'gcc') { $file{'gnu_cc_include:[000000]errno.h'} = 1; } } elsif ($^O eq 'os390') { # OS/390 C compiler doesn't generate #file or #line directives $file{'/usr/include/errno.h'} = 1; } elsif ($^O eq 'vmesa') { # OS/390 C compiler doesn't generate #file or #line directives $file{'../../vmesa/errno.h'} = 1; } elsif ($Config{archname} eq 'epoc') { # Watch out for cross compiling for EPOC (usually done on linux) $file{'/usr/local/epocemx/epocsdk/include/libc/sys/errno.h'} = 1; } elsif ($^O eq 'linux' && $Config{gccversion} ne '' # might be using, say, Intel's icc ) { # Some Linuxes have weird errno.hs which generate # no #file or #line directives my $linux_errno_h = -e '/usr/include/errno.h' ? '/usr/include/errno.h' : '/usr/local/include/errno.h'; $file{$linux_errno_h} = 1; } elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') { # note that we are only getting the GUSI errno's here ... # we might miss out on compiler-specific ones $file{"$ENV{GUSI}include:sys:errno.h"} = 1; } elsif ($^O eq 'beos') { # hidden in a special place $file{'/boot/develop/headers/posix/errno.h'} = 1; } elsif ($^O eq 'vos') { # avoid problem where cpp returns non-POSIX pathnames $file{'/system/include_library/errno.h'} = 1; } else { open(CPPI,"> errno.c") or die "Cannot open errno.c"; if ($^O eq 'NetWare') { print CPPI "#include \n"; } else { print CPPI "#include \n"; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { print CPPI "#define _WINSOCKAPI_\n"; # don't drag in everything print CPPI "#include \n"; } } close(CPPI); # invoke CPP and read the output if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') { open(CPPO,"$Config{cpprun} $Config{cppflags} errno.c |") or die "Cannot run '$Config{cpprun} $Config{cppflags} errno.c'"; } else { my $cpp = default_cpp(); open(CPPO,"$cpp < errno.c |") or die "Cannot exec $cpp"; } my $pat; if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') and $Config{cc} =~ /^bcc/i) { $pat = '^/\*\s+(.+)\s+\d+\s*:\s+\*/'; } else { $pat = '^#\s*(?:line)?\s*\d+\s+"([^"]+)"'; } while() { if ($^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'NetWare') { if (/$pat/o) { my $f = $1; $f =~ s,\\\\,/,g; $file{$f} = 1; } } else { $file{$1} = 1 if /$pat/o; } } close(CPPO); } return keys %file; } sub write_errno_pm { my $err; # quick sanity check die "No error definitions found" unless keys %err; # create the CPP input open(CPPI,"> errno.c") or die "Cannot open errno.c"; if ($^O eq 'NetWare') { print CPPI "#include \n"; } else { print CPPI "#include \n"; } if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { print CPPI "#include \n"; foreach $err (keys %wsa) { print CPPI "#ifndef $err\n"; print CPPI "#define $err WSA$err\n"; print CPPI "#endif\n"; $err{$err} = 1; } } foreach $err (keys %err) { print CPPI '"',$err,'" [[',$err,']]',"\n"; } close(CPPI); unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') { # trust what we have # invoke CPP and read the output if ($^O eq 'VMS') { my $cpp = "$Config{cppstdin} $Config{cppflags} $Config{cppminus}"; $cpp =~ s/sys\$input//i; open(CPPO,"$cpp errno.c |") or die "Cannot exec $Config{cppstdin}"; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') { open(CPPO,"$Config{cpprun} $Config{cppflags} errno.c |") or die "Cannot run '$Config{cpprun} $Config{cppflags} errno.c'"; } else { my $cpp = default_cpp(); open(CPPO,"$cpp < errno.c |") or die "Cannot exec $cpp"; } %err = (); while() { my($name,$expr); next unless ($name, $expr) = /"(.*?)"\s*\[\s*\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\s*\]/; next if $name eq $expr; $expr =~ s/\(?\(\w+\)([^\)]*)\)?/$1/; # ((type)0xcafebabe) at alia $expr =~ s/((?:0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+)[LU]+\b/$1/g; # 2147483647L et alia next if $expr =~ m/^[a-zA-Z]+$/; # skip some Win32 functions if($expr =~ m/^0[xX]/) { $err{$name} = hex $expr; } else { $err{$name} = eval $expr; } delete $err{$name} unless defined $err{$name}; } close(CPPO); } # Many of the E constants (including ENOENT, which is being # used in the Perl test suite a lot), are available only as # enums in BeOS, so compiling and executing some code is about # only way to find out what the numeric Evalues are. if ($^O eq 'beos') { if (open(C, ">errno.c")) { my @zero = grep { !