#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################################################ # # regenerate -- regenerate baseline and todo files # ################################################################################ # # $Revision: 8 $ # $Author: mhx $ # $Date: 2009/01/18 14:10:50 +0100 $ # ################################################################################ # # Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Marcus Holland-Moritz. # Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess. # Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # ################################################################################ use strict; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; require 'devel/devtools.pl'; our %opt = ( check => 1, verbose => 0, ); GetOptions(\%opt, qw( check! verbose )) or die pod2usage(); identify(); unless (-e 'parts/embed.fnc' and -e 'parts/apidoc.fnc') { print "\nOooops, $0 must be run from the Devel::PPPort root directory.\n"; quit_now(); } ask_or_quit("Are you sure you have updated parts/embed.fnc and parts/apidoc.fnc?"); my %files = map { ($_ => [glob "parts/$_/5*"]) } qw( base todo ); my(@notwr, @wr); for my $f (map @$_, values %files) { push @{-w $f ? \@wr : \@notwr}, $f; } if (@notwr) { if (@wr) { print "\nThe following files are not writable:\n\n"; print " $_\n" for @notwr; print "\nAre you sure you have checked out these files?\n"; } else { print "\nAll baseline / todo file are not writable.\n"; ask_or_quit("Do you want to try to check out these files?"); unless (runtool("wco", "-l", "-t", "locked by $0", @notwr)) { print "\nSomething went wrong while checking out the files.\n"; quit_now(); } } } for my $dir (qw( base todo )) { my $cur = "parts/$dir"; my $old = "$cur-old"; if (-e $old) { ask_or_quit("Do you want me to remove the old $old directory?"); rmtree($old); } mkdir $old; print "\nBacking up $cur in $old.\n"; for my $src (@{$files{$dir}}) { my $dst = $src; $dst =~ s/\E$cur/$old/ or die "Ooops!"; move($src, $dst) or die "Moving $src to $dst failed: $!\n"; } } my $T0 = time; my @args = ddverbose(); push @args, '--nocheck' unless $opt{check}; print "\nBuilding baseline files...\n\n"; unless (runperl('devel/mktodo', '--base', @args)) { print "\nSomething went wrong while building the baseline files.\n"; quit_now(); } print "\nMoving baseline files...\n\n"; for my $src (glob 'parts/todo/5*') { my $dst = $src; $dst =~ s/todo/base/ or die "Ooops!"; move($src, $dst) or die "Moving $src to $dst failed: $!\n"; } print "\nBuilding todo files...\n\n"; unless (runperl('devel/mktodo', @args)) { print "\nSomething went wrong while building the baseline files.\n"; quit_now(); } print "\nAdding remaining baseline info...\n\n"; unless (runperl('Makefile.PL') and runtool('make') and runperl('devel/scanprov', 'write')) { print "\nSomething went wrong while adding the baseline info.\n"; quit_now(); } my($wall, $usr, $sys, $cusr, $csys) = (time - $T0, times); my $cpu = sprintf "%.2f", $usr + $sys + $cusr + $csys; $usr = sprintf "%.2f", $usr + $cusr; $sys = sprintf "%.2f", $sys + $csys; print < and L. =cut