Compress::Zlib Version 2.000_13 20 June 2006 Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. WARNING THIS IS BETA CODE. DO NOT use in production code. Please report any problems. DESCRIPTION ----------- This module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library. PREREQUISITES ------------- Before you can build Compress::Zlib you need to have the following installed on your system: * Perl 5.004 or better. * Compress::Raw::Zlib * IO::Compress::Gzip BUILDING THE MODULE ------------------- Assuming you have met all the prerequisites, the module can now be built using this sequence of commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test INSTALLATION ------------ To install Compress::Zlib, run the command below: make install TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- Undefined Symbol gzsetparams ---------------------------- If you get the error shown below when you run the Compress::Zlib test harness it probably means you are running a copy of zlib that is version 1.0.5 or older. t/01version.........Can't load 'blib/arch/auto/Compress/Zlib/' for module Compress::Raw::Zlib: blib/arch/auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/ undefined symbol: gzsetparams at ... There are two ways to fix this problem: 1. Upgrade to the latest version of zlib. 2. Edit and set the OLD_ZLIB variable to True. Test Harness 01version fails ---------------------------- If the 01version test harness fails, and the problem isn't covered by the scenario above, it probably means that you have two versions of zlib installed on your system. Run the command below to see if this is indeed the case make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 TEST_FILES=t/01version.t Try removing the one you don't want to use and rebuild. FEEDBACK -------- How to report a problem with Compress::Zlib. To help me help you, I need all of the following information: 1. The Versions of everything relevant. This includes: a. The *complete* output from running this perl -V Do not edit the output in any way. Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v". If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better. b. The version of Compress::Zlib you have. If you have successfully installed Compress::Zlib, this one-liner will tell you: perl -MCompress::Zlib -e 'print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]' If you areplete* output from running this perl -V Do not edit the output in any way. Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v". If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better. b. The version of Compress::Zlib you have. If you have successfully installed Compress::Zlib, this one-liner will tell you: perl -MCompress::Zlib -e 'print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]' If you are running windows use this perl -MCompress::Zlib -e "print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]" If you haven't installed Compress::Zlib then search for a line like this: $VERSION = "1.05" ; 2. If you are having problems building Compress::Zlib, send me a complete log of what happened. Start by unpacking the Compress::Zlib module into a fresh directory and keep a log of all the steps [edit, if necessary] perl Makefile.PL make make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 Paul Marquess