IO::Compress::Base Version 2.000_14 26th October 2006 Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. WARNING THIS IS BETA CODE. DO NOT use in production code. Please report any problems. DESCRIPTION ----------- This module is the base class for all IO::Compress and IO::Uncompress modules. PREREQUISITES ------------- Before you can build IO::Compress::Base you need to have the following installed on your system: * Perl 5.004 or better. BUILDING THE MODULE ------------------- Assuming you have met all the prerequisites, the module can now be built using this sequence of commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test INSTALLATION ------------ To install IO::Compress::Base, run the command below: make install TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- FEEDBACK -------- How to report a problem with IO::Compress::Base. To help me help you, I need all of the following information: 1. The Versions of everything relevant. This includes: a. The *complete* output from running this perl -V Do not edit the output in any way. Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v". If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better. b. The version of IO::Compress::Base you have. If you have successfully installed IO::Compress::Base, this one-liner will tell you: perl -MIO::Compress::Base -e 'print qq[ver $IO::Compress::Base::VERSION\n]' If you areplete* output from running this perl -V Do not edit the output in any way. Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v". If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better. b. The version of IO::Compress::Base you have. If you have successfully installed IO::Compress::Base, this one-liner will tell you: perl -MIO::Compress::Base -e 'print qq[ver $IO::Compress::Base::VERSION\n]' If you are running windows use this perl -MIO::Compress::Base -e "print qq[ver $IO::Compress::Base::VERSION\n]" If you haven't installed IO::Compress::Base then search for a line like this: $VERSION = "1.05" ; 2. If you are having problems building IO::Compress::Base, send me a complete log of what happened. Start by unpacking the IO::Compress::Base module into a fresh directory and keep a log of all the steps [edit, if necessary] perl Makefile.PL make make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 Paul Marquess