#!/usr/bin/env perl package AuthApp; use lib 'lib'; use Web::Simple; use Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest; with 'Web::Simple::Application::Role::Authentication'; use AuthApp::Schema; has 'schema' => (is => 'lazy'); has 'deployed' => (is => 'rw'); sub dispatch_request { my ($self) = @_; my $user; $self->check_authenticated($user); sub (GET + /) { my ($self) = @_; return [ 200, [ 'Content-type', 'text/html' ], [ $self->main_page($user) ]]; }, sub (POST + /login + %username=&password=) { my ($self, $usern, $passw) = @_; my $user = $self->get_check_user($usern, $passw); if($user) { return ($self->set_authenticated($user), [ 303, [ 'Content-type', 'text/html', 'Location', '/' ], [ 'Login succeeded, back to ' ]]); } else { return [ 200, [ 'Content-type', 'text/html' ], [ 'Login failed' ]]; } }, sub (POST + /register + %username=&password=) { my ($self, $username, $password) = @_; ## FIXME: Check length of inputs! my $newuser = $self->create_user($username, $password); if($newuser) { return [ 303, [ 'Content-type', 'text/html', 'Location', '/' ], [ 'Registration succeeded, back to ' ]]; } else { return [ 200, [ 'Content-type', 'text/html' ], [ 'Registration failed' ]]; } }, sub (GET + /logout) { my ($self) = @_; if($user) { $user = undef; } return ($self->logout, [ 303, [ 'Content-type', 'text/html', 'Location', '/' ], [ 'Logout succeeded, back to ' ]]); }, } ## Implement these two (examples based on DBIx::Class): ## _ident_from_user, return a unique way of identifying a user, this ## will be stored in the session sub _ident_from_user { my ($self, $user) = @_; return $user->ident_condition; } ## _user_from_ident, return a user object, given the unique user identifier sub _user_from_ident { my ($self, $ident) = @_; return $self->users_rs->find($ident); } sub _build_schema { my ($self) = @_; my $schema = AuthApp::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:auth.db"); if(!$self->deployed) { $schema->deploy; $self->deployed(1); } return $schema; } sub get_check_user { my ($self, $username, $password) = @_; my $user = $self->schema->resultset('User')->find({ username => $username }); if($user && $user->password->match($password)) { return $user; } return; } sub create_user { my ($self, $username, $password) = @_; my $user = $self->schema->resultset('User')->find({ username => $username }); if($user) { warn "Cowardly refusing to re-create an existing user $username"; return; } $user = $self->schema->resultset('User')->create({ username => $username, password => Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest->new(algorithm => "SHA-1", salt_random => 20, passphrase=>$password), }); return $user; } sub main_page { my ($self, $user) = @_; my $is_user = $user ? $user->username . ' is logged in. Logout' : <
FORM return << "HTML"; Auth App $is_user HTML } AuthApp->run_if_script;