#!../../perl -w BEGIN { @INC = '../../lib' }; use strict; sub encode_U { # UTF-8 encocde long hand - only covers part of perl's range my $uv = shift; if ($uv < 0x80) { return chr($uv) } if ($uv < 0x800) { return chr(($uv >> 6) | 0xC0). chr(($uv & 0x3F) | 0x80); } return chr(($uv >> 12) | 0xE0). chr((($uv >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80). chr(($uv & 0x3F) | 0x80); } sub encode_S { # encode single byte my ($ch,$page) = @_; return chr($ch); } sub encode_D { # encode double byte MS byte first my ($ch,$page) = @_; return chr($page).chr($ch); } sub encode_M { # encode Multi-byte - single for 0..255 otherwise double my ($ch,$page) = @_; return &encode_D if $page; return &encode_S; } # Win32 does not expand globs on command line eval "\@ARGV = map(glob(\$_),\@ARGV)" if ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); my $cname = shift(@ARGV); chmod(0666,$cname) if -f $cname && !-w $cname; open(C,">$cname") || die "Cannot open $cname:$!"; my $dname = $cname; $dname =~ s/(\.[^\.]*)?$/.def/; chmod(0666,$dname) if -f $cname && !-w $dname; open(D,">$dname") || die "Cannot open $dname:$!"; my $hname = $cname; $hname =~ s/(\.[^\.]*)?$/.h/; chmod(0666,$hname) if -f $cname && !-w $hname; open(H,">$hname") || die "Cannot open $hname:$!"; foreach my $fh (\*C,\*D,\*H) { print $fh <<"END"; /* !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! This file was autogenerated by: $^X $0 $cname @ARGV */ END } if ($cname =~ /(\w+)\.xs$/) { print C "#include \n"; print C "#include \n"; print C "#include \n"; print C "#define U8 U8\n"; } print C "#include \"encode.h\"\n"; my %encoding; my %strings; sub cmp_name { if ($a =~ /^.*-(\d+)/) { my $an = $1; if ($b =~ /^.*-(\d+)/) { my $r = $an <=> $1; return $r if $r; } } return $a cmp $b; } foreach my $enc (sort cmp_name @ARGV) { my ($name) = $enc =~ /^.*?([\w-]+)(\.enc)$/; if (open(E,$enc)) { compile_enc(\*E,lc($name),\*C); } else { warn "Cannot open $enc for $name:$!"; } } foreach my $enc (sort cmp_name keys %encoding) { my $sym = "${enc}_encoding"; $sym =~ s/\W+/_/g; print C "encode_t $sym = \n"; print C " {",join(',',"\"$enc\"",@{$encoding{$enc}}),"};\n\n"; } foreach my $enc (sort cmp_name keys %encoding) { my $sym = "${enc}_encoding"; $sym =~ s/\W+/_/g; print H "extern encode_t $sym;\n"; print D " Encode_Define(aTHX_ &$sym);\n"; } if ($cname =~ /(\w+)\.xs$/) { my $mod = $1; print C "\nMODULE = Encode::$mod\tPACKAGE = Encode::$mod\n\n"; print C "BOOT:\n{\n"; print C "#include \"$dname\"\n"; print C "}\n"; } close(C); close(D); close(H); sub compile_enc { my ($fh,$name,$ch) = @_; my $e2u = {}; my $u2e = {}; my $type; while ($type = <$fh>) { last if $type !~ /^\s*#/; } chomp($type); return if $type eq 'E'; my ($def,$sym,$pages) = split(/\s+/,scalar(<$fh>)); warn "$type encoded $name\n"; my $rep = ''; { my $v = hex($def); no strict 'refs'; $rep = &{"encode_$type"}($v & 0xFF, ($v >> 8) & 0xffe); } while ($pages--) { my $line = <$fh>; chomp($line); my $page = hex($line); my $ch = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { my $line = <$fh>; for (my $j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) { no strict 'refs'; my $ech = &{"encode_$type"}($ch,$page); my $val = hex(substr($line,0,4,'')); if ($val || (!$ch && !$page)) { my $uch = encode_U($val); enter($e2u,$ech,$uch,$e2u); enter($u2e,$uch,$ech,$u2e); } else { # No character at this position # enter($e2u,$ech,undef,$e2u); } $ch++; } } } output($ch,$name.'_utf8',$e2u); output($ch,'utf8_'.$name,$u2e); $encoding{$name} = [$e2u->{Cname},$u2e->{Cname}, outstring($ch,$e2u->{Cname}.'_def',$rep),length($rep)]; } sub enter { my ($a,$s,$d,$t) = @_; $t = $a if @_ < 4; my $b = substr($s,0,1); my $e = $a->{$b}; unless ($e) { # 0 1 2 3 4 5 $e = [$b,$b,'',{},length($s),0]; $a->{$b} = $e; } if (length($s) > 1) { enter($e->[3],substr($s,1),$d,$t); } else { $e->[2] = $d; $e->[3] = $t; $e->[5] = length($d); } } sub outstring { my ($fh,$name,$s) = @_; my $sym = $strings{$s}; unless ($sym) { foreach my $o (keys %strings) { my $i = index($o,$s); if ($i >= 0) { $sym = $strings{$o}; $sym .= sprintf("+0x%02x",$i) if ($i); return $sym; } } $strings{$s} = $sym = $name; printf $fh "\nstatic const U8 %s[%d] =\n",$name,length($s); # Do in chunks of 16 chars to constrain line length # Assumes ANSI C adjacent string litteral concatenation while (length($s)) { my $c = substr($s,0,16,''); print $fh '"',join('',map(sprintf('\x%02x',ord($_)),split(//,$c))),'"'; print $fh "\n" if length($s); } printf $fh ";\n"; } return $sym; } sub process { my ($name,$a) = @_; $name =~ s/\W+/_/g; $a->{Cname} = $name; my @keys = grep(ref($a->{$_}),sort keys %$a); my $l; my @ent; foreach my $b (@keys) { my ($s,$f,$out,$t,$end) = @{$a->{$b}}; if (defined($l) && ord($b) == ord($a->{$l}[1])+1 && $a->{$l}[3] == $a->{$b}[3] && $a->{$l}[4] == $a->{$b}[4] && $a->{$l}[5] == $a->{$b}[5] # && length($a->{$l}[2]) < 16 ) { my $i = ord($b)-ord($a->{$l}[0]); $a->{$l}[1] = $b; $a->{$l}[2] .= $a->{$b}[2]; } else { $l = $b; push(@ent,$b); } if (exists $t->{Cname}) { $t->{'Forward'} = 1 if $t != $a; } else { process(sprintf("%s_%02x",$name,ord($s)),$t); } } if (ord($keys[-1]) < 255) { my $t = chr(ord($keys[-1])+1); $a->{$t} = [$t,chr(255),undef,$a,0,0]; push(@ent,$t); } $a->{'Entries'} = \@ent; } sub outtable { my ($fh,$a) = @_; my $name = $a->{'Cname'}; # String tables foreach my $b (@{$a->{'Entries'}}) { next unless $a->{$b}[5]; my $s = ord($a->{$b}[0]); my $e = ord($a->{$b}[1]); outstring($fh,sprintf("%s__%02x_%02x",$name,$s,$e),$a->{$b}[2]); } if ($a->{'Forward'}) { print $fh "\nstatic encpage_t $name\[",scalar(@{$a->{'Entries'}}),"];\n"; } $a->{'Done'} = 1; foreach my $b (@{$a->{'Entries'}}) { my ($s,$e,$out,$t,$end,$l) = @{$a->{$b}}; outtable($fh,$t) unless $t->{'Done'}; } print $fh "\nstatic encpage_t $name\[",scalar(@{$a->{'Entries'}}),"] = {\n"; foreach my $b (@{$a->{'Entries'}}) { my ($s,$e,$out,$t,$end,$l) = @{$a->{$b}}; my $sc = ord($s); my $ec = ord($e); print $fh "{"; if ($l) { printf $fh outstring($fh,'',$out); } else { print $fh "0"; } print $fh ",",$t->{Cname}; printf $fh ",0x%02x,0x%02x,$l,$end},\n",$sc,$ec; } print $fh "};\n"; } sub output { my ($fh,$name,$a) = @_; process($name,$a); # Sub-tables outtable($fh,$a); }