use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my %tables = (iso8859 => ['ascii.enc', 'cp1250.enc'], EBCDIC => ['cp1047.enc','cp37.enc','posix-bc.enc'], Symbols => ['symbol.enc','dingbats.enc'], ); opendir(ENC,'Encode'); while (defined(my $file = readdir(ENC))) { if ($file =~ /iso8859.*\.enc/) { push(@{$tables{iso8859}},$file); } } closedir(ENC); WriteMakefile( NAME => "Encode", VERSION_FROM => '', OBJECT => '$(O_FILES)', 'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', DIST_DEFAULT => 'all tardist', }, MAN3PODS => {}, ); package MY; sub post_initialize { my ($self) = @_; my %o; # Find existing O_FILES foreach my $f (@{$self->{'O_FILES'}}) { $o{$f} = 1; } my $x = $self->{'OBJ_EXT'}; # Add the table O_FILES foreach my $e (keys %tables) { $o{$e.$x} = 1; } # Reset the variable $self->{'O_FILES'} = [sort keys %o]; my @files; foreach my $table (keys %tables) { foreach my $ext (qw($(OBJ_EXT) .c .h .def .fnm)) { push (@files,$table.$ext); } } $self->{'clean'}{'FILES'} .= join(' ',@files); return ''; } sub postamble { my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->catdir($self->curdir,'Encode'); my $str = "# Encode\$(OBJ_EXT) depends on .h and .def files not .c files - but all written by compile\n"; $str .= 'Encode$(OBJ_EXT) :'; foreach my $table (keys %tables) { $str .= " $table.c"; } $str .= "\n\n"; foreach my $table (keys %tables) { my $numlines = 1; my $lengthsofar = length($str); my $continuator = ''; $str .= "$table.c : compile Makefile.PL"; foreach my $file (@{$tables{$table}}) { $str .= $continuator.' '.$self->catfile($dir,$file); if ( length($str)-$lengthsofar > 128*$numlines ) { $continuator .= " \\\n\t"; $numlines++; } else { $continuator = ''; } } $str .= "\n\t\$(PERL) compile -o \$\@ -F $table.fnm\n\n"; open (FILELIST, ">$table.fnm") || die "Could not open $table.fnm: $!"; foreach my $file (@{$tables{$table}}) { print FILELIST $self->catfile($dir,$file) . "\n"; } close(FILELIST); } return $str; }