$err{$_} } keys %err; print C < #include int main() { EOF for (@zero) { print C qq[printf("$_ %d\n", $_);] } print C "}\n"; close C; system("cc -o errno errno.c"); unlink("errno.c"); if (open(C, "./errno|")) { while () { if (/^(\w+) (-?\d+)$/) { $err{$1} = $2 } } close(C); } else { die "failed to execute ./errno: $!\n"; } unlink("errno"); } else { die "failed to create errno.c: $!\n"; } } # Write print <<"EDQ"; # # This file is auto-generated. ***ANY*** changes here will be lost # package Errno; our (\@EXPORT_OK,\%EXPORT_TAGS,\@ISA,\$VERSION,\%errno,\$AUTOLOAD); use Exporter (); use Config; use strict; "\$Config{'archname'}-\$Config{'osvers'}" eq "$Config{'archname'}-$Config{'osvers'}" or die "Errno architecture ($Config{'archname'}-$Config{'osvers'}) does not match executable architecture (\$Config{'archname'}-\$Config{'osvers'})"; \$VERSION = "$VERSION"; \$VERSION = eval \$VERSION; \@ISA = qw(Exporter); EDQ my $len = 0; my @err = sort { $err{$a} <=> $err{$b} } keys %err; map { $len = length if length > $len } @err; my $j = "\@EXPORT_OK = qw(" . join(" ",keys %err) . ");\n"; $j =~ s/(.{50,70})\s/$1\n\t/g; print $j,"\n"; print <<'ESQ'; %EXPORT_TAGS = ( POSIX => [qw( ESQ my $k = join(" ", grep { exists $err{$_} } qw(E2BIG EACCES EADDRINUSE EADDRNOTAVAIL EAFNOSUPPORT EAGAIN EALREADY EBADF EBUSY ECHILD ECONNABORTED ECONNREFUSED ECONNRESET EDEADLK EDESTADDRREQ EDOM EDQUOT EEXIST EFAULT EFBIG EHOSTDOWN EHOSTUNREACH EINPROGRESS EINTR EINVAL EIO EISCONN EISDIR ELOOP EMFILE EMLINK EMSGSIZE ENAMETOOLONG ENETDOWN ENETRESET ENETUNREACH ENFILE ENOBUFS ENODEV ENOENT ENOEXEC ENOLCK ENOMEM ENOPROTOOPT ENOSPC ENOSYS ENOTBLK ENOTCONN ENOTDIR ENOTEMPTY ENOTSOCK ENOTTY ENXIO EOPNOTSUPP EPERM EPFNOSUPPORT EPIPE EPROCLIM EPROTONOSUPPORT EPROTOTYPE ERANGE EREMOTE ERESTART EROFS ESHUTDOWN ESOCKTNOSUPPORT ESPIPE ESRCH ESTALE ETIMEDOUT ETOOMANYREFS ETXTBSY EUSERS EWOULDBLOCK EXDEV)); $k =~ s/(.{50,70})\s/$1\n\t/g; print "\t",$k,"\n )]\n);\n\n"; foreach $err (@err) { printf "sub %s () { %d }\n",,$err,$err{$err}; } print <<'ESQ'; sub TIEHASH { bless [] } sub FETCH { my ($self, $errname) = @_; my $proto = prototype("Errno::$errname"); my $errno = ""; if (defined($proto) && $proto eq "") { no strict 'refs'; $errno = &$errname; $errno = 0 unless $! == $errno; } return $errno; } sub STORE { require Carp; Carp::confess("ERRNO hash is read only!"); } *CLEAR = \&STORE; *DELETE = \&STORE; sub NEXTKEY { my($k,$v); while(($k,$v) = each %Errno::) { my $proto = prototype("Errno::$k"); last if (defined($proto) && $proto eq ""); } $k } sub FIRSTKEY { my $s = scalar keys %Errno::; # initialize iterator goto &NEXTKEY; } sub EXISTS { my ($self, $errname) = @_; my $r = ref $errname; my $proto = !$r || $r eq 'CODE' ? prototype($errname) : undef; defined($proto) && $proto eq ""; } tie %!, __PACKAGE__; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Errno - System errno constants =head1 SYNOPSIS use Errno qw(EINTR EIO :POSIX); =head1 DESCRIPTION C defines and conditionally exports all the error constants defined in your system C include file. It has a single export tag, C<:POSIX>, which will export all POSIX defined error numbers. C also makes C<%!> magic such that each element of C<%!> has a non-zero value only if C<$!> is set to that value. For example: use Errno; unless (open(FH, "/fangorn/spouse")) { if ($!{ENOENT}) { warn "Get a wife!\n"; } else { warn "This path is barred: $!"; } } If a specified constant C does not exist on the system, C<$!{EFOO}> returns C<"">. You may use C to check whether the constant is available on the system. =head1 CAVEATS Importing a particular constant may not be very portable, because the import will fail on platforms that do not have that constant. A more portable way to set C<$!> to a valid value is to use: if (exists &Errno::EFOO) { $! = &Errno::EFOO; } =head1 AUTHOR Graham Barr =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1997-8 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut ESQ }