package # hide the package from PAUSE InsideOutClass::Instance; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.01'; use Carp 'confess'; use Scalar::Util 'refaddr'; use base 'Class::MOP::Instance'; sub create_instance { my ($self, $class) = @_; $self->bless_instance_structure(\(my $instance)); } sub get_slot_value { my ($self, $instance, $slot_name) = @_; $self->{meta}->get_package_variable('%' . $slot_name)->{refaddr $instance}; } sub set_slot_value { my ($self, $instance, $slot_name, $value) = @_; $self->{meta}->get_package_variable('%' . $slot_name)->{refaddr $instance} = $value; } sub initialize_slot { my ($self, $instance, $slot_name) = @_; $self->{meta}->add_package_variable(('%' . $slot_name) => {}) unless $self->{meta}->has_package_variable('%' . $slot_name); $self->{meta}->get_package_variable('%' . $slot_name)->{refaddr $instance} = undef; } sub is_slot_initialized { my ($self, $instance, $slot_name) = @_; return 0 unless $self->{meta}->has_package_variable('%' . $slot_name); return exists $self->{meta}->get_package_variable('%' . $slot_name)->{refaddr $instance} ? 1 : 0; } sub inline_slot_access { my ($self, $instance, $slot_name) = @_; $slot_name =~ s/\'//g; ('$' . $self->{meta}->name . '::' . $slot_name . '{Scalar::Util::refaddr(' . $instance . ')}'); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME InsideOutClass - A set of example metaclasses which implement the Inside-Out technique =head1 SYNOPSIS package Foo; use metaclass ( ':instance_metaclass' => 'InsideOutClass::Instance' ); __PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('foo' => ( reader => 'get_foo', writer => 'set_foo' )); sub new { my $class = shift; $class->meta->new_object(@_); } # now you can just use the class as normal =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a set of example metaclasses which implement the Inside-Out class technique. What follows is a brief explaination of the code found in this module. We must create a subclass of B and override the slot operations. This requires overloading C, C, C, and C, as well as their inline counterparts. Additionally we overload C in order to initialize the global hash containing the actual slot values. And that is pretty much all. Of course I am ignoring need for inside-out objects to be C-ed, and some other details as well (threading, etc), but this is an example. A real implementation is left as an exercise to the reader. =head1 AUTHOR Stevan Little Estevan@iinteractive.comE Yuval Kogman Enothingmuch@woobling.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut